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HTML For Beginners

Module - 4
Getting Started
Headings & Paragraphs in HTML
HTML Headings
• All documents start with a heading. Headings help you define the
hierarchy and the structure of the web page content.
• Developers can use different sizes for your headings. HTML has 6 levels
of headings, which use the elements <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and
HTML Headings
• Structural elements used to define headings
• Range from most important <h1> to least <h6>
• Different browser formatting for visual hierarchy
Heading Exaple
Headings: Importance
• Websites should prioritize headings as they play a crucial role in the
indexing of your website (SEO). Additionally, users tend to skim web
pages by their headings.

• Therefore, <h1> headings should be used for the main headings, followed
by <h2> headings, then the less important <h3>, and so on.
HTML Paragraphs
• Defined with <p> paragraph tags
• Browsers add vertical whitespace before and after
• Multiple paragraphs for blocks of text
Paragraphs Syntax
• <p>This is a paragraph of text on my page.</p>

• Key Points:
<p> opening and closing tags
Entire paragraph content inside tags
Usage Best Practices
• Use headings properly in hierarchy
• Avoid skipping heading levels
• Use paragraphs for text blocks
• Add line breaks for spacing
• Headings defined by tags like <h1> provide structure.
• Paragraphs identified by <p> tags organize blocks of text.

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