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Cyber Security and Types

of Cyber Attacks
Cyber security is the practice of protecting devices, networks, and data from
digital threats. Understand the importance of cyber security and learn about
different types of cyber attacks.

by Basayya Hiremath
Malware refers to malicious software designed to harm computer systems.
Common types include viruses, trojans, ransomware, and spyware. Learn how to
prevent malware infections.
Phishing is a type of cyber attack where attackers impersonate legitimate entities
to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. Discover methods to
identify and avoid phishing attempts.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Denial of Service attacks overload a target system, making it unavailable to users. Explore how these attacks are
executed and measures to mitigate their impact.
Man-in-the-middle (MitM)
Man-in-the-middle attacks intercept communication between two parties,
allowing attackers to eavesdrop or alter data. Learn how to safeguard against
these sneaky attacks.
Prevention and Protection
Strong Passwords

Creating unique and complex passwords helps secure your online accounts and data.

Regular Software Updates

Keeping your operating system and applications up to date patches vulnerabilities and
strengthens security.

Employee Training

Teaching employees about cyber security best practices can prevent breaches caused by human
Consequences of Cyber Attacks
1 Financial Losses

Cyber attacks can result in significant financial damages, including loss of assets, legal fees,
and recovery costs.

2 Damage to Reputation

Successful cyber attacks can damage an individual's or organization's reputation, leading to

loss of customer trust and business opportunities.

3 Legal and Regulatory Implications

Failure to protect sensitive data can lead to legal consequences and penalties for non-
compliance with data protection laws.
Investing in robust cyber security measures is crucial to safeguarding individuals
and organizations from evolving cyber threats. Enhance your defenses with
proactive strategies and stay one step ahead of attackers.

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