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The Best Tips To Overcome

From Common Cause of



Group 8
 Introduction
 The process of procrastination
 Disadvantages
 The best tips
 Words of gift

What is Procrastination?

-the act of delaying or postponing tasks

or actions that need to completed.
The process of procrastination
A few reasons why people procrastinate
1.Lack of Motivation
-can be caused by a variety of factors, lack of interest in the
task, fear of failure or just feeling overwhelmed by the scope
of the work.
2.Lack of focus
People who are easily distracted or have trouble
concentrating often find it difficult to stay on task and get
things done.
1.Worse mental and physical health
Procrastination can lead to various mental health issues,
as well as physical health issues

2.Halting your knowledge and skill improvement

The most valuable knowledge and skills come
from experience. This is something that certainly
cannot be gain when we choose to procrastinate.
3.Delaying progress to success

When we delay or stop our work as we procrastinate

logically, the progress to realize them to stop too. This isn’t
ideal and can make it much longer for us to achieve success
in life.
The Best Tips
1.To set realistic goal
People who set realistic goals for themselves are
much less likely to procrastinate.

2.To break tasks into smaller pieces

When you have large tasks to complete it can be
helpful to break them into smaller, more
manageable pieces.
3.Prioritize your tasks
People who prioritize tasks in order to
importance are more likely to get things

4.To create a schedule

Scheduling time for tasks can help you to
stay focused and avoid distractions.
5.Minimize distractions
You can do this by turning off electronic devices,
closing email and social media tabs and creating a
quiet work environment.

6.To use positive self-talk

Encouraging yourself and focusing on a small
achievements can help people to build momentum and
stay motivated.
7.Control your mind

The most important things are

controlling of our mind and trying to
be disciplinarian.
Words of Gift

Procrastination is
Thank You

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