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Lesson 4

Coping with Stress in Middle and

Late Adolescence
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, it is expected that the learners
must be able to:
1) discuss understanding of mental health and
psychological well-being to identify ways to cope with
stress during adolescence;
2) identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life; and
3) demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress and
maintain mental health.
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Big Question:
What is Stress and
how does it affect
Two common sources of stress are change and loss.
Stress is common among teenagers.
Recognizing stress and at the same time
learning how to reduce them are important life
skills for teenagers.
Common experiences of students include
migration, parents’ separating, breaking up
with boyfriends or girlfriends, changes in peer
group and death of a grandparent/relatives or
love ones. Reactions to loss are individually
different and can vary for many reasons.
Being a teenager is much harder than being an
adult. Teenagers are constantly under an immense amount
of stress. Their bodies are changing physically and mentally,
and peer pressure is amongst them. Many do not get enough
sleep because of everything going on in their lives.
It is the way your body responds to challenges and gets you ready to face them with attention,
energy and strength. It gets you ready for action. When you feel you can cope with these
challenges, stress gives you the motivation to get things done. But there can be problems when
your stress is greater than your ability to cope. A practical way of defining stress is the feeling one
gets from prolonged, pent-up emotions.
Stress refers to the total
response of an individual to
what may be perceived as
harmful or dangerous stimulus
in his/her external
Type of Stress
1. Eustress- Positive stress. This gives one a feeling of
2. Distress- Negative stress brought about by
unfavorable events
3. Hypostress - Understress or lack of stress. A type of
stress characterized by boredom and restlessness.
4. Hyperstress - Overstress. This happens when one is
pushed beyond what he/she can handle.
What are
the signs
of stress to

Stress is your body's reaction to the demands of the world.

Signs Of Stress
Behavioral Signs
Emotional Changes
Physical Signs
Mental and Thinking state
- are stimuli or threats that cause stress.
- Something that makes you worried.
- A source of stress.

Stressors are events or conditions in your surroundings

that may trigger stress.
Cognitive STRESS
Emotional SIGNALS



 Symptoms of Stress
Emotional Symptoms
• Mood changes • Irritability helplessness
• Lack of concentration • Crying • Restlessness
• Nightmares • Thoughts of suicide • Racing thoughts
• Panic attacks • Depression • Aggressiveness
• Anxiety • Confusion
• Anger • Feelings of
Behavioral Symptoms
Smoking Use of Lateness
Nail biting Putting things off
Tapping dieting Not caring about
Pulling hair Hair chewing Physical
Grinding hair Nervous laughter
Use of alcohol Pacing overeating
Physical Symptoms
 Headaches  Twitches (eyelids, face)  Skin problems

 Stomach aches  Weakness  Constant fatigue

 Dizziness  Nausea  Cold hands or feet

 Back pain  Indigestion  Excessive sweating

 Neck stiffness  Excessive sleeping  Chest pains

 Jaw pains  Overeating  High blood pressure

 Weight loss  Loss of appetite  Rapid or difficult breathing

 Weight gain  Inability to sleep

Cognitive Symptoms
Difficulty in recollection
Trouble in concentrations
Poor sense of judgment
Feeling of anxiety(fear or uneasiness)
Persistent worrying
What are
the causes
of stress?
Being late No transportation Arguments with parents
Too much homework Playing on a sports team Fight with boyfriend/girlfriend
Speaking in public Not being included in a sports Losing / defeated
Babysitting team Careless drivers
Baby crying Losing something Slow drivers
Arguments with friends Parents fighting Loud people
Restrictions at home Getting detention Rude people
Chores / house work Taking tests Disrespectful children
Lack of sleep Using a computer A friend betrays you
Pimples Closed-in spaces
Classes/Academics Commercials

No money Interruptions while busy

is the collection of
physiological changes that
occur when you face a
perceived threat.
1. Fight-stress response- The person choose to
confront and face the situations. They fight back,
struggle with, contest, or compete with the source of
2. Flight-stress response- The person choose to run
away or escape from the situation.
3. Freeze-stress response- The person hold back,
leaving all physiological reactions on hold thereby
creating tensions or tremble. The persons options is to
control their feelings or emotions.
Why is it important to recognize stress?
It is important to recognize
stress before it gets out of
control. Stress can negatively
affect your mental and emotional
health and create interpersonal and
relationship issues.
How to Cope with Stress?
1. Get enough time for sleep.
2. Focus on your strength.
3. Engage in physical activity.
4. Do things that make you happy.
5. Talk to someone.
Support System (family and friends)
Sense of control
Attitude and Outlook (positive thinking)
 Ability to deal with emotions
 Knowledge and preparations
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The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to
choose one thought over another.”
When you notice stress, instead of reacting, take a few
breaths, let go of exaggerations and gain some
perspective, remember these are just moments that
will come and go and what is important is how you
show up. Then redirect your thoughts to the resources
you have available and do the best you can under the

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