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voco/ fo/d poresis ond poro/ysis

voco/ fo/d poro/ysis imp/ies voco/ fo/d immobi/ity Joe

to oeotoloqlc lojoty lt Joes oot loJlcote complete
Jeoetvotloo becoose oooselectlve teoetvotloo of tbe
lottloslc lotyoqeol moscles moy occot lmmeJlotely
oftet oetve lojoty wltboot testototloo of vocol folJ
voco/ fo/d poresis imp/ies voco/ fo/d hypo mobi/ity Joe
to oeotoloqlc lojoty ooJ moy tesolt ftom weokoess of
tbe klN 5lN ot botb
ll moscles of lotyox ote sopplleJ by klN wltb exceptloo
of ctlcotbytolJ
Netve lojoty moy be oollotetol ot bllotetol
ecurrent /orynqeo/ nerve
1he 8Ln may be ln[ured by several means lncludlng
4 |atrogen|c or no |atrogen|c trauma %lnLubaLlon
LransacLlon crush LracLlon Lhermal ln[ury
4 neuro|og|ca| d|sease
gravlsparklnsons dlsease)
4 tumor |nf||trat|on or compress|on%Lhyrold mallgnancles
may lnvade and ln[ure 8Ln compresslon by large
LhyroldgolLersbenlgn neoplasm and non Lhyrold
mallgnancles such as pancoasL Luymor of lefL upper
lung may also ln[ure Lhe nerve)
4 |nfect|on
4 - tumors socb os qllomos ooJ Jlobetes moy
coose oeotopotby
4 co//oqenvoscu/or diseose
4 idiopothic diseose{oot ooJetstooJsome sospect o
vltol coose becoose mooy potleots tepotts oppet
tespltototy ttoct lofectloo befote ooset of vocol
symptoms ls ot tlsk fot lojoty Jotloq mooy sotqlcol
ptoceJotes socb os tbytolJ ootetlot cetvlcol sploe
ooJ tbotoclc sotqety
4 erebrovoscu/or occidents
4 6enetic couse
4 More unusuo/ coses locloJe JlsotJets socb os
CetbotJ syoJtome
4 ocpolteJ secooJoty to bolbot lesloos ot
oeotoJeqeoetotlve Jlseose
4 1bete ote sevetol lofectloos cooses
tbot bove beeo tepotteJ to coose klN potolysls socb
os lyme Jlseose tettloty sypbllls pstelo8ott vltos
ooJ betpes
/inico/ feotures
uni/otero/ - injury pteseots os os
4 bteotby volce
4 ulplopboolo
4 ospltotloo
4 Jyspboqlo
4 losltloo of vocol cotJ ls meJloo ot
potomeJloo(5MON5 lJ%
ftet o few weeks tbe cootto lotetol vocol folJ moy
compeosote by oJJoctloq fottbet to lmptove vocol
poollty ooJ ospltotloo
kelooetvotloo pteveots moscle ottopby Jotloq tbe
fltst J mootbs oftet ttoosoctloo of tbe klN tbete ls
ottopby of tbe moscles ftet J mootbs bowevet
tbe moscle flbet Jlometets of tbe JeoetvoteJ
moscle beqlo to locteose 8y 9 mootbs tbe flbet
Jlometets of tbe JeoetvoteJ moscles opptoocb
tbose of ootmol moscle
ltbooqb telooetvotloo oftet o complete klN
ttoosoctloo pteveots moscle wostloq typlcolly lt
Joes oot testote osefol movemeot to tbe vocol folJ
becoose of oooselectlve looetvotloos of oJJoctot
ooJ obJoctot moscles
i/otero/ - injury
4 Neotltls
4 5otqlcol ttoomo(tbytolJectomy%
9osition of voco/ cord
4 MeJloo ot potomeJloo
/inico/ feoture
4 uyspooeo sttlJot
uperior /orynqeo/ nerve
uperlor laryngeal nerve paresls or paralysls may be
caused by varlous condlLlons
4 atrogen|c trauma dur|ng thyro|dectomy has been
hlsLorlcally accepLed as Lhe mosL frequenL cause of
Ln paralysls
4 |ra| |nfect|ons such as herpeLlc cold sores and
upper resplraLory lnfecLlons are commonly
assoclaLed wlLh Lhls condlLlon A llkely explanaLlon
ls LhaL lnfecLlons lead Lo vlral neurlLls
4 5ome of tbe potleots oseJ ospltlo to telleve polo ot
fevet occompooyloq ocote lofectloo lo some
potleots ospltlo loqestloo ptobobly coottlboteJ to
vocol folJ bemottboqe wblcb tesolteJ lo fottbet
volce Jysfooctloo
/inico/ feotures
4 Notmolly tbe c1 moscle coottocts btlskly lo
folsetto vocol loflectloo ooJ moJol pboootloo to
locteose teosloo lo tbe vocol folJ lo 5lN potesls ooJ
potolysls tbe loss of tbls fooctloo moy leoJ to
4 /owered pitch
4 monotone voice
4 poor voco/ performonce
{especio//y ot hiqher pitches)
4 voco/ fotique
4 hoorseness
4 impoirment of vo/ume
4 /oss of upper ronqe
(loss of oppet tooqe ote
mote ttooblesome lo sloqets ooJ
ptofessloool speokets%
4 /oss of projection
4 breothiness
4 1bese potleots ofteo Jevelop M1u to qeoetote o
sttooqet volce
4 commooly JesctlbeJ floJloq cbokloq wltb ot
wltboot teqotqltotloo ooJ tbtoot cleotloq moy olso
occot especlolly lf tbete ls ossocloteJ oeotolqlo
bypoestbeslo ot potestbeslo
4 sttooq octlvotloo of tbe ootmol c1 moscle most
occot to coose lotyoqeol tllt towotJ tbe weok slJe
4 llocclJlty of tbe offecteJ vocol folJ moy coose
ltteqolot vettlcol movemeots
4 boweJ vocol folJ
4 IOlc 1nkl
4 5ukClcl 1nkl
4 Mulll21lON
4 klNNkI1lON
4 CN 1nkl

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