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The history of Soft ware Security- Recognizing

Ap plication Security
The history of software security, particularly in the context of
recognizing web application security threats, is marked by the
evolution of technology and the increasing sophistication of cyber
threats. Below is a brief overview of key milestones and
developments in the history of web application security:

1. **1990s - The Emergence of the World Wide Web:**

- The World Wide Web became publicly accessible, leading
the proliferation of websites and web applications.
- The focus during this period was on building and expanding
the web, with limited attention to security considerations.

2. **Late 1990s to Early 2000s - Rise of Common

- As web applications grew in complexity, security
vulnerabilities became more apparent.
- Common vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, SQL
injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) started to emerge.
- The concept of input validation gained attention as a crucial
aspect of web application security.

3. **2002 - The Birth of OWASP:**

- The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) was
founded to provide resources and guidelines for improving web
application security.
- The OWASP Top Ten, a list of the most critical web
security risks, was introduced to raise awareness about
4. **Mid-2000s - Proliferation of Web 2.0 and AJAX:**
- The advent of Web 2.0 technologies and the use of
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) introduced
attack vectors.
- Security researchers and attackers began to exploit
vulnerabilities related to the dynamic and interactive
nature of
these technologies.
5. **Late 2000s - Increased Focus on Secure Development
- Organizations started recognizing the importance of
integrating security into the software development life
- Secure coding practices and tools became more
emphasizing the need to consider security from the design
**2010s - Evolution of Threat Landscape:**
- The threat landscape continued to evolve with the rise of
mobile applications, cloud computing, and APIs.
- Web security standards like HTTP Strict Transport
(HSTS) and Content Security Policy (CSP) gained
adoption to
enhance protection against various attacks.
7. **2017 - OWASP Top 10 Update:**
- OWASP updated its Top 10 list to reflect contemporary web
application security risks, including issues like insufficient
and monitoring and XML external entity (XXE) vulnerabilities.

8. **2020s - Emphasis on DevSecOps and Automation:**

- The integration of security into DevOps processes
(DevSecOps) gained momentum, emphasizing
between development, operations, and security teams.
- Automation tools for code analysis, vulnerability
scanning, and
penetration testing became essential for identifying and
mitigating security issues early in the development cycle.
9. **Present - Ongoing Challenges and Innovations:**
- Web application security remains an ongoing challenge due
the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats.
- Innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine
learning are being employed to enhance threat detection
response capabilities.
Overall, the history of software security in the context of web
applications highlights the continual need for vigilance, education,
and proactive measures to address emerging threats in an
increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

The Origins of Hacking

In the past two decades, hackers have gained more publicity and
notoriety than ever before. As a result, it’s easy for anyone
the appropriate background to assume that hacking is a
closely tied to the internet and that most hackers emerged in
the last 20 years.
The Enigma Machine, Circa 1930
The Enigma machine used electric-powered mechanical rotors to
both encrypt and decrypt text-based messages sent over radio
waves (see Figure 1-1). The device had German origins and
would an important technological development during the
World War.
Automated Enigma Code Cracking, Circa
Alan Turing was an English mathematician who is best known for
his development of a test known today as the “Turing
test.” The
Turing test was developed to rate conversations generated by
machines based on the difficulty in differentiating those
conversations from the conversations of real human beings. This
test is often considered to be one of the foundational
in the field of
Introducing theartificial
“Bombe” intelligence (AI).

A bombe was an electric-powered mechanical device that

attempted to automatically reverse engineer the position of
mechanical rotors in an Enigma machine based on
analysis of messages sent from such machines
Telephone “Phreaking,” Circa 1950
After the rise of the Enigma machine in the 1930s and the
cryptographic battle that occurred between major world powers,
the introduction of the telephone is the next major event in our
timeline. The telephone allowed everyday people to communicate
with each
other over large distances, and at rapid speed. As telephone
networks grew, they required automation in order to function
at scale.

Anti-Phreaking Technology, Circa 1960

In the 1960s, phones were equipped with a new technology known
as dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) signaling. DTMF was an
based signaling language developed by Bell Systems and patented
under the more commonly known trademark, “Touch
Tones.” DTMF
was intrinsically tied to the phone dial layout we know today that
consists of three columns and four rows of numbers. Each key on a
DTMF phone emitted two very specific audio frequencies, versus a
Web frequency
Application likeSecu
the original
rity tone dialing systems.
**Introduction to Web Application

Web application security refers to the set of measures and practices designed to
protect web applications from various cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and
unauthorized access. With the increasing reliance on web-based technologies
business operations, e-commerce, and communication, ensuring the security of
web applications is crucial to safeguard sensitive data and maintain the
and availability of online services.
**Definition of Web Application

Web application security involves implementing mechanisms and best

to identify, prevent, and mitigate security risks that may arise in the
development, deployment, and maintenance of web applications. It
encompasses a broad range of techniques and strategies aimed at protecting
against common vulnerabilities and attacks that can exploit weaknesses in
application code, configuration, and user interactions.
**Types of Web Application

1. **Network Security:**
- Focuses on securing the communication channels between users and
applications. This includes encryption protocols (HTTPS), firewalls, and
intrusion detection/prevention systems.

2. **Authentication and Authorization:**

- Ensures that users are who they claim to be (authentication) and that they
have the appropriate permissions to access specific resources or perform
actions (authorization).

3. **Data Validation and Input Sanitization:**

- Involves validating and sanitizing user inputs to prevent injection
such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

4. **Security Misconfigurations:**
- Addresses issues related to improperly configured security settings,
settings, or access controls that could expose vulnerabilities.

5. **Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection:**

- Mitigates the risk of attackers tricking users into performing
actions on a web application where they are authenticated.

6. **File Upload Security:**

- Focuses on securing mechanisms that allow users to upload files to
the execution of malicious code or the upload of harmful files.

7. **Security Headers:**
- Involves the implementation of HTTP security headers, such as HTTP
Transport Security (HSTS) and Content Security Policy (CSP), to control
browsers handle content.
8. **Web Application Firewalls (WAF):**
- Adds an additional layer of protection by filtering and monitoring HTTP
traffic between a web application and the internet to detect and block

**Pros of Web Application


1. **Data Protection:** Ensures the confidentiality and integrity of

data processed by web applications.

2. **User Trust:** Building and maintaining trust among users by providing

secure online experience, protecting their personal information.

3. **Business Continuity:** Mitigates the risk of disruptions caused by

incidents, ensuring continuous availability and functionality of
4. **Regulatory Compliance:** Helps organizations comply with
protection and privacy regulations by implementing necessary
5. **Cost Savings:** Proactively addressing security issues during
can save costs compared to dealing with breaches and their consequences.

6. **Brand Reputation:** Protects the reputation of the organization by

preventing data breaches and security incidents that could damage
**Cons of Web Application

1. **Resource Intensive:** Implementing and maintaining robust web

application security measures can be resource-intensive, requiring
expertise, and financial investment.

2. **Usability Challenges:** Stringent security measures may sometimes

impact user experience and require a careful balance between security

3. **Complexity:** Web application security can be complex due to the

dynamic and evolving nature of cyber threats, requiring continuous
and adaptation.

4. **False Positives:** Security measures, such as WAFs, may generate

positives, potentially blocking legitimate traffic and causing inconvenience
5. **Resistance to Change:** Introducing security measures may face
resistance from developers or users accustomed to less secure but
convenient practices.

6. **Ongoing Vigilance:** Cyber threats evolve over time, requiring

vigilance and updates to security measures to address new vulnerabilities.

In summary, web application security is a multifaceted field that plays a

role in protecting online assets and user data. While it comes with challenges,
the benefits of a secure web application environment far outweigh the
drawbacks. Organizations must adopt a holistic and proactive approach to
address security concerns and create a robust defense against cyber threats.
Common Web Application Security Threats
1. Insecure Design

2. SQL Injection

3. Faulty Access Control

4. Authorization Failure

5. Security Misconfiguration

6. Outdated Components

7. Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

Au thenticat ion and Authorizat
Authentication and authorization are fundamental components of web
application security, ensuring that users access only the resources and
functionalities they are allowed to. Let's delve into each of these

### Authentication:

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user,
system, or application. In the context of web applications, it involves
confirming that the user is who they claim to be.

**Key Elements:**
1. **Credentials:** Users typically provide credentials such as
usernames and passwords, though other factors like biometrics,
cards, or two-factor authentication can be used for stronger

2. **Authentication Factors:**
- **Something You Know:** Passwords, PINs.
- **Something You Have:** Smart cards, security tokens.
- **Something You Are:** Biometrics like fingerprints,

**Authentication Methods:**
1. **Single-Factor Authentication (SFA):**
- Relies on one authentication factor (e.g., password only).

2. **Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):**

- Requires two or more authentication factors, enhancing

**Best Practices:**
1. **Strong Password Policies:** Encourage users to create
passwords and update them regularly.

2. **Multi-Factor Authentication:** Implement MFA to add an

layer of security.

3. **Secure Transmission:** Ensure that authentication credentials

are transmitted securely over encrypted connections (e.g., HTTPS).
### Authorization:

Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to specific
resources, functionalities, or data based on the authenticated user's

**Key Elements:**
1. **Roles and Permissions:** Users are assigned roles, and each role
has specific permissions defining what actions or data the user can

2. **Access Control Lists (ACLs):** Lists specifying the permissions

assigned to each user or system.

**Authorization Models:**
1. **Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):**
- Users are assigned roles, and roles are associated with specific

2. **Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC):**

- Access decisions are based on attributes of the user, the
and the environment.

**Best Practices:**
1. **Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP):**
- Users should have the minimum level of access necessary to
perform their job functions.

2. **Regular Access Reviews:**

- Periodically review and update user roles and permissions to
ensure they align with current requirements.

3. **Fine-Grained Authorization:**
- Implement granular controls, specifying permissions at a detailed
level rather than granting broad access.

**Authentication and Authorization Workflow:**

1. **Authentication:**
- User provides credentials.
- Credentials are verified against stored credentials (e.g., in a
- If credentials are valid, the user is authenticated.

2. **Authorization:**
- Authenticated user's permissions are checked.
- Access is granted or denied based on the user's permissions.
- Users can access only the resources and perform only the actions
permitted by their role and permissions.

**Challenges and Considerations:**

1. **Session Management:**
- Securely manage user sessions to prevent unauthorized access or
session hijacking.

2. **Token Security:**
- If using tokens for authentication, ensure they are securely
generated, transmitted, and validated.

3. **User Provisioning and Deprovisioning:**

- Implement effective processes for adding, updating, and
user accounts to ensure accurate access control.

In summary, a robust web application security strategy involves

effective authentication and authorization mechanisms. These
components work together to verify user identities and control access
to resources, helping to prevent unauthorized access and protect
sensitive data.


Authentication and authorization are fundamental components of web

application security. Properly implementing these mechanisms is crucial to
safeguard sensitive data, protect user privacy, and prevent unauthorized
access. In this blog, we will explore best practices for implementing
authentication and authorization in web applications, drawing insights from
CronJ, a leading technology company specializing in web application
security solutions.

The Importance of Authentication and

Authentication verifies the identity of users, ensuring they are who they
claim to be, while authorization determines the actions and resources a user
is allowed to access within an application. Together, these mechanisms form
the foundation of web application security.

Implementing Secure
2.1 Strong Password Policies: Enforce password complexity rules, such
as minimum length, combination of characters, and regular password
updates. Encourage the use of password managers and multi-factor
authentication (MFA) for added security.

2.2 Secure Credential Storage: Utilize strong encryption algorithms to

store user passwords securely. Avoid storing plain-text passwords or using
weak hashing algorithms.

2.3 Implementing MFA: Implement multi-factor authentication, which

combines multiple authentication factors such as passwords, biometrics, or
one-time codes. This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for
unauthorized users to gain access.

Ensuring Robust
3.1 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to assign
specific roles and permissions to users based on their responsibilities and
privileges. This ensures that users can only access the resources
necessary for their job functions.

3.2 Principle of Least Privilege: Adhere to the principle of least

privilege, granting users only the minimum level of access required to
perform their tasks. Regularly review and revoke unnecessary privileges to
minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

3.3 Fine-Grained Access Control: Implement fine-grained access

control mechanisms, such as attribute-based access control (ABAC), to
define access policies based on specific user attributes, conditions, or
context. This allows for more granular control over resource authorization.
Securing Authentication and Authorization
4.1 Secure Communication Channels: Use secure protocols like
HTTPS/TLS to encrypt data transmitted between the user’s device and the
web application server. This prevents unauthorized interception and
protects sensitive information.

4.2 User Session Management: Implement secure session management

techniques, such as session timeouts, secure cookie settings, and session
revocation upon logout or inactivity. This prevents session hijacking and
unauthorized access to user accounts.

4.3 Regular Security Updates and Patches: Stay updated with the
latest security patches and updates for the web application framework,
libraries, and dependencies used. This helps address security vulnerabilities
and protect against emerging threats.

CronJ’s Expertise in Web Application

Security Solutions:
CronJ offers expertise in web application security solutions, providing
comprehensive measures to enhance authentication and authorization
processes. Their services include:

5.1 Security Audits and Assessments: CronJ conducts security audits

and assessments to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and recommend
remediation strategies for authentication and authorization processes in
web applications.

5.2 Implementation of Secure Authentication and

Authorization: CronJ assists in implementing robust authentication and
authorization mechanisms tailored to the specific needs of web
applications. They leverage industry best practices and cutting-edge
technologies to ensure secure user access.
5.3 Security Training and Education: CronJ offers security training
and education programs to empower developers and stakeholders with the
knowledge and skills to implement and maintain secure authentication and
authorization practices.

Implementing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms is
essential for web application security. By following best practices such as
secure authentication, robust authorization, and regular security updates,
web applications can effectively protect user data and prevent unauthorized
access. With CronJ’s expertise in web application security solutions,
organizations can enhance their authentication and authorization processes
to ensure a secure and trusted web environment
Secure Socket lay er
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) provides security to the data that is transferred
between web browser and server. SSL encrypts the link between a web
server and a browser which ensures that all data passed between them
remain private and free from attack.
Secure Socket Layer Protocols:
 SSL record protocol
 Handshake protocol
 Change-cipher spec protocol
 Alert protocol
SSL Protocol Stack:

SSL Record Protocol:

SSL Record provides two services to SSL connection.
 Confidentiality
 Message Integrity
In the SSL Record Protocol application data is divided into fragments. The
fragment is compressed and then encrypted MAC (Message Authentication
Code) generated by algorithms like SHA (Secure Hash Protocol) and MD5
(Message Digest) is appended. After that encryption of the data is done
and in last SSL header is appended to the data.
Handshake Protocol:
Handshake Protocol is used to establish sessions. This protocol allows the
client and server to authenticate each other by sending a series of
messages to each other. Handshake protocol uses four phases to complete
its cycle.
 Phase-1: In Phase-1 both Client and Server send hello-packets to
each other. In this IP session, cipher suite and protocol version
are exchanged for security purposes.
 Phase-2: Server sends his certificate and Server-key-exchange.
The server end phase-2 by sending the Server-hello-end packet.
 Phase-3: In this phase, Client replies to the server by sending
his certificate and Client-exchange-key.
 Phase-4: In Phase-4 Change-cipher suite occurs and after this the
Handshake Protocol ends.
SSL Handshake Protocol Phases diagrammatic representation

Change-cipher Protocol:
This protocol uses the SSL record protocol. Unless Handshake Protocol is
completed, the SSL record Output will be in a pending state. After the
handshake protocol, the Pending state is converted into the current state.
Change-cipher protocol consists of a single message which is 1 byte in
length and can have only one value. This protocol’s purpose is to cause
the pending state to be copied into the current state.
Alert Protocol:
This protocol is used to convey SSL-related alerts to the peer entity. Each
message in this protocol contains 2 bytes.

The level is further classified into two parts:

Warning (level = 1):

This Alert has no impact on the connection between sender and
receiver. Some of them are:
Bad certificate: When the received certificate is corrupt.
No certificate: When an appropriate certificate is not available.
Certificate expired: When a certificate has expired.
Certificate unknown: When some other unspecified issue arose in
processing the certificate, rendering it unacceptable.
Close notify: It notifies that the sender will no longer send any messages in
the connection.
Unsupported certificate: The type of certificate received is not supported.
Certificate revoked: The certificate received is in revocation list.

Fatal Error (level = 2):

This Alert breaks the connection between sender and receiver. The
connection will be stopped, cannot be resumed but can be restarted. Some
of them are :
Handshake failure: When the sender is unable to negotiate an acceptable
set of security parameters given the options available.
Decompression failure: When the decompression function receives
improper input.
Illegal parameters: When a field is out of range or inconsistent with
other fields.
Bad record MAC: When an incorrect MAC was received.
Unexpected message: When an inappropriate message is received.
The second byte in the Alert protocol describes the error.
Salient Features of Secure Socket Layer:
 The advantage of this approach is that the service can be
tailored to the specific needs of the given application.
 Secure Socket Layer was originated by Netscape.
 SSL is designed to make use of TCP to provide reliable end-to-
end secure service.
 This is a two-layered protocol.
Versions of SSL:
SSL 1 – Never released due to high insecurity.
SSL 2 – Released in 1995.
SSL 3 – Released in 1996.
TLS 1.0 – Released in 1999.
TLS 1.1 – Released in 2006.
TLS 1.2 – Released in 2008.
TLS 1.3 – Released in 2018.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate used to secure

and verify the identity of a website or an online service. The certificate is
issued by a trusted third-party called a Certificate Authority (CA), who
verifies the identity of the website or service before issuing the
certificate. The SSL certificate has several important characteristics that
make it a reliable solution for securing online transactions:
1. Encryption: The SSL certificate uses encryption algorithms to
secure the communication between the website or service and
its users. This ensures that the sensitive information, such as
login credentials and credit card information, is protected from
being intercepted and read by unauthorized parties.
2. Authentication: The SSL certificate verifies the identity of the
website or service, ensuring that users are communicating with
the intended party and not with an impostor. This provides
assurance to users that their information is being transmitted to
a trusted entity.
3. Integrity: The SSL certificate uses message authentication codes
(MACs) to detect any tampering with the data during
transmission. This ensures that the data being transmitted is not
modified in any way, preserving its integrity.
4. Non-repudiation: SSL certificates provide non-repudiation of
data, meaning that the recipient of the data cannot deny having
received it. This is important in situations where the
of the information needs to be established, such as in e-commerce
5. transactions.
Public-key cryptography: SSL certificates use public-key
cryptography for secure key exchange between the client and
server. This allows the client and server to securely exchange
encryption keys, ensuring that the encrypted information can
6. only
be decrypted by the intended recipient.
Session management: SSL certificates allow for the management
of secure sessions, allowing for the resumption of secure sessions
after interruption. This helps to reduce the overhead of
establishing a new secure connection each time a user accesses a
website or service.
7. Certificates issued by trusted CAs: SSL certificates are issued
by trusted CAs, who are responsible for verifying the identity of
the website or service before issuing the certificate. This provides
high level of trust and assurance to users that the website or
service they are communicating with is authentic and trustworthy.
In addition to these key characteristics, SSL certificates also come in
various levels
Validation of and
(OV), validation, including
Extended Domain
Validation (EV).Validation (DV),
The level of Organization
determines the amount of information that is verified by the CA before
issuing the certificate, with EV certificates providing the highest level of
assurance and trust to users.For more information about SSL certificates
for each Validation level type, please refer to Namecheap.
Overall, the SSL certificate is an important component of online security,
providing encryption, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, and
other key features that ensure the secure and reliable transmission of
sensitive information over the internet.
Refer to the difference between Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport
Layer Security (TLS)
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide
secure communication over a computer network. SSL has been succeeded
by Transport Layer Security (TLS), but the term "SSL" is often used
colloquially to refer to both SSL and TLS. The primary use of SSL/TLS in
web application security is to establish a secure and encrypted
between a web server and a client, typically a web browser. This secure
connection helps protect sensitive data during transmission, preventing
unauthorized access and tampering. Here are key aspects of SSL/TLS in
web application security:

### 1. **Encryption:**
- **Purpose:** SSL/TLS encrypts data exchanged between the web
and the client, ensuring that even if intercepted, the data remains
unreadable without the appropriate decryption key.
- **Implementation:** The encryption process involves using
cryptographic algorithms to transform data into an unreadable
(cipher text) that can only be deciphered by the intended recipient.
### 2. **Authentication:**
- **Purpose:** SSL/TLS provides a means for the client to verify the
authenticity of the server and, in some cases, vice versa. This helps
ensure they are connecting to a legitimate and trusted website.
- **Certificates:** SSL/TLS uses digital certificates to establish the
of the server. Certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs)
### information
3. **Data about the server's identity.
- **Purpose:** SSL/TLS ensures that the data transmitted between the
client and the server has not been tampered with during
- **Hash Functions:** Cryptographic hash functions are used to
checksums (hashes) for the transmitted data. The recipient can verify
integrity of the data by comparing the received hash with the
### 4. **Secure Handshake:**
- **Purpose:** Before establishing a secure connection, the client and
server perform a handshake to negotiate the encryption algorithms
exchange necessary parameters.
- **Key Exchange:** During the handshake, a process called key
occurs, where the client and server agree on a shared secret key for
encrypting and decrypting data.
### 5. **HTTPS (HTTP Secure):**
- **Purpose:** SSL/TLS is commonly implemented in web applications
using HTTPS, which stands for HTTP Secure. It is the secure version of
HTTP protocol and uses SSL/TLS to provide a secure connection.
- **URL Prefix:** URLs using HTTPS start with "https://" instead of
### 6. **TLS Versions:**
- **Evolution:** Over time, various versions of TLS have been released to
address vulnerabilities and improve security. It is essential to use the
and most secure version supported by both the server and the client.
- **Compatibility:** While newer versions of TLS are more secure,
compatibility issues may arise with older systems. Striking a
between security and compatibility is crucial.
### 7. **SSL/TLS Offloading:**
- **Purpose:** In some architectures, SSL/TLS termination or
occurs at a dedicated device or load balancer before reaching the web
server. This can improve performance and scalability.
- **Encryption at the Edge:** Offloading moves the burden of SSL/TLS
processing from the web server to a dedicated device, allowing the
to focus on handling application logic.
### 8. **Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS):**
- **Purpose:** PFS is an additional security feature that ensures that
if a long-term secret key is compromised, past communication cannot be
- **Key Agreement Protocols:** PFS is typically achieved using
agreement protocols like Diffie-Hellman.
### 9. **Security Best Practices:**
- **Regular Certificate Renewal:** SSL/TLS certificates have an
date. Regularly renew certificates to maintain the security of the
- **Cipher Suite Configuration:** Ensure that the web server is
to use strong and secure cipher suites, and disable support for weak or
vulnerable algorithms.
- **HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security):** Implement HSTS to
the use of HTTPS, reducing the risk of downgrade attacks.
SSL/TLS plays a critical role in securing data in transit, and its adoption is
fundamental practice in modern web application security. Organizations
should stay informed about the latest developments in SSL/TLS
and best practices to maintain a secure online environment.

Transport layer (TLS)
Layer Securities Security
are designed to provide security at the
transport layer. TLS was derived from a security protocol called Secure Sock
Layer (SSL). TLS ensures that no third party may eavesdrop or tampers with
any message.
There are several benefits of TLS:

 Encryption:
TLS/SSL can help to secure transmitted data using encryption.
 Interoperability:

TLS/SSL works with most web browsers, including Microsoft

Internet Explorer and on most operating systems and web servers.
 Algorithm flexibility:

TLS/SSL provides operations for authentication mechanism,

encryption algorithms and hashing algorithm that are used during
 secure session.

Ease of Deployment:
Many applications TLS/SSL temporarily on a windows server 2003
 operating systems.

Ease of Use:
Because we implement TLS/SSL beneath the application layer, most
of its operations are completely invisible to client.
Working of TLS:
The client connect to server (using TCP), the client will be something.
The client sends number of specification:
1. Version of SSL/TLS.
2. which cipher suites, compression method it wants to use.

The server checks what the highest SSL/TLS version is that is supported by
them both, picks a cipher suite from one of the clients option (if it supports
one) and optionally picks a compression method. After this the basic setup is
done, the server provides its certificate. This certificate must be trusted either
by the client itself or a party that the client trusts. Having verified the
certificate and being certain this server really is who he claims to be (and not
man in the middle), a key is exchanged. This can be a public key,
“PreMasterSecret” or simply nothing depending upon cipher suite.
Both the server and client can now compute the key for symmetric encryption.
The handshake is finished and the two hosts can communicate securely. To
close a connection by finishing. TCP connection both sides will know the
connection was improperly terminated. The connection cannot be
compromised by this through, merely interrupted.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to
secure communication over a computer network. TLS is the successor to
Sockets Layer (SSL), and it is commonly used to secure data transmission on
the internet, particularly in web applications. TLS ensures the confidentiality,
integrity, and authenticity of the data exchanged between a client (typically
web browser) and a server. Here are key aspects of TLS in web application
### 1. **Encryption:**
- **Purpose:** TLS encrypts data during transmission, ensuring that even
intercepted, the data remains confidential.
- **Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption:** TLS uses a combination of
symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is used for
data transfer, while asymmetric encryption is used for key exchange and
### 2. **Authentication:**
- **Purpose:** TLS provides a mechanism for both the client and the
to authenticate each other, ensuring that they are communicating with the
intended and legitimate parties.
- **Digital Certificates:** TLS relies on digital certificates to verify the
identity of the server (and optionally, the client). Certificates are issued
Certificate Authorities (CAs) and contain information such as the public
### **Dataabout the entity's identity.
- **Purpose:** TLS ensures that the data transmitted between the client
the server has not been tampered with during transmission.
- **Hash Functions:** Cryptographic hash functions are used to generate
checksums (hashes) for the transmitted data. The recipient can verify the
integrity of the data by comparing the received hash with the calculated
### 4. **Secure Handshake:**
- **Purpose:** Before establishing a secure connection, the client and
perform a handshake to negotiate the encryption algorithms, exchange
necessary parameters, and authenticate each other.
- **Key Exchange:** During the handshake, a process called key exchange
occurs, where the client and server agree on a shared secret key for
and decrypting data.
### 5. **Forward Secrecy:**
- **Purpose:** TLS supports Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS), ensuring that
even if a long-term secret key is compromised, past communication cannot
- **Key Agreement Protocols:** PFS is typically achieved using
agreement protocols like Diffie-Hellman.
### 6. **Versions:**
- **Evolution:** TLS has undergone several versions, with each version
addressing security vulnerabilities and improving cryptographic
- **Current Versions:** As of my last knowledge update in January
TLS 1.3 is the latest version, offering improved security and performance
compared to earlier versions.
### 7. **Cipher Suites:**
- **Purpose:** Cipher suites are combinations of encryption, hash, and
exchange algorithms used to secure the connection.
- **Choosing Strong Cipher Suites:** It's important to configure the web
server to use strong and secure cipher suites, while disabling support for
or vulnerable algorithms.

### 8. **TLS in HTTPS:**

- **Implementation:** In web applications, TLS is commonly implemented
through HTTPS (HTTP Secure). This ensures that the communication
the client and the server occurs over a secure, encrypted connection.
- **URL Prefix:** URLs using HTTPS start with "https://" instead of

### 9. **Security Best Practices:**

- **Regular Certificate Renewal:** TLS certificates have an expiration
Regularly renew certificates to maintain the security of the connection.
- **HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security):** Implement HSTS to
the use of HTTPS, reducing the risk of downgrade attacks.
- **OCSP Stapling:** Optionally, use Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP) stapling to reduce the latency in certificate status verification.
TLS is a critical component of web application security, providing a secure
foundation for the transmission of sensitive data. As cyber threats evolve, it's
essential to stay informed about the latest TLS versions, vulnerabilities, and
practices to ensure the continued security of web applications.
Session Management - Input Validat
**Session Management in Web Application

Session management is a crucial aspect of web application security that

involves the creation, maintenance, and termination of user sessions. A session
is a period of interaction between a user and a web application, typically
when a user logs in and ending when they log out or their session becomes
inactive. Proper session management is essential for protecting user data and
preventing unauthorized access. Key considerations include:
1. **Session ID Security:**
- Use secure methods for generating and transmitting session IDs,
they cannot be easily guessed or intercepted.
- Implement secure random number generators for creating session IDs.
- Avoid exposing session IDs in URLs, as they can be more
2. **Session Timeout:**
- Define reasonable session timeout values to automatically log out users
a period of inactivity.
- Notify users before sessions expire to allow them to extend their session
3. **Session Fixation:**
- Implement measures to prevent session fixation attacks where an
sets a user's session ID to a known value.
- Generate a new session ID upon login or after certain privileged
4. **Secure Cookie Attributes:**
- Set secure attributes for session cookies, such as the 'Secure' attribute
ensure they are transmitted only over secure (HTTPS) connections.
- Use the 'HttpOnly' attribute to prevent client-side script access to
5. **Logout Functionality:**
- Provide a secure logout mechanism that effectively terminates a
- Invalidate session data on the server side upon logout.

6. **Session Revocation:**
- Enable administrators to revoke sessions in the case of suspicious activity
a compromised account.
- Implement mechanisms to force a re-authentication after certain
7. **Session Data Protection:**
- Avoid storing sensitive information in session variables whenever
- Encrypt session data if it needs to be stored on the server.

8. **Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection:**

- Implement anti-CSRF tokens to protect against CSRF attacks, where
attacker forces a user to perform unintended actions without their
9. **IP Address Checking:**
- Optionally, consider associating sessions with specific IP addresses
prevent session hijacking.

**Input Validation in Web Application


Input validation is a critical component of web application security that

checking user inputs for correctness, security, and adherence to predefined
criteria. Proper input validation helps prevent a range of vulnerabilities,
including injection attacks and cross-site scripting. Key considerations
1. **Data Type Validation:**
- Ensure that input conforms to the expected data type (e.g., numbers,
to prevent unexpected behavior or security issues.

2. **Length and Size Checks:**

- Validate that input lengths are within acceptable ranges to prevent
overflows and other related vulnerabilities.

3. **Whitelisting Input:**
- Define and enforce a whitelist of allowed characters, rejecting input
includes disallowed or special characters.
- Avoid using blacklists, as they can be less effective and prone to
4. **Regular Expressions:**
- Use regular expressions to define and enforce patterns for valid input.
- Be cautious with complex regular expressions to avoid security issues
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

5. **HTML Entity Encoding:**

- Encode user input to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
special characters to their HTML entity equivalents.

6. **Parameterized Queries:**
- When dealing with databases, use parameterized queries or
statements to prevent SQL injection attacks.

7. **File Upload Validation:**

- If your application allows file uploads, implement strict validation on
types, size, and content to prevent malicious file uploads.

8. **Client-Side Validation:**
- Implement client-side validation for a smoother user experience, but
validate inputs on the server side as well to ensure security.
- Do not rely solely on client-side validation for security.
9. **Error Handling:**
- Customize error messages to avoid revealing too much information about
system or underlying infrastructure.
- Provide generic error messages to users and log detailed errors
10. **Security Headers:**
- Use security headers, such as Content Security Policy (CSP), to mitigate
risk of certain types of injection attacks.

By prioritizing effective session management and input validation, web

applications can significantly reduce the risk of common security
and provide a more secure experience for users. Regularly updating and
patching software components, staying informed about emerging threats, and
conducting thorough security testing are also essential practices in
robust webValidation
application security.

This page contains recommendations for the implementation of input validation.

Do not use input validation as the primary method of preventing Cross-Site Scripting, SQL
injection and other attacks which are covered by the Vulnerability Mitigation section.
Nevertheless, input validation can make a significant contribution to reducing the impact of
these attacks if implemented properly.

Perform input validation for data from all potentially untrusted sources, including suppliers,
partners, vendors, regulators, internal components or applications.

 Perform input validation for all user-controlled data, Data source for
see validation.
 Perform input validation as early as possible in a data flow, preferably as soon
as data is received from an external party before it is processed by an
 Implement input validation on the server side. Do not rely solely on
on the client side.
 Implement centralized input validation functionality.


 Implement the following validation scheme:

o Normalize processed data, see Normalization.
o Perform a syntactic validation of the processed data, see Syntactic

o Perform a semantic validation of the processed data, see Semantic
 Implement protection against mass parameter assignment attacks.
 Log errors in the input validation, see Logging and Monitoring page.
 Comply with requirements from Error and Exception Handling page.

 Ensure all the processed data is encoded in an expected encoding (for instance, UTF-
8) and no invalid characters are present.
 Use NFKC canonical encoding form to treat canonically equivalent symbols.
 Define a list of allowed Unicode characters for data input and reject input with
characters outside the allowed character list. For example, avoid Cf (Format)
Unicode characters, commonly used to bypass validation or sanitization.


Unicode classifies characters within different categories. Unicode characters have multiple uses, and
their category is determined based on the primary characteristic of the character. There are
printable characters such as:

 Lu uppercase letters.
 Mn nonspacing marks, for example, accents and other letter
 Nd decimal numbers.
 Po other punctuation, for example, the Full Stop dot ..
 Zs space separator.
 Sm math symbol, for example, < or =.
and not printable characters such as:

 CC
 Cf
The last two
format. categories (not printable characters) are the most used for attacks trying to bypass input
validation, and therefore they should be avoided if not needed. For more information on
categories, please see https: // ww w.unico / repo rts/ tr4 4/ #General_Catego ry_ Values .

There are three approaches to handle not-allowed characters:

 Recommended (rigorous and safe): reject the input completely if it has
character outside of allowed character lists.
 Not recommended (lenient but safe): replace not-allowed characters with
Replacement Character U+FFFD.
 Not recommended (unsafe): remove not-allowed characters from input.
Example of could
an allowed havelist:unexpected behaviors and be used by attackers to bypass
subsequent validation. Therefore, this approach should never be used.
 L (Letter, contains Lu | Ll | Lt | Lm | Lo categories)
 N (Number, contains Nd | Nl | No categories)
 P (Punctuation, contains Pc | Pd | Ps | Pe | Pi | Pf | Po
 S (Symbol, contains Sm | Sc | Sk | So categories)
 Z (Separator, contains Zs | Zl | Zp categories)
Syntactic validation
Use data type validators built into the used web framework.

 Validate against JSON Schema and XML Schema (XSD) for input in these
 Validate input against expected data type, such as integer, string, date, etc.
 Validate input against expected value range for numerical parameters and dates. If the
business logic does not define a value range, consider value range imposed by
language or database.
 Validate input against minimum and/or maximum length for strings.

Semantic validation
Define an allow list and validate all data against this list. Avoid using block
There are two main validation approaches:

 Allow list validation verifies that data complies with a known list of allowed
anything else is considered as invalid data.
 Block list validation verifies that data does not match any known blocked values. If
so, the data is considered invalid, anything else is considered valid data. Note that if a
block list validation is used, input data must be normalized before any comparison,
validation or processing. If normalization is not done properly, block list validation
can be easily bypassed.
Unfortunately, block list validation may miss unknown bad values that an attacker could leverage to
bypass the validation. For example, if an application handles IP addresses, an attacker can bypass
block list that contains using rare IP formats:



 Define an array of allowed values as a small set of string parameters (e.g. days
of a
 Define a list of allowed characters such as decimal digits or letters.
 You can use regular expressions to define allowed values, see the Regular
Expressions page.
 Implement file
emailvalidation according
validation to to
according thetheFile Upload page. Email Add
ressConfirmation page.

Session Management
This page contains recommendations for the implementation of session management.

There are two approaches to session management: Stateful and Stateless.

 In the case of the Stateful approach, a session token is generated on the

server side, saved to a database and passed to a client. The client uses this
token to make requests to the server side. Therefore, the server-side stores
the following bundle: account_id:session_id.
 In the case of the Stateless approach, a session token is generated on the
server side (or by a third-party service), signed using a private key (or secret
key) and passed to a client. The client uses this token to make requests to the
server side. Therefore, the server side needs to store a public key (or secret
key) to validate the signature.

Use the base cookie format to store session IDs, see the Cookie Security page.

 Do not store any sensitive data (tokens, credentials, PII, etc.) in a session ID.
 Use the session management built into the framework you are using instead
of implementing a homemade one from scratch.
 Use up-to-date and well-known frameworks and libraries that implement
session management.
 Review and change the default configuration of the framework or library you
are using to enhance its security.
 Consider session IDs as untrusted data, as any other user input.
 Implement an idle or inactivity timeout for every session.

 Implement a mechanism to allow users to actively close a session (logout)
after they have finished using an application.
 Invalidate the session at least on the server side while closing a session.
 Use different session IDs and token names for pre- and post-authentication


 Do not cache session IDs if caching application contents is allowed, see the
Transport Layer Protection page.


 Do not pass a session ID in an URL (path, query or fragment).

 Renew or regenerate a session ID after any privilege level change within the
associated user session (anonymous -> regular user, regular user -> admin
user, etc.).


 Handle and store session IDs according to Session Management page.

 Log successful and unsuccessful events related to a session lifecycle (such as
creation, regeneration, revoke) including attempts to access resources with
invalid session IDs, see the Logging and Monitoring page.

Use the ultimate cookie format to store session IDs, see the Cookie Security page.

 If a framework is used, change the default session ID name to something

neutral, for example, sessionid or id.
 Implement an absolute timeout for every session regardless of session

 Provide users with the ability to manage active sessions (view and close active

Stateful approach related

Generate a session ID using a cryptographically strong generator, see the Cryptography:
Random Generators page.

 Use session IDs of length 16+ bytes.

 Do not accept a session ID that has never been generated by an
In case of receiving one, generate a new one for anonymous access and set it
to a user.
Stateless approach related
Use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to implement stateless session management, see
the JSON Web Token (JWT) page.

 Use exp claim to implement a session timeout.

 Use the following algorithm to implement the logout functionality:
o Store the jti claim (unique token identifier) for each issued token.
o If a user logged out from an application, move the jti to a list
o tokens.
Remove a token from the block list when a token expires (check the exp
claim to determine if a token has expired)

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