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汉语口语速成 入门篇 上

第一课 你好—语音

1. 声母 Initials
b p m f d t n l
g k h J q x
z c s zh ch sh r
第一课 你好—语音
2. 韵母 Finals
a o e i u ü
ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong
ia ie iao iou(iu) ian in iang ing iong
uauo uai uei(ui) uan uen(un) uang ueng
üe üan ün
第一课 你好—语音
汉语语音和四声 (Chinese syllables and tones)
pō cū sì bǎ hè
bài zǎo màn xuān biāo huá
rén shuō cuī liú yūn
fēng tíng fǎng
第一课 你好—语音
汉语音节和四声( Chinese syllables and
tones )
bā bá bǎ bà fēi féi fěi fèi
巴 拔 把 爸 飞 肥 匪 费
liū liú liǔ liù suī suí suǐ suì
溜 刘 柳 六 虽 随 髓 岁
mī mí mǐ mì tīng tíng tǐng
咪 弥 米 密 听 停 挺
第一课 你好—生词
1. 你 nǐ you
2. 好 hǎo well;good
你好 ní hao how do you do
nǐhǎo níhǎo
3. 您 nín you(polite expression)
4. 你们 nǐmen(neutral tone) you(plural)
5. 谢谢 xièxie(neutral tone) to thank
6. 老师 lǎoshī teacher
第一课 你好—生词
7. 不 bù not
8. 客气 kèqi polite; courteous
9. 不客气 bú kèqi don’t mention it
bù kèqi bú kèqi
bù tīng bù suān bù gān bú jìng
bù xué bù tián bù wén bú wèn
bù xiě bù kǔ bù xǐ bù bēi
bú suàn bú là bú jiàn bú sàn
第一课 你好 --- 生词
10. 对不起 duìbuqǐ I am sorry.
11. 没关系 méi guānxi don’t mention it.
12. 再见 zàijiàn good-bye
13. 请 qǐng please
14. 进 jìn to enter
15. 坐 zuò to sit
16. 听 tīng to listen
第一课 你好—生词
17. 说 shuō to say
18. 读 dú to read
19. 写 xiě to write
第一课 Lesson One
语音注释 Phonetics Explanation

声母和韵母 Initials and finals


A Chinese syllable is usually composed of an
initial and a final. The former is a consonant
that begins the syllable and the letter is the rest
of the syllable.

声调 Tones

声调,分别为第一声 (ā) 、第二声 (á) 、第三声 (ǎ)
、第四声 (à) 。声调不同,意思不一样。

Tones are changes of pitch of syllables. In the
standard Chinese there are four basic tones,
represented respectively by the following tone-
graphs: the first tone (ā), the second tone (á), the third
tone (ǎ) and the fourth tone (à). When a syllable is
pronounced in different tones, it has different

轻声 Neutral tone

xièxie, bú kèqi 。

In standard Chinese pronunciation, there are a
number of syllables that lose their original tones and
are pronounced soft and short. This is known as the
neutral tone which is identified by the absence of a
tone mark, e.g. “xièxie, bú kèqi”.

b p m f d t n l

g k h

j q x

z c s

zh ch sh r
a o e er i -i(zi) - u ü
ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong

ia ie iao iou(iu) ian in iang ing iong

ua uo uai uei(ui) uan uen(un) uang ueng

üe üan ün
语音 Phonetics

声母 Initials

b p m f d t n l

韵母 Finals

a o e i u ü er
拼音 Spelling
a o e i u ü
b ba bo bi bu
p pa po pi pu
m ma mo me mi mu
f fa fo fu
d da de di du
t ta te ti tu
n na ne ni nu nü
l la le li lu lü

辨声母 Initial Discrimination

bā---pā dè---tè nǐ---lǐ

mō---fō bù---pù má---fá

nǔ---lǔ dú---tú bǐ---pǐ

辨韵母 Final Discrimination

mō---mē bǎ---bǒ fó---fá

pì--- pù tà--- tè lǐ---lǚ

dà---dì mō---mū nǚ---nǔ

辨调 Tone Discrimination

bǐ---bì mō---mó pà---pā

tǔ---tū nù---nǔ lū---lù

dé---dě fū---fú

读下列音节(第一声 + 一、二、三、四及轻声)
Read out the following syllables

1st+1st: fāyīn 发音 fēijī 飞机

1st+2nd: huānyíng 欢迎 bāngmáng 帮忙

1st+3rd: gāngbǐ 钢笔 hēibǎn 黑板

1st+4th: gāoxìng 高兴 shēngdiào 声调

1st+the neutral tone: māma 妈妈 shāngliang 商量
生词 New Words

你 (代 pronoun ) nǐ you

好 (形 adj. ) hǎo well; good

您 (代 pronoun ) nín you (polite)

你们 (代 pronoun ) nǐmen you (plural)

老师 (名 noun ) lǎoshī teacher

谢谢 (动 verb ) xièxie to thank

不 (副 adv. ) bù not
生词 New Words

客气 (形 adj. ) kèqi polite; courteous

不客气 bú kèqi Don’t mention it; You’re

对不起 duìbuqǐ I am sorry.

没关系 méi guānxi Don’t mention it.

再见 (动 verb ) zàijiàn good-bye
生词 New Words

请(动 verb ) qǐng please

进(动 verb ) jìn to enter

坐(动 verb ) zuò to sit

听(动 verb ) tīng to listen

说(动 verb ) shuō to say

读(动 verb ) dú to read

写(动 verb ) xiě to write
课文 Text

1. A: Nǐ hǎo. nín nǐ

你 好。 您 你

B: Nǐ hǎo. Nǐmen lǎoshī

你 好。 你们 老师

2. A: xièxie.


B: Bú kèqi.

不 客气。
课文 Text

3. A: Duìbuqǐ.


B: Méi guānxi.

没 关系。

4. A: Zàijiàn.


B: Zàijiàn.

课文 Text

5. Qǐng jìn. zuò tīng shuō dú xiě

请 进。 坐 听 说 读 写

注释 Notes

(1) 你好。


It is a common greeting. It may be used anywhere, at
any time and by anybody. The answer to it from the
person addressed to is also “ 你好” .
课文 Text

(2) 您

“ 您”是“你”的敬称。

“ 您” is a polite expression of “ 你” .

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