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Present Perfect Continuous

1. You work on your goals.

2. Max prepares very well for his project.


You have been working on your goals. You have not been working on your goals.
Haven´t you been working on your goals?
Have you been working on your goals?
AFFIRMATIVE Max has not been preparing very well for his
Max has been preparing very well for his project.
project. Hasn´t Max been preparing very well for his
Has Max been preparing very well for project?
his project?
Past Perfect Continuous
1. You work on your goals.
2. Max prepares very well for his project.


You had been working on your goals. You had not been working on your goals.
Hadn´t you been working on your goals?
Had you been working on your goals?
AFFIRMATIVE Max had not been preparing very well for his
Max had been preparing very well for project.
his project. Hadn´t Max been preparing very well for his
Had Max been preparing very well for
his project?
Future Perfect Continuous
1. You work on your goals.
2. Max prepares very well for his project.


You will had been working on your goals. You will not had been working on your goals.
Will you had been working on your goals? Wont you Had been working on your goals?

AFFIRMATIVE Max will not had been preparing very well for
Max will had been preparing very well for his project.
his project. Wont Max had been preparing very well for his
Will Max had been preparing very well for project?
his project?

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