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Health-definition, concepts and

Definition of health
-a state of complete physical, mental and
social wellbeing and not merely an
absence of disease or infirmity and the
ability to lead a socially and
economically productive life

-biomedical concept

-ecological concept

-psychosocial concept

-holistic concept
Biomedical concepts
-traditionally health has been viewed as
absence of disease
-base of this concept is germ theory of
disease (germs cause disease)
-human body is considered as a machine
and disease as a consequence of the
breakdown of the machine and the
doctors task is repair of the machine
-this concept minimized the role of
environmental , social , psychological
and cultural determinants of health
-it is inadequate to solve some of the major
health problems of mankind eg.
malnutrition, accidents, drug abuse etc.
Ecological concept
-health as a dynamic equilibrium between
man and his environment and disease is a
maladjustment of the human organism to
-this concept raises two issues ie imperfect
man and imperfect environment
-human adaptation to his natural
environment can lead to longer life
expectancies and a better quality of life
Psychosocial concept

-health is not only a biomedical phenomenon

but one which is influenced by social,

psychological, cultural, economical, and

political factors of the people

-health is a biological and social phenomenon

Holistic concept

-synthesis of all the above concepts

-health implies a sound mind in a sound body in a

sound family in sound environment

-all sectors of the society have an effect on health in

particular agriculture, animal husbandry, food,
industry, education, housing, communication etc.

-it emphasize on the promotion and protection of health

Heath is multidimensional. It include
Physical dimension

-implies perfect functioning of the body

-every cell and every organ is functioning

at optimum capacity and in perfect

harmony with the rest of the body

-physical health can be evaluated by self
assessment, clinical examination,
nutrition assessment, lab investigations
-at community level, health can be assessed
by indicators such as death rate, infant
mortality rate and expectation of life
Mental dimension
-it is the state of balance between the
individual and the surrounding world, a
state of harmony between oneself and
others , coexistence between realities of
the self and that of other people and that
of environment
Characteristics of a mentally healthy
-free from internal conflicts
-well adjusted
-he searches for identity
-strong self esteem
-he knows himself, his needs, problems etc.
-good self control
-face the problems couragesly and solve
them intelligently
Social dimension
-social well being implies harmony and
integration within the individual and
other member of the society and between
individuals and the world in which they
-quaintly and quality of individuals
interpersonal ties and the extent of
involvement within the community
-social dimension include the level of social
skill one possesses, social functioning and
ability to see oneself as a member of large
-health habits are influenced by persons
economic level, life style, social status etc
-eg. Low income group are less likely to seek
medical care
Spiritual dimension
-it refers to that part of individual which
reaches out and strives for meaning and
purpose in life
-it include principles and ethics, purpose in
life, commitment to some higher being etc.
-spiritual beliefs and values are important
components of a persons health and illness
-eg. Roman catholic requires baptism for
both live birth and still born babies
-certain religion prohibit the intake of pork
and shellfish
-opposition to blood transfusion among
Jehovah witnesses
Emotional dimension
-emotional health refers to feeling
-long term stress affects body systems and anxiety affects
health habits
Eg. Student always have diarrhea before examination
Vocational dimension
-part of human existence
-when the work is fully adapted, it promote physical and
mental health
Environmental dimension
-housing, sanitation, climate, pollution etc
affects health
-increase risk of skin cancers in people
who live in sunny areas
-increase risk of asthma in polluted areas
-philosophical dimension
-cultural dimension
-socio economic dimension
-environmental dimension
-educational dimension
-nutritional dimension
-curative dimension
-preventive dimension

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