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Alternative Approach to

Address Security Concerns

One alternative option proposed was to disconnect all production computers from the
Internet and rebuild the software systems on all of them from development files. The
second alternative was to make use of an alternative site which would go from cold
to hot.

Group 5 - Section H
Potential Advantages
Enhanced Security

By rebuilding systems from development files, any existing compromises could be eradicated,
strengthening the overall security posture.

Reduced Risk

Disconnecting from the Internet eliminates the possibility of further attacks during the rebuild

Increased Confidence

A comprehensive rebuild provides assurance that all systems are clean and reliable.
Potential Disadvantages
1 Downtime

Operations staff estimated that the company would need to completely shut down its business for
24 to 36 hours to complete the rebuild, resulting in a significant loss of productivity and revenue.

2 Unforeseen Complications

While the rebuild processes were well-documented, there were concerns about potential hiccups
that could arise during the process, leading to delays in getting everything back online.

3 Customer Dissatisfaction

The prolonged downtime and potential disruptions could significantly impact customer
satisfaction, potentially causing them to seek alternative providers.
Building a New Site in a New Facility
Another approach proposed was to build a completely new site in a new facility using the development files. This would
allow for a smooth transition without the need to shut down the company's operations.
Potential Advantages

1 Continuity of 2 A Clean Start 3 Minimal Impact

The new site would be free Not having to shut down the
By building a new site in a from any potential business ensures that
separate facility, the vulnerabilities or customers will experience
company can continue its compromises that may exist minimal disruption in
operations uninterrupted, in the current system, service, enhancing their
minimizing any potential providing a fresh and secure satisfaction and loyalty.
losses. environment.
Potential Disadvantages

Obtaining space in a hosting facility and acquiring new equipment for the new site can be a costly
endeavor, impacting the company's financial resources.

Prolonged Exposure

Keeping the old system live while building the new site could increase the risk of further
compromise if the production equipment and files have been compromised.

Potential Threats

The time taken to create the new site opens up the possibility of further malicious activities by
intruders, potentially exacerbating the situation.
Both the alternative approaches had their own advantages and disadvantages. The final decision would depend on a
thorough assessment of the risks, costs, and potential impact on operations and customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the
chosen approach should ensure a secure and resilient system while minimizing disruption to the business.

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