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Jesus Blood Cries Forgiveness and Peace Genesis 4:1-12

Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/28/12

Hebrews 9:22
Adam and Eve cloth with fig leaves (no blood). God killed an animal and cloth Adam and Eve with skin cloth. Whatever mans effort for salvation will not suffice, it is 4/28/12 but a filthy rag.

Cain offered the fruit of the ground to God. -It is not because you are a tiller of the ground that you have to offer the fruits from the ground.

I. The offering of Abel was a sweet savor to the Lord.

It is a type of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blood of Abel cries for vengeance; but the blood of Jesus cries, Father forgive them.


- The blood of Jesus cries Peace as the Word of God says in Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by Faith, we have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

- By his blood he has saved me by his Power he has raised me.


Every drop of the blood of Jesus shows the love of God for you, for me and for everyone of us. Father forgive them.


- For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.


II. The offering of Abel was costly sacrifice.

- It is the best that he offers. He offers lamb without blemish. - Christ was the lamb of God offered for our redemption.


- Christ offered himself at the cross in obedience to the will of the Father. And being in fashioned as a man, he humbled himself and become obedient unto death.

III. The offering of Abel was offered with a respect of God.

Obedience is really needed. You may color your Bible, underline it but you do it. Jesus said, If you love me, keep my commandments. Jesus loves us long before you were born into this world.


Psalms 139 is a wonderful truth.

1 Cor. 11,12,13 - It says of supernatural endowment to Christians


But Paul says in 1 cor. 1:1-3 Wrong thoughts, wrong emotions

1 Cor. 3 Saying foolish talk. - One Christian is not better than the other because he is always in the platform

IV. People problem The problem of Cain.

Jealousy, greed, Unforgiveness Most of our problem starts with our relationship to people. Cleaving to his Wife - The problem is on the cleaving.

We are incomplete.

With the possibility say we are incompatible. - But we can overcome our differences with the power of the Lord.

With God working in our lives there is no need foe divorce. God will make your marriage work. If your mate makes a mistake, the forgive.




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