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Criminal Procedure

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Unit 1- Introduction to CRPC

-Prof. Anjali Sharma .

 PO- Police officer
 IO- Investigating officer
 EX-Executive Magistrate
 CoS- Court of Sessions
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 HC- High court
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 SC- Supreme court
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 JM-Judicial Magistrate
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 MM- Metropolitan magistrate
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Objective & Importance of Cr.Pc
 Cr.Pc is a procedural law that complements substantive criminal law i.e.
Indian penal Code.

Its aim is to safeguard against possible harms & violation of human right of
innocent person in its process from shifting criminals from non-criminals.
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It strikes the balance between individual interest & society at large.

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Entire criminal process is about taking cognizance of an offence, initiation of
proceedings & finally n j
convicting or acquitting the accused.

In case of Maneka Gandhi v. UOI(1978)- it was held ‘ any deprivation of
personal liberty of an individual shall be done only by a reasonable, just , fair
& non-arbitrary procedure’.
 Code of criminal procedure states that what will be the procedure if any type
of offence is committed, that is given under substantive law.
 For example- if theft has been committed, Cr.Pc states what will be the
procedure here.
 Can someone lodge an FIR against the theft?
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 What will be the power of police?
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When will a magistrate look into the matter?
 How trial will be conducted?

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 This code applies to whole of India, except few states such as
 State of Nagaland
 Tribal areas
(chapter 8,10,11 will be applied to these states as well)
 Though state gov. may apply if required.
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Stakeholders & Functionaries in the
Criminal Justice Administration:
 The police
 Prosecutors
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 Defense council
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 The courts
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 Prison authorities
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For fair, just, fast & speedy processes & disposal of cases we require these functionaries:

The Police  The police Act,1861

 The Delhi special police eshtablishmentAct,1946

 Who conducts prosecution on state’s behalf.

Public Prosecutors  Public prosecutors is appointed u/s 24
 Appointed for SC,HC & district court.

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Defense counsel
j a li  U/S 303 accused has a right to defend himself.

The court A n Supreme court, high court,

Court of Session
Judicial Magistrate of First Class
Judicial Magistrate of Second Class
Executive Magistrate

 Inside jail these authorities will carry out execution

Prisoner authorizes of sentence.
 The prisons Act,1894.
 Subramanian Swamy and ors. Vs. Raju Thru Members, Juvenile Justice Board and anr.
(2013) 10 SCC 465
 The administration of criminal justice in India can be divided into two broad stages at
which the machinery operates. The first is the investigation of an alleged offence
leading to prosecution and the second is the actual prosecution of the offender in a
Court of Law.
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Iqbal Ismail Sodawala v. State of Maharashtra (1975) 3 SCC 140
 It is the procedure that spellslimuch of the difference between the rule & the rule of
whim & caprice.
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 A of criminal procedure is to provide a mechanism for the
While the general purpose
administration of criminal law, its core object is ‘to ensure for the accused a full & fare
trial in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
 Thank you!

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