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Our Precious


Definition of Precious - What is the

meaning (definition) of precious?

Synonyms - Vital, important, valuable (val -

Today’s Lesson
Topic How to keep our precious Memories.

Skills Reading and Listening

Text A short story

How do you keep memories safe..?

Write some ways in which we can keep Discuss:

How do you keep memories?
memories safe.
1. Write a journal
wow that sounds so interesting
2. I do journalling
3. Photos - I keep photos in an album
4. In the cloud
5. keep safe - souvenir
6. Tell stories
What is the best match for the definition…

Match the word with its meaning

precious something that has a great value.

gallery a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.

countryside undergoing a number of chemical processes in order to make images visible

film develop
the land and scenery of a rural area.
out of focus
the edges of an image/photo are unclear
a confusion of one thing with another
arrive; put in an appearance.
to turn up
suitable or appropriate.
Bella, Maja, Tom

Match the word with its meaning

precious something that has a great value.

gallery a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.

countryside undergoing a number of chemical processes in order to make images visible

film develop
the land and scenery of a rural area.
out of focus
the edges of an image/photo are unclear
a confusion of one thing with another
arrive; put in an appearance.
to turn up
suitable or appropriate.
Dictation - (extension activity)
- I spent a week in Japanese countryside and made many precious memories.
Reading Task:

All my sweet memories are gone!

Before reading the story about this person’s
weekend journey, take a look at the title and the

What do you expect to read in the story?

Has this ever happened to you?
Work in pairs, take turns to read the story before answering questions.

All my sweet memories are gone!

Marie Jones went to stay with friends at the Gold Coast for the weekend. She took her
new camera with her to take photos. The weather was beautiful, and she took photos
of the beautiful beach, her friend's house, her friends, their children and even their pet
dog, Bruno.
Diana & Tom

What can you remember

1. Who is telling the story?
A: Third person omniscient

2. What did she do on the weekend?

A: Gold Cost

3. What did she take photos of?

A: Beautiful beaches, children, house of friends and the dog called Bruno.
Bella & Donita

What can you remember

1. Who is telling the story?
A: Third person omniscient

2. What did she do on the weekend?

A: Marie went to the Gold Coast, stayed with her friends and took her new camera.

3. What did she take photos of?

A: She took photos of her dog, the beautiful beach, the house and her friends and their children.
Anas & Rob

What can you remember

1. Who is telling the story?
A: Marie Jones.

2. What did she do on the weekend?

A: Went to the Gold Coast and took photos with Pete and Bruno.

3. What did she take photos of?

A: Family, friends and the beach.
Work in pairs, take turns to read the story before answering questions.

All my sweet memories are gone!

When she got back home, she went to a local photo studio to get the film
developed. The shop assistant told her, they would be ready the following
(next) day.

She picked-up the photos the next day, up on her way home from work. As
soon as she reached her flat (apartment), she sat down and opened the
packet. She was really looking forward to seeing the photos she had taken. packet of chips

Today I reach for the stars

Yesterday I reached (reecht) -
What can you remember Anas & Rob

1: What did she pick up from the shop?

A: She picked (pikt) up her packet of photos
determiner + noun
(a, an, the, pronouns) + packet
2: What did she expect to find in the packet?
A: She expected to (verb) +pronoun photos.
She expected to find her photos.

3: How do think she was feeling?

What can you remember Bella & Donita

1: What did she pick up from the shop?

A: She picked (pikt) up her packet of photos
determiner + noun
(a, an, the, pronouns) + packet
2: What did she expect to find in the packet?
A: She expected to (verb) +pronoun photos.
She expected t her photos.

3: How do think she was feeling?

She was feeling …excited about seeing the photos
What can you remember Diana & Tom

1: What did she pick up from the shop?

A: She picked (pikt) up her packet of photos
determiner + noun
(a, an, the, pronouns) + packet
2: What did she expect to find in the packet?
A: She expected to find her photos she had taken.

3: How do think she was feeling?

A: Disappointed.
blurry - out of focus : not clear

She couldn't believe it when all twenty-four photos showed something light brown and
completely out of focus (blurry). The shop must have mixed her photos up with
someone else's, she thought.
The following morning, on her way to work, she called the studio and complained
angrily to the manager about the mix-up. She left the photos with him, and he said he
would look into it. She agreed to call back on her way home from work.

Idiom - meaning to ‘solve a problem’

Example: I will look into it = I will

try to solve the problem
Anas & Rob

What can you remember

1: What is the problem in this story?
The pictures were out of focus.
2: How did Marie feel? What was wrong with the photos?
blurry -(bl-eer-i)
Sad. The pictures were mixed up with another customer.
3: How would you respond/feel? What would you do in this situation?
● I would check the photos and see it
Anas & Rob
Bella Donita

What can you remember

1: What is the problem in this story?
When she opened the packet there was something wrong with the photos - they were blurry.
2: How did Marie feel? What was wrong with the photos?
blurry -(bl-eer-i)
Something went wrong with the photos. Marie was frustrated
3: How would you respond/feel? What would you do in this situation?
● I would pretend it didn’t happen. I would try again.
Diana & Tom

What can you remember

1: What is the problem in this story?

2: How did Marie feel? What was wrong with the photos?
blurry -(bl-eer-i)

3: How would you respond/feel? What would you do in this situation?

proper - correct, clear, correct

At 5:30, she turned up at the photo studio, once again looking forward to seeing the
'proper' photos this time.
To her surprise, the manager handed back the same photos as before, explaining that
she had not held the camera properly. She had taken twenty-four photos of her own

right cheek .

Cheeky (adj.) - means a little bit naughty

That child is very cheeky.

Anas & Rob

What can you remember

1. Has a situation like this happened to you?
2. A:

3. How can precious memories be lost?

4. What can you recommend for keeping memories safe. To make sure we do not lose precious
Bella & Donita

What can you remember

1. Has a situation like this happened to you?
We have not had anything like this happen to us.

2. How can precious memories be lost?

3. What can you recommend for keeping memories safe. To make sure we do not lose precious
Diana & Tom

What can you remember

1. Has a situation like this happened to you?

2. How can precious memories be lost?

A: Damage/broken

3. What can you recommend for keeping memories safe. To make sure we do not lose precious
What did you learn today?
Not to take photos of my cheek :-)
Vo-cab-u-lar-y - write a sentence with the new vocabulary, phrase.
True or False?
1. Marie Jones went to stay with her Aunt at the Sunshine Coast.
2. She took photos of the countryside, her friend's house, her friend’s family and their pet fish, Bruno.
3. The shop assistant promised to hand (give)her photos over by the following day.
There were twenty-five photos in her parcel.
She called the studio and complained about a mix-up.
The manager agreed to look into the problem.
She turned up at the photo studio by 5.45 to pick up the photos
|The manager handed back different photos this time.
She had taken twenty-four photos of her right cheek.
Do you think that memories in our mind are clear
(accurate)? Why/ why not

2. What strategies can you recommend for

keeping memories safe. To make sure we do not
lose precious memories.
Tom -A tattoo 🙂
Donita - store the memories straight away - print
Bella - write a journal
Diana - back-up your data!!
Anas - Instagram & FB
Rob: Based on the story - check our photos after
Word association Game

Say the first word that comes into your mind when you hear a spoken word. You
need to think faster.
Let’s start with the word: Memory

How does today’s
topic relate to you?
Is today’s topic important for you?
Yes, is very important because in can make a feedback and
feel a lot feelings.

● I think it is important to remember special

(precious) memories
Memories make us individual (unique) humans
● We can be inspired by memories - they can
encourage us to make new experiences
● We can learn from memories. I do not know if
learn but remember a lot moments.
● memories are how we learn/ experience life.
Yes of course, with this I can feel if I have had a
positive change or not.

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