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Lithium-ion battery (Li-ion Battery)

Li-ion battery is also secondary battery

In this battery LiCoO2 acts as cathode, graphite acts as anode and lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) acts as
The electrolytes are selected in such a way that they should effectively transport of Li-ion to the cathode during
 Lithium-ion batteries are all about the movement/transfer of lithium (Li) ions between the anode (-ve electrode)
and cathode (+ ve electrode) through lithium electrolyte.
The Li ions move in one way when the battery discharges (when it supplies power) and in the opposite way when
the battery charges (when it absorbs power)
During discharge process (when it supplies power), Li ions come out from the anode ( graphite (-ve electrode)) and
moves across the electrolyte to reach the cathode and finally added into the crystal structure of the cathode material
During charging process (when it absorbs power), Li ions (yellow circles) present in the cathode (+ electrode(red)) is
ionized and moves to the anode (-ve electrode(blue)) through the electrolyte (gray) and again added into it.
At the same time, the electrons also flow from the cathode (+ electrode (red)) to the anode (-ve electrode (blue)) in
external circuit and at the anode (-ve electrode (blue)) the electrons and Li + ions will combine and deposit lithium

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When no more ions will flow, the battery is fully
charged and ready to use.
During discharging, the ions flow back through
the electrolyte from the anode(negative electrode)
to the cathode (positive electrode).
 Electrons flow from the anode(negative
electrode) to the cathode (positive electrode)
through the outer circuit, powering your laptop.
When the ions and electrons combine at the
positive electrode, lithium is deposited there.
When all the ions have moved back, the battery is
fully discharged and needs charging up again.

The chemical reaction that takes place inside the battery is as
During charging operation

LiCoO2 + C6 (graphite) → Li1-X CoO2 + LiX C6 (LiX graphite)

During discharging operation

Li1-X CoO2 + LiX C6 (LiX graphite) → LiCoO2 + C6 (graphite)

Thus charging and discharging cycle simply sweep Li + ions
back and forth between two electrodes with electrons flowing
through external circuit to keep the charge balance.

• A typical Li-ion battery can store 150 watt-hours of electricity in 1 kilogram of

battery as compared to lead acid batteries can sore only 25 watt-hours of
electricity in one kilogram
• All rechargeable batteries suffer from self-discharge when stored or not in use.
• Normally, there will be a three to five percent of self-discharge in lithium ion
batteries for 30 days of storage. 3

Li-ion battery is widely used in mobile phone, laptop, digital camera, emergency light, medical

equipment, etc.

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