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问题形式: What Are the Pros of Fast Food?

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Pro 1. You can save time.

Most meals that are served at a fast food location are delivered in
just minutes. These quick-service restaurants require little
waiting to place an order as well. That means you can get in,
grab a meal for the entire family, and get out in 30 minutes or
less at many locations. Compared to a sit-down restaurant or the
time it takes to prepare something at home, the time savings
could be more than an hour.

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Pro 2. Healthy options are available.

Modern fast food isn’t just about burgers and fries. There are
some healthy fast food meals that can be found in the various
chains throughout the world. At Chick-fil-A, the grilled chicken
wraps can be as low as 340 calories. Some salads that are offered
by Wendy’s are under 400 calories. Even if you want a burger,
Shake Shack offers a single hamburger for 360 calories.

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Pro 3. Good for your travels

Fast food is also quite convenient for your travels. When you are
traveling, you will often not have the opportunity to cook by
yourself and therefore, you might just want to grab some junk
food. By doing so, you will not only be able to avoid cooking,
but you will also don’t have to do the dishes afterward.

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Pro 4. Helpful for stressful days

In case you work in a demanding job for long hours every day
and you have many meetings on a regular basis, you might not
find the time to go out to a restaurant and to spend plenty of time
there. Instead, you may just want to grab some fast food, eat it
and you will be ready to go back to work within a couple of
minutes. Especially for stressful days, fast food may be a valid
alternative in case every minute counts.

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Con 1. Many calories

Fast foods also often contain large amounts of calories. Quite

often, if you just consume a single meal in one of your favorite
fast food restaurants, chances are that you will cover your calory
need for an entire day.

This means that everything else that you eat that day will
actually lead to an increase in weight, if you don’t work in a
profession that requires you to work in a physically demanding
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Con 2. Not recommendable to lose weight

Due to the high calory counts of fast foods, they are one of the
last types of food you should eat in case you want to lose weight.
If you currently suffer from overweight or obesity and you want
to lose weight, you should definitely go for healthier food

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Con 3. May change our social life

In the history of mankind, eating was not only a way to assure

our calory intake, it has also been an opportunity to socialize and
to talk to other people about what happened during the day.

However, if people rely on fast food chains too much, this

important socializing opportunity is taken away from them since
they will not spend enough time while eating and the socializing
aspect of eating food will be lost over time.

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43. 追剧的利弊

问题形式: Is Binge-Watching Good for You?

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Pro 1. Binge-watching establishes beneficial social

The act of bingeing content fosters a sense of community around

a show, something experts call a “shared cultural space.” This
common ground allows viewers to discuss and enjoy the show
with everyone from a coworker to the stranger in line at the
grocery store. This shared space makes it easier to relate to other
people and share personal perspectives.

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Pro 2. Binge-watching has health benefits like stress

Binge-watching releases dopamine in the brain, which creates a

feeling of pleasure and can help people to relax and relieve
stress. And with the rise of at-home workouts, binge-watching
can be paired with exercise. Adding a favorite show to an
exercise routine can make the time pass more quickly, add
motivation, and increase compliance with an exercise routine.

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Con 1. Binge-watching leads to mental health issues.

A study found that rather than relieving stress, excessive TV

watching is associated with regret, guilt, and feelings of failure
because of a sense of wasted time. When that binge-watching
session is over, the viewer may be more likely to “mourn” the
loss of the show by experiencing depression, anxiety, and
feelings of emptiness.

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Con 2. Get Addicted

While binge-watching can be fun and feel fulfilling, there’s

consistently the peril of becoming too obsessed. For example,
even if you plan to watch only 3 episodes, you sometimes end up
watching the whole series. Behavior also becomes addictive
when it starts to negatively influence different parts of your life,
like if you neglect other activities or responsibilities to binge
Stranger Things.

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Con3. Binge-watching makes the show less fulfilling.

A study found that rather than relieving stress, excessive TV

watching is associated with regret, guilt, and feelings of failure
because of a sense of wasted time. When that binge-watching
session is over, the viewer may be more likely to “mourn” the
loss of the show by experiencing depression, anxiety, and
feelings of emptiness.

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