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LISTENING SKILL (50 questions)

Part A : Dialog pendek antara dua penutur dan diikuti pertanyaan yang terkait
dengan suggestion, inference, meaning, future actions, topic, opinions, assumption,
time, reasons, problems, activities (30 questions)
Contoh: What does the man/woman mean?
What does the man/woman imply?
Part B: Longer dialogues. Biasanya dua dialog dengan 7 – 9 pertanyaan tentang
topics, who/what/where/when/why/how.
Contoh: What is the topic of the conversation?
Who is talking?
Part C: Short talks/lectures (60-90 detik). Biasanya ada tiga kuliah singkat, diikuti
11-13 pertanyaan tentang topics, who/what/where/when/why/how.
Contoh: What is the topic of today’s lecture?
Who is talking?
Listening (Suggestion)
You will hear:
M1: I’ve never had this type of fruit before. I don’t even know what to do with it.
F1: You just have to peel it and eat it.
M2: What does the woman mean? (question)

You will read:

(A) She doesn’t feel like eating fruit.
(B) The man should take the pill before eating.
(C) The fruit shouldn’t be eaten until it’s been peeled.
(D) She isn’t familiar with this type of fruit either.

The correct answer is (C). The word feel in choice (A) sounds like the word peel in
the dialogue. In a different way, the word pill in choice (B) also sounds like the
word peel. Notice that choice (C)—the correct answer—and choice (D) do not
contain soundalike words
Listening (Inference)
You will hear:
M1: Eugene missed a lot of classes last week.
F1: That’s because he was sick. I think he had the flu.
M2: What is learned about Eugene?

You will read:

(A) He has been feeling weak for a long time.
(B) Because of sickness, Eugene was absent.
(C) Eugene’s eyesight isn’t very strong, so he needs glasses.
(D) Eugene flew to another city this week.

The correct answer is (B). The dialogue contains the word week, meaning a seven-
day period. Choices (A) and (C) refer to a homonym of that word, weak, which
means not strong. The dialogue also contains the word flu, an illness.
Listening (Meaning)
You will hear:*
F1: Are you sure this is how Lois spells her last name?
M1: It doesn’t look right, does it? In fact, I’m not even sure it starts with that letter.
M2: What does the man mean?

You will read:

(A) The letter to Lois was incorrectly addressed.
(B) Lois’ last name may be incorrectly spelled.
(C) Lois’ name appeared on the right side of the page.
(D) Lois hasn’t begun writing the letter yet.

The correct answer is (B).

The dialogue contains the words right (benar) and the word letter (huruf). Choices
(A) and (D) also contain the word letter (surat). Choice (C) also contains the word
right (kanan).
Listening (Idiom)
You will hear:*
F1: I wonder where Mike is.
M1: He’ll show up as soon as the work is done, I bet.
M2: What does the man say about Mike?

You will read:

(A) He probably won’t arrive until the work is finished.
(B) He went to a show instead of going to work.
(C) He can show them how to do the work.
(D) He’ll probably work late today.

The correct answer is (A).

The idiom show up means “arrive.” Choices (B) and (C) contain the
word show, but it is not used in the idiomatic sense.
Listening (Inference)
You will hear:*
M1: Can I take this bus to the art museum?
F1: No, this bus goes north to Bank Street. You want a bus that goes the opposite way.
M2: What can be inferred from this conversation?

You will read:

(A) The man needs to take a southbound bus.
(B) There is no bus to the museum.
(C) It takes a long time to get to the museum by bus.
(D) The art museum is on Bank Street.

The correct answer is (A).

This information can be inferred, because the first bus is going north, but the man must take
a bus going in the opposite direction to get to the art museum. Choice (B) is incorrect; it IS
possible to get to the museum by bus. There is no information about choice (C). Choice (D)
can’t be true because Bank Street is where the first bus is going.
Listening (Agreement)
You will hear:*
M1: Howard certainly is a talented journalist.
F1: Isn’t he though!
M2: What does the woman mean?

You will read:

(A) She doesn’t know if Howard is a journalist.

(B) She agrees that Howard is talented.
(C) She read Howard’s journal.
(D) She doesn’t think Howard is talented.

The correct answer is (B). Although the woman’s reply seems negative in form, it
actually signals agreement.
Listening (Agreement)
You will hear:*
F1: I thought Cheryl’s photographs were the best at the exhibit.
F2: I didn’t really see it that way.
M1: What does the second woman mean?

You will read:

(A) She thought Cheryl’s photos were the best.
(B) She didn’t look at Cheryl’s photos.
(C) She thought other photos were better than Cheryl’s.
(D) She didn’t go to the exhibit.

The correct answer is (C). The woman’s response, “I didn’t really see it that way,”
means that she disagreed with the first woman’s opinion that Cheryl’s photographs
were the best.
Listening (Invitation)
You will hear:*
M1: Would you like to join us on Sunday? We’re going to go on a picnic at the lake.
F1: I’d love to, but I have a test Monday, and I have to get ready for it.
M2: What will the woman probably do on Sunday?

You will read:

(A) Study for a test
(B) Go on a picnic
(C) Take an exam
(D) Join a club

The correct answer is (A).

The man invites the woman to come to a picnic. The woman says that she’d love to
go, but that she must study for a test she is taking Monday. (If the woman had
accepted the man’s invitation, choice (B) would have been correct.)
Listening (Offer)
You will hear:
F1: Should I make reservations for dinner Friday night?
M1: Thanks anyway, but I’ve already made them.
M2: What does the man mean?

You will read:

(A) He can’t go to dinner Friday night.
(B) Reservations won’t be required.
(C) He made reservations earlier.
(D) He’d like the woman to make reservations.

The correct answer is (C).

The woman offers to make reservations, but the man replies that he has already
made reservations.
Listening (Request)
You will hear:*
M1: I have to make one more phone call before I go.
F2: Take your time. Would you just lock the door when you finish?
M2: What does the woman want the man to do?

You will read:

(A) Lock the office
(B) Finish his phone call quickly
(C) Tell her what time it is
(D) Look up a phone number

The correct answer is (A). The woman requests that the man lock up the office.
Listening (Contradicting)
You will hear:*
F2: Amy didn’t work overtime last week.
M1: As a matter of fact, she did.
M2: What does the man say about Amy?

You will read:

(A) She is always late for work.
(B) She never works overtime.
(C) She worked extra hours last week.
(D) She hasn’t had her job very long.

The correct answer is (C).

The man’s emphatic use of the auxiliary verb did shows that he is contradicting what
the woman said.
Listening (Contradicting)
You will hear:*
M1: Martin always talks about how he loves to dance.
F1: Yes, but you don’t see him out on the dance floor very often, do you?
M2: What does the woman say about Martin?

You will read:

(A) He is an excellent dancer.
(B) He doesn’t like dancing very much.
(C) He doesn’t talk about dancing very often.
(D) He goes dancing four times a week.
The correct answer is (B). The woman’s use of the word but and the tag question
(“. . . do you?”) suggest that she doesn’t believe that Martin really loves to dance.
Listening (Assumption)
You will hear:*
F1: No, Judy’s not here right now. She’s at her economics class.
M1: Oh, so she decided to take that course after all.
M2: What had the man assumed about Judy?

You will read:

(A) She wouldn’t take the course.
(B) She had already completed that course.
(C) She was busy studying economics.
(D) She wouldn’t find economics difficult.

The correct answer is (A).

The man is surprised that Judy is in economics class because he thought that she had
decided not to take the course. Therefore, he had obviously assumed that Judy was not
going to take the course before he spoke to the woman.
Listening (Plan)
You will hear:*
F2: Are you going to go to Boston with Michael this summer?
M1: Wish I could, but if I want to graduate next year, I’ve got to stay here and take a
couple classes.
M2: What does the man plan to do this summer?

You will read:

(A) Graduate
(B) Attend classes
(C) Visit Michael
(D) Go to Boston

The correct answer is (B).

The man indicates that he must stay where he is and take classes to graduate next year.
Listening (Topic)
You will hear:
F1: Have you seen this letter from the bursar’s office?
F2: Oh, no! Not another increase! If you ask me, we’re already spending too much to go
to school here.
M2: What are these speakers talking about?

You will read:

(A) Higher tuition costs
(B) A poor grade
(C) Higher postage rates
(D) A letter from a relative

The correct answer is (A).

That the letter comes from the bursar’s office (the financial office of a university) and that
the second woman is upset about an increase and believes they are spending too much to
go to school makes it clear that they are talking about a tuition increase.
Listening (Problem)
You will hear:
M2: Gordon, what happened to your window?
M1: When I was painting the window last week, I hit it with the ladder.
F1: What problem does Gordon probably have?

You will read:

(A) His house needs painting.
(B) He broke his ladder.
(C) He spilled some paint.
(D) His window is broken.

The correct answer is (D).

Gordon, the second speaker, says that he hit the window with the ladder when he
was painting the house. The logical result—a broken window.
Two Longer Dialogues
There are longer conversations between a man and a woman or (sometimes)
between two men or two women. Each conversation lasts from 30 to 90 seconds.
It is preceded by brief introductory comments:
Questions 31 to 34. “Listen to two students talk about their psychology class.”
Questions 31 to 35. “Listen to a conversation about plans for a class trip.”
Questions 35 to 38. “Listen to two friends discussing a performance that they
Questions 36 to 39. “Listen to a conversation in a student housing office.”
Questions 35 to 39. “Listen to a conversation between two teaching assistants.”
Not only do these introductory comments tell you to get ready to listen, but also
they tell you how many questions in your test book to preview at one time.
Moreover, they give you a general idea of what to expect as you listen.
Two Longer Dialogues
You will hear:
M2: Listen to a conversation between two students.
F1: Bill, you’re a physics major, aren’t you?
M1: That’s right.
F1: I need some advice. I want to take an introductory physics class and I have to
choose between two teachers, Professor Hunter and Professor McVey. Do you
know much about them?
M1: I’ve taken classes from both of them. To tell you the truth, I don’t really like
Hunter’s style of teaching. He doesn’t seem to care if his students understand
or not, and his lectures are pretty dry.
F1: Well then, what about McVey? I’ve heard his course is difficult.
M1: It’s not easy, but you’ll learn a lot, and he always encourages his students to
ask questions and join in discussions.
Two Longer Dialogues
You will hear:
What does the woman ask Bill to do?

You will read:

(A) Give her information about two teachers

(B) Help her with a physics assignment
(C) Speak to a professor for her
(D) Lead a discussion

The correct answer is (A).

The woman asks Bill for some advice about the two professors who are teaching
basic physics courses.
Two Longer Dialogues
You will then hear:*
M2: What does Bill imply that the woman should do?

You will read:

(A) Change her major to physics

(B) Discuss her problem with Professor Hunter
(C) Sign up for an easy class
(D) Take Professor McVey’s class

The correct answer is (D).

Bill speaks critically of Professor Hunter’s teaching methods but favorably of
Professor McVey’s, so he would probably advise her to take McVey’s course.
Yang perlu dikuasai pada bagian ini adalah memahami berbagai macam
1. Pertanyaan tentang topic:
- What is the topic of the talk?
- What is the topic of yesterday’s lecture?
- What is the topic of today’s lecture

2. Pertanyaan tentang who, what, when, why, where, dan how.

- Who is talking?
- Who is probably giving this talk?
- When did the talk probably take place?
2. Pertanyaan tentang who, what, when, why, where, dan how.
- Where did the talk probably take place?
- What course is the talk concerned with?
- What is the source of information for the talk?
- What is the assignment for the next class?
- How does the speaker cope with….?
- Why does the speaker mention….?
Tips menjawab pertanyaan (Dialogue)
• Jawab setiap pertanyaan dengan segera dan lanjutkan ke
dialog berikutnya sesegera mungkin.
• Kenali petunjuk untuk menjawab pertanyaan dialog.
• Ingatlah bahwa jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut umumnya
terdapat pada baris terakhir dialog.
• Jika pilihan jawabannya panjang, bacalah dengan cepat.
Cobalah untuk mengantisipasi apa pertanyaannya dengan
bentuk pilihan jawaban.
• Jika Anda tidak memahami semua atau sebagian percakapan,
tebak dan lanjutkan.
Masalah sound-like expressions
1. Dua kata yang diucapkan sama, kecuali untuk satu suara vokal
(peel dan pill, lack dan lake, point dan paint) atau satu suara
konsonan (peel dan feel, vine dan wine, mop dan mob).
2. Dua kata yang terdengar seperti satu kata, seperti mark it dan
market, sent her dan center, in tents dan intense.
3. Satu kata yang terdengar seperti bagian dari kata yang lebih
panjang, seperti nation and imagination, mind and remind, and
give and forgive.
Masalah sound-like expressions
Jika pilihan jawaban berisi kata yang terdengar seperti kata dalam
kalimat lisan, pilihan itu mungkin salah. Misalnya, jika Anda mendengar
kata spell dan Anda membaca kata spill dalam pilihan jawaban, Anda
biasanya dapat mengabaikan pilihan itu
Tips menjawab pertanyaan (lectures)
• Perhatikan kalimat pengantar untuk setiap pembicaraan. Ini akan
memberi tahu Anda item mana yang dirujuk oleh setiap pembicaraan
dan mungkin memberi Anda gambaran tentang apa yang akan
• Pratinjau pilihan jawaban saat pembicaraan sedang dibaca dan selama
jeda antara pertanyaan. Coba tebak pertanyaan apa yang akan muncul.
• Dengarkan konsep secara utuh:
• Siapa yang terlibat dalam percakapan?
• Di mana dan kapan percakapan berlangsung?
• Apa topik utama percakapan?
Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini sering disarankan dalam
beberapa baris pertama pembicaraan.
Tips menjawab pertanyaan (lectures)

• Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat catatan tertulis, tetapi

cobalah untuk membuat “catatan mental” pada detail tertentu:
fakta, angka, tanggal, tempat, dan sebagainya.
Terkadang Anda dapat memeriksa informasi yang Anda yakini
Anda dengar dengan informasi yang Anda baca di pilihan
jawaban saat Anda melihat pratinjau.
• Segera jawab pertanyaan.
• Tebak jawaban atas pertanyaan yang tidak dimengerti.
• Tidak ada pengurangan atas jawaban yang salah.

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