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Functions, Limit, Continuity

Reasons for Function limit and continuity

Relationship among various factors contributing
the growth of business

Demand of the product related to various

components of the market
x – ‘domains’ of function
To generate

y- Range of the function

Main types of function

• Constant function f(x) = k

• Identity function f(x)=x
• Modulus function f(x) =x when x>=0 and –x when x <0
• Inverse function x=f-1 (y)
• Composition function f(g(x))
Linear function
• 5.9 A Manufacturer ears Rs 4500 in the first month and Rs 6000 in
second month it observes a linear function ; what is the value in the
third month, write the linear equation

• 5.9 A Survey shows linear function of population growth in the year

1980, the population was 84 crores and 1990 it is 93 crores, what is
the population in the year 2000, and write linear equation
• Demand function: demand vs price -ve slope
• Supply function: supply vs price +ve slope
• Cost function: Fixed and variable costs
C(x) =V(x) + F(X)
• Total Revenue Function – x is the number of units sold
R =f(x)
Profit Function
• P(x)= R(x) – C(x)
Demand vs profit
5.12 demand of a commodity is 50 units when its priced 10. it increases to
64 units when it is priced 8 find the demand function
demand function p = a –bx
10 = a -50b
8 = a- 64b
b=1/7 ; a =120/7
P = 120/7 -1/7 x
5.13 when the unit price is 4 supply was 50 units ; when it is increased to 5
supply was 60 units find the supply function
supply function s= a+bx
Break even analysis
R(x) = C(x)
When there is no profit or loss
When R(x) > C(x)  profit
when R(x) < C (x)  loss
Break even , profit
A Manufacturing unit has fixed cost of 50000 variable cost Rs 150/unit
Each unit can be sold at Rs.500, what would be the profit if 400 units are sold-
determine Cost, revenue , profit and break even point
(a) Cost function C(x) = 50000 + 150x
(b) Revenue function R(x) = 500x
(c) Profit function P(x)= C(x) – R(x)= -50000 +350x
When x =400 P(400) = -50000 +350(400) =90000
(d) Break even point R(x) = C(x) 500x = 50000 +150x
350x = 50000
x = 50000/350 == 1000/7
Break even point, profit
5.14 Q6 - A garment factory has fixed cost of Rs.1.5 Lacs and variable
cost of Rs.150 / shift , each shirt costs Rs 350 , then find
• Cost function
• Revenue function
• Profit function
• Break-even point
The limit of f(x), as x approaches a, is l, written as , means that f(x)
will be closed to the number l. as we please for all x sufficiently close
to the number a but not equal to a
Properties of limits
• Addition/ Subtraction

• Product rule

• Division rule

• Constant rule
Solved Examples 5.16
6x2 + 4 x + 5

x2 -4 / x +3
Limits by factorization 5.17
• If by evaluating the limit – either denominator is ‘0’ then factorization
needs to be tried

Find x2+x -2 / x2 +2x -3 = (x-1) (x+2)/(x-1) (x+3 ) = ¾

x2 -5x +6 / X2 -4
Solved example 5.23

• For the demand function p= a/(x+b) where p is price, x is the quantity

and a & b are positive constants show by concept of limit, that
demand increases to infinity as price falls
x = (a/p)-b
x = –b ==
R(x) =p(x)

R(x) = ax /(x+b) = a /(1+b/x) =a

Solve this 5.17 5.18

• 3X2 +2

• x2-9x / x2 -10x +9
Continuity of a function
A function y = f(x) is said to be continuous at x = a if
a. f(a) exists
Continuity application 5.28
• A Company charges Rs.5 per unit on sales of first 25 units. If it is
above 25 but upto 50 they charge Rs.4 , above 50 units Rs. 3 is

• Determine Continuity of the function when x =25 and x =50

Solve this 5.30
A shop keeper charges Rs. 25 per item for purchasing 20 or less items.
He gives some rebate of items are more . If the items bought are 50 or
less, then rebate of Re.1 per item and for more than 50 items, Rs.2 per
item is given . Find the cost function. And what are the points at which
it is not continuous
Thank you
• In calculus, differentiation is one of the two important concepts apart
from integration. Differentiation is a method of finding the
derivative of a function. Differentiation is a process, in Maths, where
we find the instantaneous rate of change in function based on one of
its variables. The most common example is the rate change of
displacement with respect to time, called velocity. The opposite of
finding a derivative is anti-differentiation.
• If x is a variable and y is another variable, then the rate of change of x
with respect to y is given by dy/dx. This is the general expression of
derivative of a function and is represented as f'(x) = dy/dx, where y =
f(x) is any function.
Explanation of term ‘ Derivative’

• x variable
• x is increased by ∆x and changes to (x + ∆x)
• Value of f changes from f(x) to f(x+ ∆x)
• Difference is f(x+ ∆x)-f(x)
• Rate of change is f(x+ ∆x)-f(x)
f’(x) = lim f(x+ ∆x) - f(x)
∆x 0 ∆x

Derivation foundation at a point x = a denoted as f’(a)

f’(a)= lim f(a-h)-f(x)
h0 h
Application of differentiation
With the help of differentiation, we are able to find the rate of change of
one quantity with respect to another. Some of the examples are:
Acceleration: Rate of change of velocity with respect to time
To calculate the highest and lowest point of the curve in a graph or to
know its turning point, the derivative function is used
To find tangent and normal to a curve
Derivative of Function As Limits

If we are given with real valued function (f) and x is a point in its domain of definition, then
the derivative of function, f, is given by:
f'(a) = limh→0[f(x + h) – f(x)]/h
provided this limit exists.
Let us see an example here for better understanding.
Example: Find the derivative of f(x) = 2x, at x =3.
Solution: By using the above formulas, we can find,
f'(3) = limh→0 [f(3 + h) – f(3)]/h = limh→0[2(3 + h) – 2(3)]/h
f'(3) = limh→0 [6 + 2h – 6]/h
f'(3) = limh→0 2h/h
f'(3) = limh→0 2 = 2
• When a function is denoted as y = f(x), the derivative is indicated by
the following notations.
1.D(y) or D[f(x)] is called Euler’s notation.
2.dy/dx is called Leibniz’s notation.
3.F’(x) is called Lagrange’s notation.
• The meaning of differentiation is the process of determining the
derivative of a function at any point.
Important Formulae
basic differentiation rules

• Sum and Difference Rule

• Product Rule
• Quotient Rule
• Chain Rule
Sum or Difference Rule

• If the function is the sum or difference of two functions, the derivative

of the functions is the sum or difference of the individual functions,
• If f(x) = u(x) ± v(x)
• then, f'(x) = u'(x) ± v'(x)
Product Rule
Quotiont Rule
Few solved examples
• Q.1: Differentiate f(x) = 6x3 – 9x + 4 with respect to x.
Solution: Given: f(x) = 6x3 – 9x + 4
• On differentiating both the sides w.r.t x, we get;
• f'(x) = (3)(6)x2 – 9
• f'(x) = 18x2 – 9
• This is the final answer.
• Q.2: Differentiate y = x(3x2 – 9)
• Solution: Given, y = x(3x2 – 9)
• y = 3x3 – 9x
• On differentiating both the sides we get,
• dy/dx = 9x2 – 9
• This is the final answer.
Maxima and Minima
What is differentiation?
The process of finding the derivative of a function is called differentiation. If x
and y are two variables, the rate of change of x with respect to y is the
What are the examples of differentiation?
An example of differentiation is velocity which is equal to the rate of change of
displacement with respect to time. Another example is acceleration which is
equal to the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.
What is the derivative of a constant value?
The derivative of constant function is zero. For example, if f(x) = 8, then f'(x) = 0.
Chain Rule

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