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What is Data?

 Unorganized and unprocessed facts.

 Data is a collection of raw facts related to an object. An object can be a person, event or
anything which data is collected.
 Data can be processed to produce useful information
 Numbers, images, sounds, characters, text, video.
 Data when processed becomes information we can read, understand and use.
 Example:
 The data of a student may consist of Roll Number Student Name Father Marks of
different subjects. The purpose of collecting this data is to, maintain the record of the
student during the study period.
Function of DBMS

 Data processing
 A user accessible Catalog
 Transaction Support
 Concurrency Control Services
 Recovery Services
 Authorization Services
 Support for Data Communication
 Integrity Services
Data Processing

 By Data management we mean a number of thing it may include certain operations on the
data such as: creation of data, Storing of the data in the database, arrangement of the data
in the databases and data stores, providing access to the data in the database, and placing
of the data in the appropriate storage devices.
A user accessible Catalog

 Catalog is an object or a place in DBMS which stores almost all of the information of the
database, including schema information, user information right of the users, and many
more things about the database. Modern relational DBMS require that the Administrative
users of the database should have access to the catalog of the database.
Transaction Support

 DBMS is responsible for providing transaction support. Transaction is an action that is

used to perform some manipulation on the data stored in the database. DBMS is
responsible for supporting all the required operations on the database, and also manages
the transaction execution so that only the authorized and allowed actions are performed.
Concurrency Support

 Concurrency support means to support a number of transactions to be executed

simultaneously. Concurrency of transactions is managed in such a way that if two or more
transactions is making certain processing on the same set of data.
Recovery Services

 Recovery services mean that in case a database gets an inconsistent state to get corrupted
due to any invalid action of someone, the DBMS should be able to recover itself to a
consistent state, ensuring that the data loss during the recovery process of the database
remains minimum.
Authorization Services

 It is the responsibility of the database to check whether a user intending to get access to
database is authorized to do so or not. If the user is an authorized one than what actions
can he/she perform on the data?
Support for Data Communication

 The DBMS should also have the support for communication of the data indifferent ways.
For example if the system is working for such an organization which spread across the
country and it is deployed over a number of offices throughout the country, then the
DBMS should be able to communicate to the central database station.
Integrity Services

 Integrity means to maintain something in its truth or originality. The same concept
applies to the integrity in the DBMS environment. Means the DBMS should allow the
operation on the database which are real for the specific organization and it should not
allow the false information or incorrect facts.
File System Vs DBMS

 Data redundancy and inconsistency.

 Difficulty in accessing the data.
 Data isolation.
 Integrity problems.
 Atomicity problems
 Concurrent-access anomalies.
 Security problems
What is information?

 The processed data is called information. Information is meaningful, organized. It is used

for making decisions. Data is used as input for processing and information is the output
of this processing.
 Example:
 The data of the students can be processed to produce useful information marks and grade
of the student. It can also be processed to find the number of passed and failed student
 Information is data that have been organized and communicated in a coherent and
meaningful manner.
What is the ultimate purpose of a database
management system?
Is to transform

Data Information Knowledge Action

Difference between Data and Information

Data Information
 Data is unprocessed raw facts about a  Information is processed form of data.
particular entity.  Information is the output of computer
 Data is used as input in the computer  Information is normally short in its
 Data is normally huge in its volume volume.
What is a database?

 Simply put, a Database is a collection of data.

 A Database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a
computer system.
 The place we can store the related data and later retrieve the data is known as Database
 Storing the related Data like Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Salary, Department etc. can
be stored.
 Retrieving the data based on some conditions
 Before digital computer filling cabinet, printed books were used to hold data.
A database is any organized collection of data. Some examples of databases you may encounter in your daily life

 Files on your computer hard drive.

 A telephone book
 Papers in your filing cabinet
Why do we need a database?

 Keep records of our:

 Clients
 Staff
 Volunteers
 To keep a record of activities;
 Keep sales records;
 Perform research
DBMS(Database Management System)

 DBMS is a software used to manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database. It is a system that
interacts with the database.
 Shortly called as DBMS
 Software that stores data in databases in an organized way to make it easier to create, retrieve,
update etc.
 Example: MySQL Oracle, SQL Server etc
Types of Database Management System

 Relational Databases
 Hierarchical Databases
 Network Databases
 Graph Databases
 ER model Databases

 Most popular among all Database Management Systems

 Data are stored in tables
 These tables are divided into Columns(Fields) and Rows(Records)
 There is a relationship between data
 Relational Database shows the relation between two or more tables.
SQL – Structured Query Language

 SQL – Sequel : The language use to communicate with our database in RDBMS.
 Find information
 Add data
 Make updates
 Delete data
Find All Female Students
Select * from students where gender = ‘female’;
SQL Dialect
SQL is a standard and all RDBMS must follow that standard

SQL Dialect
 Microsoft SQL Server  Transact – SQL (T-SQL)
 Oracle Database  Procedural Language SQL(PL/SQL)
 PostgreSQL  PostgreSQL
SQL for Beginners- Database Concepts(Database,
DBMS, Data Models, RDBMS and SQL)
 In order to understand SQL, we have to first understand different Database Concepts like:
o Database
o Data Models
o SQL etc.
Data Model
 Defines how related data is connected to each other and stored inside
the database.
 Types of Data Models:
 Hierarchical Model
 Network Model
 Entity-Relationship Model
 Relational Model
 Data is stored in the form of tables
 Tables organized the data in the form of rows and columns
 It is a popular and widely used by most of the DBMS Software
Relational Model

 Relational Model is popular and most used Data Model for storing the Data into the
Databases by different DBMS Software available in the market.
 Database : place
 DBMS: Software
 Data Models: Relational Data Model
 RDBMS: Relational DBMS : Software

 DBMS using Relational Data Models are known as RDBMS.

 Examples for RDBMS Software:
1. Oracle
2. MS-SQL Server
3. MySQL
4. MS-Access
5. etc

 Programming language for Relational Databases

 Stands for Structured Query Language
 The following things can be performed on Database using SQL:
 Inserting Data
 Retrieving Data
 Updating Data
 Deleting Data
 And many more
Types of Databases

 Non-relational databases
Non-relational databases place information in field categories that we create so that
information is available for sorting and disseminating the way we need it. The data in a non-
relational database, however, is limited to that program and cannot be extracted and applied
to a number of other software programs, or other database files within a school or
administrative system. The data can only be "copied and pasted.“ Example: a spread sheet
Relational Databases

 In relational databases, fields can be used in a number of ways (and can be of variable
length), provided that they are linked in tables. It is developed based on a database model
that provides for logical connections among files (known as tables) by including
identifying data from one table in another table
Use a DBMS when this is
important Do not use a DBMS when

 Persistent storage of data  The initial investment in hardware, software,

 and training is too high
Centralized control of data
 The generality a DBMS provides is not needed
 Control of redundancy
 The overhead for security, concurrency control,
 Control of consistency and integrity
and recovery is too high
 Multiple user support  Data and applications are simple and stable
 Sharing of data  Real-time requirements cannot be met by it
 Data documentation  Multiple user access is not needed
 Data independence
 Control of access and security
 Backup and recovery

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