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Lesson 1 : How Are

N ow 1
Speak You?


Greeting people

Saying goodbye
First name Middle name Last name / surname / family name

Now ask for your partner name. Then answer

and give your name.

HELLO Example:
My name is
A: Hi, What’s your name ?

Dana Grace Smith B: My first name is Dana. My middle name is Grace. And my
last name is Smith.

Given name : Middle name + First name

Conversation 1/ What’s Steve last name ? => His last name is Hill.

2 /What’s Emma middle name ? => Her middle name is Lori.

Now exchange the blue and green words with the words below and
practice again.

Steve: How are you ?

Hi. How’s it going?

Emma: I’mFine,
fine, thanks.
thank you .How are things?
Steve: Pretty good. My name is Steve Hill. What’s your name?

Emma: I’m Emma. Emma Lori Shaw.

Steve: It’s nice to meet you.
Emma: Nice to meet you, too.
Steve: Bye.
Well, it’s time for class. See you later.

Emma: Have a nice day.

Take it easy.
Greetings Language Booster

Greetings for Greetings for

informal formal
friends and important people
family. (Manager, university
president, teacher).
“hello” “hello”
“hi” “good morning”
“hey” “good afternoon” “How are you?”
“How is it going ?” “How are you doing ?”
“Morning” “good
“How are things ?” evening”
“afternoon” “How is everything?”
Responding Language Booster

Greetings for Greetings for

friends and important people
informal formal (Manager, university
president, teacher).
“Fine, thanks” “I’m fine, thank you”
“I’m alright” “Everything is great”
“Not so well”
“Not too bad”
Goodbyes Language Booster

Greetings for
Informal Goodbyes Formal important people
for friends (Example:
and family. Manager, university
president, teacher).
“bye” “goodbye”
“see you later” “goodnight”
“see you!” “farewell”
“take care” “Have a nice day"
Language Booster
Notice the different ways we great people and say goodbye

Now take turns greeting each other and saying goodbye to your classmate and

EXAMPLE 1 : EXAMPLE 2 : (informal)

A: Good morning, Young. A: Good evening Eric, How are things ?

B: Hi, Maria. How are you ? B: Hi, Lana. I’m alright. How are you ?

A: Fine, thanks.
A: I’m fine, thank you.
B: Good night, Eric.
B: Have a nice day, Maria.
A: Take care, Lana.
A: Goodbye, Young.
Greetings and time

9am 12am

4pm 8am

6pm 2pm
Informal: ‘Morning’ Informal: ‘Afternoon’ Informal: ‘Evening’
Formal: ‘Good morning’ Formal: ‘Good afternoon’ Formal: ‘Good evening’
Remember: informal greetings are

Greetings for people we know well (Example,

friends and family).
Formal greetings are for important
people (Example, manager,

1. Alex is a 7- eleven worker. His manager has arrived. How should Alex greet his
Hello, sir. How are you? / Good morning, sir. How are you doing?
manager? ____________
2.Katie meets her friend for coffee at lunchtime. How do friends greet each other?
Afternoon, How are things? / Hi, How is it going ?

3. It is 9am. You have a meeting with the president of the University, how will
Good morning, sir. How are you today?
you greet him? ___________
Naturally speaking
Mr Brown meets Mrs Miller, one of his students, and her husband on the

Mr Brown: Good morning, Mrs Miller.

Mrs Miller : Good morning, Mr Brown. How are you?
Mr Brown: I'm fine thanks, and you?
Mrs Miller: Not too bad. Mr Brown, this is my husband Michael,
Michael this is Mr Brown my English teacher.
Mr Miller: Pleased to meet you.
Mr Brown: Pleased to meet you too. Are you from Germany, Mr Miller?

Mr Miller: Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And you? Are you from
Mr Brown: No, I'm from Wales, but I live in London now.
Mrs Miller: Well, goodbye Mr Brown, it was nice to see you.
Mr Brown: Yes, have a nice day.

See you later. Goodnight. Bye! Goodbye.

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