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 Motivation is an action that stimulates an individual to take
a course of action, which will result in an attainment of
goals or satisfaction of certain material or psychological
needs of the individual.
 Motivation is a powerful tool .
 "Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action
to accomplish desired goals". - William G Scott

 "Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of

drives, needs, wishes and similar forces".
- Koontz and O'Donnell
 Motivation is a psychological phenomenon.
 It is a dynamic process.
 It is the process of inspiration.
 It is related to need.
 It is behaviour oriented.
 It is continuous and ongoing process.
 It is goal oriented.
 It is positive or negative.
Concept of motivation
 Motivation is generated through basic needs
or drives.
 It compels an individual to respond by
creating a kind of tension or urge to act
 It is a goal - directed activity , pursued
(follow)till the attainment of the goal
 Attainment of a goal helps in the release of
tension aroused by a specific motive

A change in goal may bring changes in the
nature and strength of the motive
 Motivation is an inner state or an aroused
feeling .
 Weexperience motives as feelings of want ,
need and desire
 We cannot see motives directly , but must
infer them from the behavior of people .
 There are four types of motivation:
1. Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is the motivation
in which motives originate from inside the human body.
Intrinsic motivation is the internal drive that stimulates the
individual to behave in a specific way. For example: Hunger,
Sleep, Thirst, etc.
2. Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is the motivation
in which motives originate from outside the human body. The
drive exists outside the human body that stimulates individual
for certain action. For example: Allowances. Promotion,
reward, punishment, demotion, etc.
3. Positive Motivation: According to Flippo, Positive
motivation is the process of attempting to influence others to
do your will through the possibility of gain or reward. Positive
motivation involves the possibility of increased motive
satisfaction. It is also called as Incentive Motivation.
4. Negative Motivation: Negative motivation is based on fear
and force. Force and fear causes individual to act in a certain
way because they fear the consequences. Negative
motivation involves possibility of decreased motives
satisfaction. It is also called as Fear motivation.
Importance of Motivation
 Motivation enhances the efficiency of the staff.
 It helps to improve knowledge and skills of staff.
 Positive motivation guides the staffs to achieve desired
 Motivation ensures better coordination and cooperation
among staff.
 It promotes sense of belongingness among staff.
 It helps to develop good interpersonal relationship among
staff in an organization.
 It helps to improve moral of the staff.

 It helps to introduce and implement the change.

 It helps to minimize absenteeism.

 It facilitates effective utilization of available resources.

 It helps to change negative attitude to positive attitude.


Unsatisfied need Tension


Reduction of
Search behavior
 Drive theory was developed by Clark Leonard Hull
in 1943.
 According to the drive theory of motivation ,
people are motivated to take certain actions in
order to reduce the internal tension that is caused
by unmet needs .
 For example , a person might be motivated to
drink a glass of water in order to reduce the
internal state of thirst .

 Humans and other animals are motivated
by four drives : hunger , thirst , sex and the
avoidance of pain .
 Thistheory is useful in explaining behaviors
that have a strong biological component ,
such as hunger or thirst .
 Theproblem with the drive theory of
motivation is that these behaviors are not
always motivated purely by physiological
needs .
 For example , people often eat even when
they are not really hungry .
 Drive theories might be described as the '
push theories of motivation ' ; behavior is '
pushed ' towards goals by driving states
within the person .

 Drivetheories ' say : when an internal drive
state is aroused , the individual is pushed
to engage in behavior , which will lead to a
goal , reducing the intensity of the drive
state .
 Motivation consists of : A drive state . 2
Goal - directed behavior initiated by the
drive state .
 The attainment of an appropriate goal .
 Thereduction of the drive state and
subjective satisfaction and relief when the
goal is reached .
 Thesequence of events is called
motivational cycle
Motivational cycle

Relief Driving State

Achievement of Goal directed

goal behaviour
 Drivetheory includes the influence of learning in
secondary drives .
 Primary drives are those which arise from basic
biological needs , such as hunger , thirst and
elimination , etc.
 However , through the process of conditioning and
learning , people can acquire other drives .
 These learned drives are known as secondary
drives , people are said to have learned drives for
power , aggression or achievement , etc.
 Such learned driving states become enduring
characteristics of the particular person and push
him towards appropriate goals .
1.Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory
 Abraham Maslow was the great psychologist. He has
developed a theory that suggests humans are motivated to
satisfy five basic needs. He has arranged these needs in a
hierarchical in nature. Maslow suggests that we seek first to
satisfy the physiological need, i.e. basic need of human
being. Once the basic need of human being is satisfied, we
seek to satisfy the higher level need until we have satisfied
all five needs.
 Physiological needs: Physiological needs are the basic
needs necessary for human being includes hunger, thirst,
shelters, etc., the human being has to satisfy these needs
first. Once these needs satisfied individual no longer strives
hard to obtain these & he himself is motivated to work hard
for the organization.
 Security needs: Security needs include job security and
safety at the work place. Hence, psychological security of
human being is important. Safety includes both physical &
emotional safety. Human being is a safety seeking
 Social needs: Social needs of human being focus on the
relationship between and among groups of people working
in the organization. This need provides the emotional
security to the workers and also gives a sense of
belongingness. Every human being needs friendship with
 Esteem needs: Esteem needs represent the higher level
needs of human beings. At this level, employees are
striving for power, achievement & status. Esteem connotes
both self-esteem & esteem from others.
 Self-actualization: Self-actualization is a higher level need
represents culmination of all other needs.

 Frederick Herzberg has developed two factor theory of

motivation in 1950.
 Herzberg found 2 factors that influence employee
motivation and satisfaction.
 Motivator factors: Motivating factor is also called as
Satisfier. They are intrinsic factors. Motivating factors lead
to satisfaction and motivate employees to work harder. For
example: Enjoying work, feeling recognized Achievement
and Advancement.
 Hygiene factors: Hygienic factor is also called as
dissatisfiers. They are extrinsic factor. Hygiene factor lead
to dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation if they are absent.
For example: Salary, Organizational policies, benefits, job
security, relationships with managers and co-workers.
3. McGregor’s THEORY X & THEORY Y
 He states that people inside the organization can be managed
in two ways. The first is basically negative, which falls under
the category X and the other is positive, which falls under the
category Y.
 Assumptions of theory X:
 Employees inherently do not like work and whenever possible,
will attempt to avoid it.
 Because employees dislike work, they have to be forced or
threatened with punishment to achieve goals.
 Assumptions of theory Y:
 Physical and mental effort at work is as natural as rest or play.
 People do exercise self-control & self-direction and if they are
committed to those goals.
4. William Ouchi Theory Z
 William Ouchi was an American Economist. Ouchi develops the
"Theory Z". According to Ouchi, the Theory Z promotes stable
employment, high productivity, high morality and employee satisfaction.
 Characteristics of Theory Z are:
 Collective decision making.
 Long-term employment.
 Job rotation.
 Slow promotion.
 Focus on training.
 Implicit control of worker behaviour.
 Group responsibility for quality.
 Holistic concern for the employees welfare.
5. ERG Theory
 Clayton Alderfer has proposed ERG Theory. Clayton Alderfer
proposed an alternative hierarchy of needs called ERG
Theory. ERG theory is based on eds of individuals are as
 Existence need: They correspond to the physiological and
security needs. They represent Maslow's fundamental
 Relatedness needs: They focus on how people relate to
their social environment. They represent needs for
interpersonal relations.
 Growth needs: They include needs for self esteem, self
actualization, personal creativity or productive influence.
1. Reinforcement Theory
 B.F Skinner’s theory (1969) suggests that an employee’s
work motivation is controlled by conditions in the external
environment, that is, by designing the environment properly,
individuals can be motivated.
 Positive behavior should be reinforced or rewarded as this
increase the strength of a response or induces its
 Negative reinforcement occur when desired behavior
occurs to avoid negative consequences of punishment.
2. Expectancy theory of Vroom

 This theory states that motivation depends on three

 Attractiveness: The person sees the outcome as
 Performance-reward linkage: The person perceives that a
desired outcome will result from a certain degree of
 Effort-performance: The person believes that a certain
amount of effort will lead to performance.
3. J. Stacy Adams Equity theory

 Third process theory and focuses on fair treatment.

 Persons believe that they are being treated with equity
when the ratio of their efforts to rewards equals those of

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