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Supervisor name : Dr. Mansour Al-Ohali

: Name Students
Abdul majeed Khalid Alateeq ID : 381101563
Badr khalid AL_DOSSARI ID : 381101384
Blood is an important constituent of human body.
Timely availability of quality blood is a crucial
requirement for sustaining the healthcare services. In
the hospital, in most of the cases, when blood is
required, could not be provided on time causing
unpleasant things. Though donor is available in the
hospital, patient is unaware of it, and so is donor. To
resolve this, a communication between hospital, blood
bank, donor, and receptor is important.
Cloud computing is nothing but internet based
computing which made revolution in today’s world. It
is the biggest innovation which uses advanced
computational power and improves data sharing and
data storing capabilities. Cloud is a large group of
interconnected computers, which is a major change in
how we store information and run application. Cloud
computing is a shared pool of configurable computing
resources, on demand network access and provisioned
by the service provider. The advantage of cloud is
.cost savings. The prime disadvantage is security
Blood Bank and Donor Management System is a Web-based application
which designs to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned
with the administrative and inventory management within a blood bank.
Build website uses
1- PHP as the programming language
2- MySQL to create and management database.
3- html , css , jquery and bootstrap framework to build user interface
4- Visual Studio code (IDE) to write code.
Website consist of three UI
1- Administrator dashboard
 Manage Members and accept registration
 Manage blood Bank and report
 Manage Events
 Manage System Users
 Search Member using Mobile number
 Sent blood Alert
Create database donor
First will be create database donor using database
management system apache server
Create Table admin
use code to create table admin

CREATE TABLE `tbladmin` (

`ID` int(10) NOT NULL,
`AdminName` varchar(120) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
`UserName` varchar(120) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
`MobileNumber` bigint(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Email` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
`Password` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT
Connect with database & config page
// declare DB
define('DB_PASS',’ password ');
// command connect database
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_HOST.";dbname=".DB_NAME,DB_USER,
catch (PDOException $e)
exit("Error: " . $e->getMessage());
Login Dashboard Admin UI
After connect database you can use website and signin
Code to validate login and view dashboard
 <?php
 session_start();
 include('includes/config.php');
 if(isset($_POST['login']))
 {
 $username=$_POST['username'];
 $password=md5($_POST['password']);
 $sql ="SELECT UserName,Password FROM tbladmin WHERE UserName=:username and Password=:password";
 $query= $dbh -> prepare($sql);
 $query-> bindParam(':username', $username, PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $query-> bindParam(':password', $password, PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $query-> execute();
 $results=$query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
 if($query->rowCount() > 0)
 {
 $_SESSION['alogin']=$_POST['username'];
 echo "<script type='text/javascript'> document.location = 'dashboard.php'; </script>";
 } else{

 echo "<script>alert('Invalid Details');</script>";



Dashboard for Admin
use code to create table tblbloodgroup
CREATE TABLE `tblbloodgroup` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`BloodGroup` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8
COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL)
UI Add Blood Group
UI Manage Blood Group
UI donor list Blood
UI update Contact info
Code to update Contact info
UI blood requests
UI profile Admin
UI change password Admin
UI Home Page
UI Register Donor
UI Login Donor
UI Request Blood
UI contact to request Blood
In conclusion, this research has provided valuable
insights into the multifaceted world of blood donation
and its pivotal role in modern healthcare. The critical
role of blood donation, which research reinforces, is
the critical importance of regular blood donation in
the continuity of medical treatment, emergency care,
and surgical operations. Donated blood remains a
lifeline for countless patients around the world.

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