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3096 days of

The Kidnapping
Case of 3096 days is the story of the kidnapping of
Natascha Kampusch, Natascha was a 10-year-old
girl who was on her way to school when suddenly a
truck stopped next to her and a man came out of
there and forced her into a car. the truck. Wolfgang
Přiklopil kept her locked up for 8 years in his
Life in captivity
During her captivity, Natascha was subjected to physical
and emotional abuse by Přiklopil, who forced her to do
housework and keep the basement clean and tidy. Despite
the terrible conditions she lived in, Natascha found ways
to survive and stay mentally strong. He created a routine
to study in the basement and established a complex
relationship with his captor, coming to feel compassion
for him.
The escape
In August 2006, after eight years in captivity, Natascha
managed to escape from her captor when he got
distracted by talking on the phone. She ran out the back
door of the patio and called for help to a passerby who
was passing near her. After her release, Natascha wrote
a book about her experience and founded a charity to
help other victims of kidnapping and abuse.

The trial
In October 2006, Wolfgang Přiklopil committed suicide by jumping in
front of a train shortly after Natascha had escaped from captivity.
Therefore, he was never tried for his crimes. However, several trials
related to the case were held. The case of Natascha Kampusch has
been the subject of numerous documentaries and films, and has
inspired discussions about the nature of kidnapping and human

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