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Hospital Staff

Ensuring Excellence in Healthcare
In the dynamic environment of a hospital,
staff members must adhere to a set of rules
and prohibitions that safeguard the well-
being of patients, maintain professional
integrity, and uphold the ethical standards of
Some key prohibitions for hospital staff in St.
Mary’s catholic general hospital include:
Patient Communication Protocol:
❑ It is prohibited for Staff to share personal
contact information with patients.
Customer care numbers should be made
available in all the consulting rooms and
❑ Patients seeking contact should be
directed to customer care for
communication with healthcare providers.
Referral Authorization Policy:
❑ Staff (full/locum) cannot refer patients to other
hospitals without explicit permission from
hospital management. (private referring).
❑ Doctors should follow their line of reporting
before referring patients including
❑ Every patient referred out of the hospital
including brought in dead (BID) must be
documented. Emergencies/Medical Records
must take note.
Professional Patient Consultation Standard:
 Healthcare professionals are prohibited from
consulting patients for personal gain within or
outside the hospital.
Disclosure of Conflicting Interests:
 Staff with affiliations with other healthcare
institutions must disclose this information.
 Accepting gifts from pharmaceutical companies
or participating in activities that compromise
impartial decision-making is strictly forbidden.
Financial Transparency and Gift Policy:
❑ Staff must not request financial or other
interests from hospital clients.
❑ Gifts received from clients should be promptly
disclosed to hospital management.
Authorization for In-Hospital Commercial
❑ Selling items or services within the hospital
requires explicit permission from management.
Patient Privacy Violations:
❑ Unauthorized sharing of patient
information or accessing records without
proper authorization is strictly prohibited.
Substance Abuse:
❑ Use or possession of illegal substances,
misuse of prescription medications, or
working under the influence is strictly
Professional Dining Etiquette:
❑ Eating in visible areas, especially on
work tables, is prohibited to maintain a
professional environment.
Patient Exploitation:
❑ Exploiting patient vulnerability for
personal gain, inappropriate
relationships, abuse, or harassment is
strictly prohibited.
● Negligent behaviour leading to patient
harm, including protocol violations,
medication errors, or inadequate
monitoring, is strictly prohibited.
Non-Compliance with Policies:
● Failure to comply with hospital policies,
including patient care, safety, and overall
conduct, is not tolerated.
Social Media Violations:
❑ Posting patient information without
consent or discussing confidential hospital
matters online is strictly prohibited.
Misuse of Hospital Resources:
❑ Using hospital resources (including farm
products) for personal gain or engaging in
activities that waste resources is strictly
❑ Impersonating staff members, forging
signatures, or misrepresenting in a
professional capacity is strictly
Failure to Report Errors:
❑ Failure to promptly and accurately report
medical errors, adverse events, or safety
concerns is unacceptable.
Disruptive Behavior:
❑ Engaging in disruptive behaviour e.g.
distracting others, physical violence etc.
negatively impacting the work environment,
teamwork, or patient care is strictly prohibited.
Violation of the Code of Ethics:
❑ Violating the established code of ethics,
including breaching patient confidentiality or
compromising professional integrity, dressing
indecently is strictly prohibited.
Lateness to work
 Commencing next year, tardiness
will not be accepted; our clock-in
time will contribute to our key
performance index. The permissible
grace period is until 8:10 am, and
any arrival beyond that will incur a
 These prohibitions are crucial in
maintaining a high standard of care,
ensuring patient safety, and upholding the
ethical and professional standards
expected of healthcare professionals.
Violations may result in disciplinary
actions, including termination and legal
consequences. Together, let us commit to
excellence in healthcare delivery.

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