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Basic Concepts Of

A letter or symbol that assumes various
values in a particular problem. It is used to
represent the unknown in a given problem.


A quantity whose value remains unchanged
throughout a particular problem.

Four Fundamental Operations:
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division

Order of Operations
When performing multiple operations,
remember PEMDAS:
P Parenthesis (grouping symbols)
E Exponents
MD Multiply and divide from left to right
AS Add and subtract from left to right
An expression each of whose terms is a
constant, or a variable that has a positive integral
exponent, or a product of constants and variables
that have positive integral exponents.

 Term
 Numerical coefficient
 Literal coefficient
 Leading coefficient
 Degree of the term
 Degree of the polynomial
Number of Leading Degree of the
Terms Coefficient Polynomial
1. Addition and Subtraction. To find the sum/difference of two or
more polynomials, we simply collect like terms, add/subtract
their numerical coefficients and copy the common literal
a) Like terms. Terms with exactly the same literal factors
where all literal factors have the same exponent.
b) Unlike terms. Terms with different literal factors or with
same literal factors that have different exponents.


 Subtract the sum of and from

 Add the difference of and to
2. Multiplication and Division.
Laws of Exponents. For any real numbers a and b and positive
integers m and n.

1) provided that
2. Multiplication and Division.
Laws of Exponents. For any real numbers a and b and positive
integers m and n.
2. Multiplication and Division.
Laws of Exponents. For any real numbers a and b and positive
integers m and n.

a) Product Rule for Exponents:

To multiply powers having the same base, keep the base and
add the exponents.
b) Power Rule for Exponents:
To find the power of a power of a base, keep the base and
multiply the exponents.
c) Power of a Product Rule:
To find the power of a product, find the power of each factor
then multiply the resulting powers.
Axioms of Real Numbers

1. Closure Property
For any and.

2. Commutative Property
For any and.

3. Associative Property
For any and.

4. Identity Property
There exist two real numbers 0 and 1 such that and. Thus, 0 is
the identity element for addition and 1 is the identity element for
Axioms of Real Numbers

5. Inverse Property
For each, there exists a unique element such that, is called the
additive inverse of a.
For each, there exists a unique element such that is the
reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a.

6. Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition

For any,
(Left Distributive)
(Right Distributive)

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