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Chapter 1

What is Strategy?
What is Strategy?
Strategy is a set of goal-directed action a firm takes to gain and sustain
superior performance relative to competitor.
1. Strategic
Strategic Management Integrates between:

➔ Analysis
what’s new, unusual, or surprising.

➔ Formulation
Give people a reason to care.

➔ Implementation
Provide a simple unifying message for what
is to come
2. Elements of
Good Strategy Challenges
➔ Diagnosis of Competitive
Analysis of the firm’s internal and external

➔ Guiding Policy
A guide as result of strategy formulation. Coherent Guiding
➔ Coherent Actions
Actions Policy
Action taken based on guiding policy
Transient Advantage? Sustainable
Competitive Competitive
Advantage Advantage
Outperforming Compertitors
Superior performance
or the industry average over
relative to other competitors
a prolonged period of time.
in the same industry or the
industry average.

Underperformance relative
to other competitors in the Performance of two or more
same industry or the firms at the same level.
industry average.
The AFI Strategy Framework
1. [Arya] Who should formulate strategy in a company? What to do if
there is no direction from higher level?
2. [Dani] Could strategy be implemented in small units or only in
department level?
3. [Mita] How to measure if the strategy in a company is effective? Who’s
keeping track of it?
4. [Naomi] How to make people think strategically?
5. [Dadan] What if there is unplanned improvisation in corporate strategy
that turns out to be a good idea?

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