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Critical Reading Paraphrase Question

Critical Reading Paraphrase Question
1. Instructions: Choose the best paraphrase for the following sentence from the reading:
Original: Avoiding processed foods can be hard, especially for people with limited time and money. Companies
continually re-engineer products to make them seem healthier.

 Avoiding processed foods can be difficult, especially for people with only a little time and money. Corporations
continually re-design products to make them seem more healthy.

 Avoiding processed food products can make a person healthier, and is a good idea. Companies should also try to make
their products healthier for people, especially people who are too busy or poor to cook.

 Poor individuals should not eat processed foods because they are unhealthy and dangerous to eat. Companies try to
hide this information, however.

 It can be difficult nowadays to avoid heavily processed food products especially for poor and busy individuals. Many
businesses will design their food products to appear as if they are healthy to such people.
Instructions: Choose the best paraphrase for the following sentence from
the reading:

• What is a paraphrase?

Paraphrase (noun)
a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving
the meaning in another form
Instructions: Choose the best paraphrase for the following sentence from
the reading:

• How do you decide which is the best?

Look for the answer which
• has the same meaning as the original
• uses different words
The best?
Original: Avoiding processed foods can be hard, especially for people
with limited time and money. Companies continually re-engineer
products to make them seem healthier.

Avoiding processed foods can be difficult, especially for people with

only a little time and money. Corporations continually re-design
products to make them seem more healthy.

No, the meaning is the same

but only a few words are different.
The best?
Original: Avoiding processed foods can be hard, especially for people
with limited time and money. Companies continually re-engineer
products to make them seem healthier.

Avoiding processed food products can make a person healthier, and

is a good idea. Companies should also try to make their products
healthier for people, especially people who are too busy or poor to
No, it uses different words
but the meaning has changed from the orginal.
The best?
Original: Avoiding processed foods can be hard, especially for people
with limited time and money. Companies continually re-engineer
products to make them seem healthier.

Poor individuals should not eat processed foods because they are
unhealthy and dangerous to eat. Companies try to hide this
information, however.

No, it uses different words

but the meaning has changed from the orginal.
The best?
Original: Avoiding processed foods can be hard, especially for people
with limited time and money. Companies continually re-engineer
products to make them seem healthier.

It can be difficult nowadays to avoid heavily processed food products

especially for poor and busy individuals. Many businesses will design
their food products to appear as if they are healthy to such people.

Yes, it uses different words and keeps the orginal meaning.

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