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Keyla Newball Archbold
Strategies for:
• Employees from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)
• Employees that have English as a second language.
• Employees having a disability.
• Employees with low language and literacy skills.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
• Presentations on how to combat
bullying, harassment, and
discrimination to personnel at all
levels before they start their

• Maintain briefings on diversity and

unconscious bias for the
committees in charge of hiring,
placing, and posting.
English as a second language
It goes without saying that slang and
long, difficult words will be difficult to
grasp when speaking in a language other
than your own. Therefore, it's crucial to
consider how to communicate with an
ESL team member, using simple
language and vocabulary. Considering
always how it will feel to try to speak
their language before getting irritated if
they ask to repeat anything or define an
unknown word for them.
Having a disability
Make "reasonable adjustments," which
are defined as "changes to a work
process, practise, procedure, or
environment that enables an employee
with a disability to perform their job in a
way that minimises the impact of their
disability," beginning with the hiring
process by asking candidates if they need
any modifications to help them complete
recruitment tasks.
Low language and literacy skills
All workplace documentation should be
written in plain English. Write them in
plain English and provide or ask
questions in a logical sequence. Centre
literacy instruction on real-world
working scenarios. Teach team leaders,
supervisors, and managers how to
recognize the warning indicators of a
worker's inability the obligations of their

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