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East India Company:

• The East India Trading Company was a Company set up by British

Merchants to trade with India in 1600.
• 1608, its first port was set up at Surat.
• They granted permission by Shah Jahan
• The East India Company slowly gained power and created a private army.
• It made a major role in establishing British Reign in the subcontinent.
• The East India Company was finished through India Act 1858 after War of
East India Company:

 The British was interested in the Indian Wealth of Spices and Mineral
 The British wanted to use and take control over the major trade routes to
control World
 Trade and they all passed through the subcontinent.
 The British wanted to eliminate all other countries from competitions.
 The British wanted to trade for its economic growth.
Subsidery Alliance
Robert Clive
Robert Clive

 Joined-service of-EIC-as Writer Clerk reached Madras-1744

 Hero of Arcot- He suggested to Governor of Madras that he should be given some troops
to capture Arcot-
 Chanda Sahib army was defeated by Clive and also Defeated Chanda Sahib forces at
 Went to England after the Victory of Second carnatic War-
 Clive again sent to Indaia as a Governor of Fort St. David-1756-
British Expansion in India

 Carnatic War
 Battle of Plassy
 Battle of Baxer
Carnatic War

 The Carnatic wars were the battles that took place in the Carnatic region
of South India during the period between 1746 and 1763.
 The French and the British were the two major contenders in this war.
Apart from foreign rulers, Indian rulers also took part in these wars.
 The main objective behind the Carnatic wars was to gain trade and
political supremacy in India.
 The Final Carnatic war ended up in the favour of the English East India
Company after which the English East India Company gained trade
mono[poly and significant political power.
Battle of Plassey 1757

 The French encouraged the Nawab of Bengal to attack the EIC base at Calcutta.
 Furthermore the Fortification of British post on Calcutta was also against agreement with
the Nawab of Bengal
 So Siraj-ud-Daulah marched over Calcutta and seized Fort William and locked the British
residents in a small room.
 23 out of 65 people died and so Battle of Plessey began.
 Mir Jafar. Jafar was made the new Nawab of Bengal as reward and Bengal came under
EIC’s rule.
 Robert Clive was given Bengal as reward.
Battle of Buxar ((Oct. 22, 1764) Background

 Battle of Buxar a conflict between forces of the British East India Company, commanded by
Major Hector Munro, and those of the Mughal emperor, Shah Alam II; the Mughal governor of
Oudh Shujā al-Dawlah; and the governor of Bengal, Mīr Qāsim.
 Causes
 Mir Kasim was the most efficient of all Nawabs of Bengal from 1756 onward
 By keeping himself away from the British influence. For that purpose he transferred his capital
from Murshidabad to Monghyr.
 To strengthen his power he organized his army in the same way as the Europeans did.
 He made arrangements for the manufacture of fire arms at Monghyr with a view to equipping
his army adequately.
Course of War

 Their combined army met the British forces under the command of Major
Munro at Buxar on 22nd October 1764.
 Major Munro inflicted a crushing defeat on their combined forces.
 Mir Kasim fled to the North-West and died.
 Shah Alam left the cause of Shuja-ud-daula and found shelter in the British
 Shuja-ud-daula fought until 1765 when he was completely defeated and sued
for peace.
Mir Kasim wanted to put an end to all private

 Under instructions, from the Nawab, his officers in the district began to
seize the boats belonging to the English merchants
 He also instructed the local Amils to strike off all kinds of commercial
relations with the East India Company. All these measures led to huge
financial loss to the company.
 He fled to get the assistance from Oudh Shuja-ud-daula, the Nawab of
Oudh, and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam. These three people formed a
confederacy against the British.
Treaty of Allahabad:

 In 1765, Robert Clive signed the Treaty of Allahabad with the Nawab of
Oudh and Shah Alam II.
 The treaty effectively legalized the British East India Company's control
over the whole of Bengal.
 The Battle of Buxar firmly established the British as masters of Bengal,
Bihar and Orissa and placed Awadh at their mercy.

 Tipu Sultan (20 November 1750 – 4 May 1799), also known as the Tiger
of Mysore and Tipu Sahib ,
 was a ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and a scholar, soldier, and poet.
 He was the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali of Mysore.
 Tipu introduced a number of administrative innovations during his rule,
including his coinage, and a new land revenue system which initiated the
growth of Mysore silk industry.

 Tipu expanded the iron-cased Mysorean rockets and wrote the

military manual Fathul Mujahidin, considered a pioneer in the use of
rocket artillery.
 He deployed the rockets against advances of British forces and
their allies in their 1792 and 1799.
 In the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, the combined forces of the British
East India Company and the Nizam of Hyderabad defeated Tipu,
 Tipu was killed on 4 May 1799 while defending his fort of

 Maharaja Ranjit Singh (13 November 1780 – 27 June 1839)

 He was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which came to power
in the Indian subcontinent in the early half of the 19th century.
 The empire, based in the Punjab region, existed from 1799 to
 Ranjit Singh was succeeded by his son, Kharak Singh.
1839, Assault on Afghanistan:

 The British were threatened about Russia seeking to expand its territory.
In 1839, British invaded Afghanistan and installed its own puppet ruler,
however the British army could not face the difficult terrain of Afghanistan
as well as the locals and soon
 the Afghan’s rebelled and massacred the British force. Out of 4000
soldiers, only
 one doctor from Kabul survived and reported the incident.
1843, The Annexation of Sindh:

 The British pride was hurt by the invasion in Afghanistan and decided to
attack on Sindh under Sir Charles Napier to restore their Pride and
Prestige among Muslims and to capture the important Route through
Bolan pass.
 Also they wanted to make sure it is not the target of Sikhs expansion.
 Even in Britain many people condemned Napier’s action for they had
broken a friendship treaty with the Amirs of Sindh in 1809.
 Sir Charles Napier provoked Amirs of Sindh to attack British.
 Now they had a reason to make it the base of annexation.
Annexation of Punjab and NWFP

 The British now turned to Punjab threatened by the increasing power of

Ranjit Singh and
 now to capture the trade route over Indus River and Khyber Pass.
 The Sikhs were worried also and so they attacked on British controlled India
in 1845, First Sikh War.
 Their main army was destroyed.
 Finally in 1848-9 Second Sikh War, the Sikh army was destroyed and so the
British took over Punjab.
 The NWFP also came under British rule with Capture of Punjab.

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