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Presentation of Report of 7th Semester

Internship Program

Prepared by:
Bishan Poudel
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Agri. Intern

Agriculture Knowledge Center, Dang


Major Supervisor: Site Supervisor:

Ms. Shalini Thakur, Mr. Lekhraj Niraula
Amritsar Group of Colleges Agriculture Knowledge center
Amritsar, India Dadeldhure, Nepal

701,General orientation and on campus training

703, Unit attachment 702,Village attachment

University and AKC (RAWE component I)

704, Plant clinic

705,Agro Industrial attachment(RAWE component II)

BSAG- 701
General orientation and on campus
 Orientation regarding the programme syllabus i.e. UGC course
 General interaction with office staff and field staff.
 On campus training in following topics:
=) Hydroponic unit
=) Vermicompost unit

 The most suitable species most often

used for composting is the red
wigglers (Eisenia fetida or Eisenia
andrei and Lumbricus rubellus). Other
species used are:

1) Perionyx excavates
2) Eudrilus euginae
3) Lampito mauritii
a) Water, Cow dung, Thatch Roof, Soil
or Sand, Gunny bags, Earthworms,
Weed biomass, A large bin (plastic or
tarpaulin or cemented tank),
 Helps better plant growth and crop yield with no harm to ecosystem.
 Improves physical structure of soil.
 Enriches soil with micro-organisms.
 Increases water holding capacity of soil.
 Improves root growth of plants.
 Helpful in elimination of biowastes.
 Accelerates germination.
Hydroponic unit


Hydroponics is a high-tech method of growing plants in water rich mineral nutrients instead
of soil. The word hydroponics comes from Greek word "hydro," meaning water, and" ponos"
means to work or labour. Hydroponics is basically growing plants without soil. Plants doesnot use
soil, they use the food and water that are in the soil. So, it is a more efficient way to provide food
and water to the plant.

The basic concept of hydroponics is to provide essential nutrients, water, and oxygen to
root zone and to create a uniform aerial growing environment to maximize plant growth and
quality. Hydroponics is not an easier way to grow plant, it is a more controlled way of growing

Instead, the plant are supported by a basket and the roots dangle in the nutrient
solution. There is a constant flow of nutrient solution which means a timer is not
required for the submersible pump. The nutrient solution is pumped into the growing
tray using a tube it flows over the roots of the plants, and then drain back into the
reservoir. This is an inexpensive method as it does not require the expense replacing
the growing medium for each successive crop.

How does a hydroponics system work?

 Plants are suspended in a pH neutral medium and then nutrient rich water is pumped
through allowing the plants to absorb what they need.
 An air pump oxygenates the water for the roots and the water is recycled, until the
nutrients are nearly all absorbed by the plants and then disposed of in a responsible way.

 Higher productivity and require less space.

 Easier to harvest mature plants.
 Plants grow fast
 Increase the nutritional value of produce.
 It is a controlled system in which the crop can
be grown throughout the year.
 More efficient use of water up to 90%.
 Closer plant spacing is possible.
 Less weeds, pests, and diseases risk as there is
no use of soil.
 Less use of insecticide and herbicide.
BSAG- 702
PART A: Village attachment


Agricultural Education is an important tool in ensuring increased agricultural productivity, sustainability,
environmental and ecological security, profitability, job security, and equity. In India, the Randhawa
committee (1992) recommended the Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) program for imparting
quality, practical, and production-oriented education for an agriculture degree program.
• To understand the rural life by students.
• To be familiar with the socio-economic situation of the village.
• Opportunity for practical training.
• To develop communication skills in Transfer of Technology.
• To understand the technologies followed by farmers.
• To prepare the production plan suitable for the local situation.
• To acquaint the students with the ongoing thrust on rural development and programs related to the transfer of technology.
• To make students understand the role of man and woman in agricultural and allied fields.
• To explore and develop an understanding regarding high-tech agriculture by the farmers.
• To develop the techniques among the students for preparing and developing the package through a collection of data based on grass root levels for
rural areas.

 General information about village:-

1. Name of village:- Mauriphata
2. Name of district :- Kanchanpur (Nepal)
3. Name of state:- Sudurpashim
4. Total Geographical area :- 522.21kmsquare
5. Total population :- 5371
6. Total cultivated area:- 95.9 km square

• We came to know that this village is most prominent and major part of commercial
production of rice , tomato , wheat citrus, cereals and potato.
• Straws are used for the mulching purpose in vegetable farming and to feed livestock
when green grasses are not available.
• Mostly, farming is carried out in open field and very less use of poly houses and
• Use of machineries implement is widely adopted, Some farmers have very less land so
they are farming by taking land in lease.
• Farmers aggregated by forming co-operatives where they can discuss about their
problems and find some solutions

• .

• Due to land topography, it is difficult to adopt agriculture mechanization.

• Lack of input supplements.
• Almost farmers are farming in traditional way.
• Difficulties in storage of Citrus, Cereals and Potatoes due to lack of improved storage facilities.
• Loss due to lack of insecticides and pesticides.
• There is a need of extension worker who can teach them about IPM, IDM, new discoveries and
mechanization in agriculture.
• Lack of facilitation of agricultural loan that’s why farmer can’t afford agricultural tool by
• Farmers are not getting proper market to sell their products and even if they get the market they
are not able to get proper price for their products.
• Farmers are also unknown about the diseases in their crops and livestock due to which they are
not able to treat it timely and properly which cause huge loss for them.

• For dairy product, we suggest them to sell those products in

available nearby dairy, hotels, canteen etc.
• For blight and smut infestation, we suggest them to use resistant
varieties like Radha-7, Khumal-5, Khumal-7, Khumal-9 etc.
• As many plant disease problems are occurred due to maximum
use of chemical fertilizers, so we suggest them to use proper and
optimum recommended dose of chemical fertilizers and highly
suggest them to use FYM and organic fertilizers.
• In order to develop this place, local government has to take
proper look after this village and have to solve all those major
problems that are facing by the people of this village.
Cultivation practices of maize
 Introduction to Maize
Maize (Zea mays) has been one of the most popularly grown crops in
the mid hills of Nepal. Agriculture is the dominant enterprise of Nepal
having more than 23% contribution to the National GDP and providing the
employment to more than 60% of the active population (MOAD, 2020). Maize
(Zea mays) is the second most widely cultivated crop after rice In Nepal.
 Agronomic operations
❖ Climate: Maize is a tropical plant which prefers warm humid weather. It
is a short-day plant. It is very sensitive to excess or deficit soil moisture. It
cannot with stand frost at any stage of growth. The optimum pH range of
soil for maize is 6.5-7.5. 600 mm rainfall with even distribution is sufficient
for good cultivation. Optimum temperatures for germination are 21 ℃ and
for growth is 32℃ respectively.
❖ Soils: Maize can be grown on a variety of soils, but it grows best on well
drained soils.
• Best soils- Deep dark silt loams
• In semi-arid climates- Deep soils (Heavy Texture
• In sub humid climates- Sand Loam soils
❖ Seasons:
• Kharif – sowing in between last week of May to 2nd week of June
and harvested in late September or October.
❖ Varieties:
• Mankamana-1
• Others varieties grown in Nepal are: Rampur composite, Deuti, Sitala,
Ganesh1,2, Arun -1,2, Rampur-2, Rampur hybrid-4, Posilo makai-1,
Khumal hybrid-2 etc.
❖ Land preparation: 2-3 shallow tillage operations during summer
season are essential. Deep ploughing is also helpful to control weeds &
for efficient moisture conservation.
❖ Seed Rate:
• For pure crop: 20-25 kg/ha
• For fodder maize: 40-50 kg/ha
• For intercropping with soybean: 10kg/ha (1:3) or 15 kg/ha (1:2)
❖ Spacing: 60×25cm or 75×20cm
 But crop geometry of 45×20cm is found to be optimum for most of
the areas
❖ Method of sowing:
• Dibble the seed 2-3cm deep with the help of wooden plough
• The depth should not be more than 5cm.
• Mr. Harilal is sowing the Maize with the help wooden plough.
❖ Weed Management:
 Maize needs two inter-cultivations & two hand-weeding’s. First
inter-cultivation is done between rows near to plants for earthing up.
Second inter-cultivation should not be done near the plants nor deep. The
combined use of herbicides & inter-cultivations is the most effective
technique of weed control in maize. Pre-emergence Atrazine (Atrafaf) @
2kg/ha should be sprayed 2 or 3 DAS (Days after sowing), by wetting the
entire surface uniformly. Later the soil should not be disturbed for 4-5
weeks after application of the herbicide.
 Post-emergence—2,4 D at 1 ½ - 2 kg/ha at any time when maize is
about 20cm height.
❖ Water Management:
• The optimum available soil moisture for maize crop is 75% or 80
• The frequency of irrigation will be once in 6-10 days depending upon
rainfall. The total water requirement varies from 530mm to 800mm depending
upon season & rainfall received during the crop growth crop period.
❖ Manure: 6 tones/ha FYM (Farm Yard Manure)
❖ Fertilizers: Recommended dose- 60:30:30kg NPK/ha.
Zinc: 20 to 35 kg/ha.
❖ Harvesting:
Mankamana-1 of maize variety mature within 120- 130 days.
 Plant protection
1. Stem borer:
➢ Symptoms of damage
✓ Presence of brown colored egg mass near the leaf tip.
✓ In vegetative stage larva enters the stem and feeds on the growing shoots and causes
drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart”.
✓ In grown up plant whole ear heads becomes dried and yield chaffy grains called as “white
➢ Management strategies
✓ Collect and destroy the egg masses.
✓ Avoid close planting and continuous water stagnation at early stage. ✓ Pull out and
destroy the affected tillers.
✓ Clip the tip of the seedlings before transplanting to eliminate egg masses.
✓ Removal and proper disposal of stubbles will keep the borer population low in next crop.
✓ Grow resistant varieties like mankamana-1,ganesh-1,2 etc
✓ Spray the imidacloprid 1gm/3 lit of water.
2. White grub:
➢ Symptoms of damage
✓ The grubs damage the rootlets, causing wilting of the plants and yellowing of the
✓ White grubs can partially or completely sever the roots of the host plants. ✓
This causes patches of drying the plant.
✓ The infected plants die.
I. Bacterial stalk rot:
Causal organism: Erwinia chrysanthemi
➢ Symptoms
✓ The basal internodes develop soft rot and give a water-soaked appearance. A
mild sweet fermenting odour accompanies such rotting.
✓ Leaves sometime show signs of wilting or water loss and affected plants within a
few days of infection lodge or topple down.
✓ Ears and shank may also show rot. They fail to develop further, and the ears
hang down simply from the plant.
➢ Control measures ✓ Use of resistant varieties like ganesh-1,2, Rampur hybrid -2
✓ Avoid water logging and poor drainage
✓ Diseased plants should be destroyed.
II. Downy mildew
Causal organism: Sclerophthora rayssiae
➢ Symptoms
✓ Disease symptoms have been observed only on leaves. They are
vein limited.
✓ Wilting generally starts from top leaves; leaves become dull
green, eventually loose colour and become dry.
✓ Malformation of tassel in infected plants.
✓ Chlorosis, white strips, stunting with downy fungal growth on both
leaf surfaces are the characteristic symptoms.
➢ Control measures
✓ The eradication of collateral and wild hosts near maize field and
rouging infected maize plants has been recommended.
✓ Destruction of plant debris by deep ploughing and other methods.
✓ Seed treatment with metalaxyl at 4gm/kg and foliar spray of
mancozeb 2.5 gm/l is recommended.
✓ Use of resistant varieties like Mankamana-1,Rampur hybrid-2 etc
 Entomology is the study of insects and their relationship to humans, the
environment, and other organisms.
PESTS OF TOMATO: Tomato plant have many insects and pest but we observed
following pests in our field;
A. Tobacco caterpillar
Damage symptoms
• In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll content
of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Later they become voracious
feeders making irregular holes on the leaves.
• Irregular holes on leaves initially and later skeletonization leaving only veins and
• Heavy defoliation.
• Bored fruits with irregular holes
B. Grasshopper
Symptoms: Pest description and crop damage Grasshoppers eat irregular holes in
leaf tissue and can defoliate plants in high numbers, especially when swarming.
Damage tends to be greatest on the edges of fields near pasture areas or roadsides.
When wild grasses and other plants become dry, grasshoppers migrate to irrigated
C. Leaf miner: Tuta absoluta is the scientific name of leaf miner, which make tunnel in
the leaves of tomato and further attacked on the fruits.
Symptoms: The most distinctive symptoms of damage done by the tomato leaf miner
(Tuta absoluta) are the blotch-shaped mines in the leaves. Caterpillars prefer leaves and
stems, but they may also occur underneath the crown of the fruit and even inside the
fruit itself. On leaves, the larvae only feed on mesophyll tissues, leaving the epidermis
intact. Fruits can be attacked as soon as they are formed but the larvae only feed on
green fruits. In case of serious infection, leaves die off completely.
PESTS OF CAPSICUM: The capsicum plants are affected by many insect’s pest but in our
field following insect are observed;
A. Aphids: Aphids are the most common capsicum insect Pest. Insect pest are not only
feed the leaves and foliage, but they also spread diseases from one plant to another.
Symptoms: They are polyphagous species that migrate from one plant to another or from
one species to another. They grow on any kind of plant or tree, and then migrate and
attack crops. They appear as a colony on the underside of the leaves, on the flowers or
inflorescences and on young sprouts. Insects prick the plant and suck the cell juice,
causing a stress on the plant. In the event of a severe attack, aphids can cause the death
to of the plant.
✓ The aphids are controlled by enhance or import natural enemies of pest like damsel
✓ Use crop rotation, sanitation the field.
✓ Use the pest resistant varieties.
✓ Spray the insecticide like azadiractin 2ml/liter water
B. Thrips : Thrips are also the major insect pest of capsicum. It
reduces the yield of capsicum. Thrips also attack the chilli, cucumber,
mustard etc.
Symptoms: These are small insects, hardly visible to the naked eye,
attacking a large number of crop plants. They colonize the tops,
flowers, and leaves of the plant, causing flower abortions and plant
dwarfism. They also transmit a series of viruses.
Management: Thrips are controlled by following ways.
✓ Use Bacillus thuriengienis.
✓ Use pest resistant varieties.
✓ Use crop rotation, field sanitation.
✓ Spray neemicide 2ml/l water.
✓ Use biopesticide jholmal-3.
PATHOLOGY: Pathology is branch of biology which deals with study
about pathogens that causes disease. Plant pathology study about the
relationship between host, plant, and environment. A plant disease is
caused once pathogen to get favorable environment to enter or
inoculate in host plant. We were involved in the following activities
during our intern.
dip the electrode on solution.
1. Cropping Scheme for Vegetables (period of reports):7 days
 Plot History (Two important crops)
 Field - 1
1. Name of Student: Bishan Poudel
2. Name of institute to which attached: Agriculture knowledge center
3. Name of farmer: Gita Bhatt
4. Soil type with drainage: Clay and loamy soil
5. Crops grown in last year: Potato
6. Crops now grown : Tomato
7. Area : 3 ropani
8. Diseases spotted in field: wilting, powdery mildew
9. Pests: leaf minor, tobacco caterpillar
10. 10.Recommendation pesticide: mancozeb, carbendazim, emamectin
benzoate, cypermethrin
Food Processing and Storage Interventions
Food Processing is the process of transforming food items into a form
that can be used. It can cover the processing of raw materials into food
via different physical and chemical processes. Various activities covered
in this process are mincing, cooking, canning, liquefaction, pickling, and
emulsification. It takes clean, harvested crops, or butchered and
slaughtered animal products to produce attractive, marketable, and in
several cases, life-long food products. However, food processing can also
lower the nutritional value of the food and might include additives that
might adversely affect health.
❖ Objectives of Food Processing
Food technology is a very vast domain concerning with the production
and processing of food. Food processing has certain objectives, such as:
• It boosts the shelf life of food products.
• Prevent food-contamination.
• Food storage and Transportation.
• Turns raw food materials into attractive, marketable products.
• Provide employment to a large population.
❖ Food processing Methods
There are certain criteria that have to be compiled for the appropriate
processing of food, right from the possibility of a pest or bacteria to invade and
multiply on foods to the biological activity of foods. The following methods are
applied for the proper processing of food: Peeling off the outer layers of the
raw materials.
• Fermentation
• Cooking
• Mixing
• Gasification such as the addition of a gas in bread or soft drinks.
• Proofing
• Spray drying
• Pasteurization
• Packaging
Food preservation is a process involved in food processing employed to prevent
the growth of fungi, bacteria, and many other microorganisms. It involves the
process of slowing down the oxidation of fats that would lead to rancidity. There
are several food preservation methods that are designed specifically to preserve
food. Some of the selected few preservation methods are stated below:
➢ Drying
➢ Cooling
➢ Freezing
➢ Heating
❖ Benefits of Food processing
• It also improves the shelf-life of food products.
• It reduces health inequalities and major health concerns.
• Drawbacks of Food Processing
➔ The important drawbacks of food processing include:
• Processed food contains artificial ingredients.
• Many resources are spent in making the food pleasant to the brain that
leads to overconsumption.
• Processed foods are the biggest source of added sugar that is very
Storage Interventions
Storage means the phase of post harvest system during which the



a) Due to land topography, it is difficult to adopt agriculture mechanization.
b) Lack of input supplements.
c) Almost farmers are farming in traditional way.
d) Difficulties in storage of Citrus, Cereals and Potatoes due to lack of
improved storage facilities.
e) Loss due to lack of insecticides and pesticides.
f) There is a need of extension worker who can teach them about IPM, IDM,
new discoveries, and mechanization in agriculture.
g) Lack of facilitation of agricultural loan that’s why farmer can’t afford
agricultural tool by themselves.
h) Farmers are not getting proper market to sell their products and even if
they get the market, they are not able to get proper price for their products.
i) Farmers are also unknown about the diseases in their crops and livestock
due to which they are not able to treat it timely and properly which cause
huge loss for them.
BSAG- 703
2. Suggestions of solving problems After knowing about various problems, we suggest
a) For dairy product, we suggest them to sell those products in available nearby dairy,
hotels, canteen etc.
b) For blight and smut infestation, we suggest them to use resistant varieties like
Radha7, Khumal-5, Khumal-7, Khumal-9 etc.
c) As many plant disease problems are occurred due to maximum use of chemical
fertilizers, so we suggest them to use proper and optimum recommended dose of
chemical fertilizers and highly suggest them to use FYM and organic fertilizers.
d) In order to develop this place, local government has to take proper look after this
village and have to solve all those major problems that are facing by the people of this
A crop cutting experiment is a procedure of determining the yield of a crop of an area.
The crop cutting survey is the field survey done by measuring the cropped area .
 Objectives of Crop Cutting Experiment
1. It is done for determining the yield of cropped area which represent the simple yield
of that particular year of the particular crop of the entire area.
2. By crop cutting experiment, the government is able to estimate whether there will
be shortage or surplus in a particular year.
3. It helps the government to determine whether a particular crop has to be imported
or exported for the benefit of the country.
 Steps involves in crop cut operations
• Selecting a field of mature crop ready for harvest
• Identifying the South‐West corner of field from where crop cut must be done
• Randomly demarcating the crop‐cutting plot of a specified size
• Meticulously determining the plants to be included in the crop‐cut plot
• Harvesting of crop cut plot
• Threshing and Winnowing to get cleaned harvest
• Weighing and adjusting the harvest to a specified level of moisture content
• Converting the harvest to a standard unit, for example, ton per hectare.
 Selection of fields
• The first operation of the Field Assistant is to proceed to the selected village.
• All the cultivators in the village are to be listed and the serial number of the
field is to be noted for the selection procedure.
• Assigned a random number for selection of field, then
• The highest field number in the village may be higher, equal to or less than
the random number assigned.
• In case the selected random number is equal to or less than the highest field
number, then the field number corresponding to the random number is








Marigold comparison
IN open
 To increase the production and productivity.

 To introduce new technology in agriculture.

 To promote and solve the problems and increase the living life standard of farmer.

 To provide subsidy in local farmer that is helps famers to buy the machineries, quality seed etc.

 To organize the plant protection campaign in farmers field to get rid of disease, pests and weeds.

 To provide technical field level knowledge to the commercial farmer’s,

 To provide support for agriculture loan.

 AKC of Dadeldhura provide the marketing facilities to the commercial farmers.

 AKC of Dadeldhura in cooperation with regional soil laboratory Sunderpur Kanchanpur organize a soil testing campaign to check the

 AKC promote the organic farming system.

 To organize the training for local level technicians and farmers.

Field layout


Layout is an arrangement or plan, especially the schematic arrangement of parts or areas. The areas of
different field/plot must remain with same size and dimension, in order to get the appropriate result and less
error during the trial and research period in the field.


 To know about the techniques of layout of field for field trials and research.

 To grow the seedlings successfully.

 To protect the seeds from environmental factors.

Making perfect layout by using 3, 4 and 5 Rule

 Layout method which is based on pythagorus principle, and widely used for vegetable and fruit planting.
BSAG- 704



 Jholmal is a homemade biofertilizer and

biopesticide that helps improve crop yields while
lowering costs for farmers and reducing the use
of harmful chemicals. It is prepared by mixing
and fermenting locally available material such as
animal urine, water, microorganisms, farmyard
manure, and plants in a defined ratio. It controls
insect pests that attack and damage crops,
protects crops against fungal and vector-borne
diseases, and supports improved plant health.
 JeevatuTM: It is a mix of beneficial microbes,
found in natural conditions, which play a part in
plant nutrition and protection. They also act as
catalytic agents that accelerate the decomposition
BSAG- 705
5. Types of organization: Partnership
6. Objectives of the industry: Objectives of Far west agro giant is as
❖ To generate employment for man and women.
❖ It produces oil from soybean
❖ It also produces oil cake which is manure used in field.
❖ Enhance the economic development.
7. Employment: Man, and women are employed in this industry.
S.N Category Male Total
❖ Number of workers engaged Female
1. Working Proprietor and Partner 2 1 3
2. Unpaid workers 1 1 2
3. Employees
a) Manager & Professional staff 1 1 2
b) Skilled staff 2 2 4
c) Unskilled Staff 6 4 10
d) Others 3 5 8
❖ Number of Shifts per day 10 hours daily
❖ Number of hours worked per week for all shifts 60 hour
❖ Working Capital (Rs.) 1 lakh
❖ Source of Finance
a) Personal and relatives : 50 lakh
b) Loans from banks and bank credit institutions: yes, 1.5 crore
❖ Tenure of bulding occupied for industry was wholly rented.
❖ Total area occupied for business: 508 m2
Costs Particular Amount
1. Gross Wages & Salaries (including bonus & 20000
2. Overtime payment 800 per day
3. Payment in kind, i.e. food, drinks, fuel, etc. 400 per day
4. Employer’s contribution to social security -
5. Training expenses -
❖ Current Technology Status:

Type of machines Percentag Average Expected average life span of

e age equipment
Manual 60 10 10
Automatic 40 8 8

❖ Does the industry have any investment plan:- Yes for,

a) Replacement of old equipment
b) Increasing production capacity
S.N Particulars Values(Rs.)
• Value of fixed assets
1. Land 2 crore

2. Building & Other construction work 60 lakh

3. Transport & Other equipment 1 lakh

4. Others 1 lakh
Description of main Exported Locally sold
Oil of soybean Quantity Value Quantity Value
1. Oil 500 lit. 130 per 300 lit. 130 pe.r
lit. lit
2. Residue after oil 200 kg 60 per kg 300 kg 60 per kg
Sikhardhura biu bijan kendra
❖ Introduction
Sikhardhura is a agro industry which specialize in a production of seeds of
different crop. It was established in 2018 by Mr. Prem saud at Ajayameru,
Dadeldhura with the goal of supplying improved seeds to the farmer.
❖ General information
1. Name of the Industry: Sikhardhura biu bijan kendra
2. Location : Urban area at Dadeldhura district
3. Mailing address: - No any mailing address
4. Forms of ownership: Private
5. Types of organization: Individual proprietorship
6. Objectives of the industry: Objectives of industry are as follow;
❖ Enhance the economic development.
❖ To produce healthy seed.
❖ Economic empowerment of man and women
❖ To manage the farm business in an effective manner.
7. Employment: Man and women are employed in this industry.
❖ Number of workers engaged

S.N Category Male Fe 1male Total

1. Working Proprietor and - - -

2. Unpaid workers 1 1 2
3. Employees
i) Manager & Professional 1 1 2
staff 1 - 1
ii) Skilled staff 1 1 2
iii) Unskilled Staff - 1 1
iv) Other
❖ Number of Shifts per day daily 8 hours
❖ Number of hours worked per week for all shifts 56 hours
❖ Working Capital (Rs.) 20000
❖ Source of Finance a. Loans from banks and bank credit institutions:
Yes,60 lakh
❖ Tenure of bulding occupied for industry was wholly rented: 10 ropani
❖ Total area occupied for business: 10 ropani
❖ Labour Costs

❖ Current Technology Status:

Type of machines Percentage Average Expected average life span of
age equipment

Manual 80 6 year 5 year

Automatic - - -
❖ Does the industry have any investment plan; No
❖ Value of fixed asset
S.N Particulars Value(Rs.)
1. Land 60 lakh
2. Building & Other construction work 20 lakh
3. Transport & Other equipment 1 lakh
4. Others 0.5 lakh

❖ S.N
Output Description of main Exported Locally sold

- Quantity Value Quantity Value

1. Cauliflower seed 3T 2500/Kg No record No record

❖ Main destinations of Export
➢ Dhangadi, Attariya, Kanchanpur, Lamki, Dadeldhura
❖ Marketing of Final products:
Direct selling : 60%
Intermediaries : 10%
Export : 30%
❖ Does the industry have a laboratory: No
❖ Is the industry a member of any association: No
❖ Are the products of the industry certified: No
❖ Is the quality of raw materials purchased also controlled: Yes
❖ Total no. of quality-controlled staff: 8
❖ Are there any environmental regulations: Yes
❖ Does the industry have waste management facilities: Yes

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