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My favourite sport

Class: X-F
Subject: ICT
Worked by: Ertgren Muci
Football,also known as soccer in some parts of the
world,is a sport that has captured hearts of millions of
people.This is also my favourite sport and it requires
passion and mainly energy.It is not just a sport,it is a
culture which brings people together in the
celebration of this beautiful game.
Football rules
1. Team composition:A standart football team consists
of 11 players on each side,including the goal keeper
2:Duration:A football match is divided into two
halves,each lasting 45 minutes,with a 15 minute
halftime break.But in some cases,extra time may be
3:Fouls and freekicks:Various fouls can be commited
during the game,such as tripping,pushing or hanball.
4:Yellow and red cards:Referees use yellow or red cards
to eject players for serious offenses.

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