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Iema up Zé doca
Professora: Orquídea
Alunos(a) João Vítor, Ryan, Ellen, Jaiane, Laurycia e Leticia
Tema: Halloween
Tec. Em administração 203

Componente curricular inglês

1. Introdução> Halloween is a very traditional celebration in the United States held on October 31st. There, this date is celebrated with
parties where people go dressed up as monsters, macabre or just unusual characters. Its main practice involves children dressing up and
going door to door asking people for sweets. It originates from practices of the Celts in the British Isles.Here in Brazil, the festival began
to become popular in recent decades and is known as Halloween. Despite its popularity, there is a certain reaction from people who
consider it inappropriate that a party from another culture is being held here. This group considers it more appropriate to value typical
elements of our own culture, such as Brazilian folklore.
Como surgiu o
Quais são os principais símbolos do
Halloween ?
Halloween e a tradição
A lenda do Jack O’

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