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A Project Report on
Case study on “Basti Bikash Mapdanda-2072”

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Table of Content
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Literature Review
4. Methodology
5. Data Analysis
5. 1 Data Presentation

6. Limitation
7. Conclusion
8. Bibliography

 In this case study we selected 16 houses which were constructed after 2072,
located at Sahar-Dahar Marga, Pokhara Metropolitan City, Ward-19, Lamachaur.

 According to the "Basti Bikash Mapdanda-2072", some criteria that should be

maintained while constructing a building were:
 Right of way
 Set back
 Ground Coverage Ratio(GCR)
 Floor Area Ratio(FAR)

 The main objective of the project was:-

 To study the status of implementation of “Basti Bikash Mapdanda-2072” in
Sahar-Dahar Marga, Pokhara Metropolitan City, Ward-19, Lamachaur .

 For this case study we randomly selected some RCC houses built in the above
mentioned location.
 Tools used for data collection
 To make this case study easier and effective, all the data required were collected by
direct conversation with the people using the prepared model question and by using
the measuring tape.
 According to the "Basti Bikash Mapdanda 2072", the government gives some criteria
to fulfill while building based on:
 Right of Way
 The distance that are left infront of house to the centre of road as mentioned by
government is the right of way. In our case study location the ROW was 8m.
 Set back
 Set back is the area left in the front, back and sides of the house as mentioned by the
government according to the type of house and location.

 Ground Coverage Ratio (GCR)

 Ground Coverage Ratio is the ratio of plinth area to the total land area on which the
building is constructed.
 Generally, for the building of the area less than 250 m2, the GCR should be less than or
equal to 70% of the total land area.

 Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

 It is the ratio of the sum of all floor area of the building to the total land area.
 It depends upon the area of the land and the number of floors in the building.

Source of data
This study is based on direct methods for the collection of required data.
1. Direct Method:
 We collected the required data by interacting with local people and direct
measurement of the right of way and setback in the field.
Location of study
 For this case study we selected Sahar-Dahar Marga, Pokhara Metropolitian City,
Ward-19, Lamachaur.
 Sampling procedure

 The data were collected by direct conversation with the people using the prepared
model question which is attach below and by using the measuring tape.

Table showing the data of Right of way
Right of way
House Road Remarks
No. Description
To be(m) Obtained(m)

1. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

2 Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

3. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 7.45 NOT OK

4. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

5. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 5.95 NOT OK

6. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

Road Right of way
House No. Description To be(m) Obtained(m) Remarks

7. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

8. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

9. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

10. Sahar-Daha Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

11. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

12. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

13. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 7.54 NOT OK

14. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

15. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 8 OK

16. Sahar-Dahar Marga (6.4m) 8 7 NOT OK

(Source: Field visit 2079)
Table showing the data of set back.

House Road Set Back Remarks

To be(m) Obtained(m)
No. Description
Front Back Right Left Front Back Right Left
Side Side Side side

1. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 11.2 1.5 0.9 0.5 NOT OK

2. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0 0 8 3.04 0 0.5 OK

3. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 0 31.05 0.9 0 NOT OK

4. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 13.6 5.3 1.5 0.9 OK

5. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 0 5 1.7 0.6 NOT OK

6. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0 4.5 5 1.2 0 OK

House Road Set Back
To be(m) Obtained(m)
Front Back Right Left Front Back Right Left
Side Side Side side

7. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0 1.5 4.2 0.9 0 OK

8. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 1.3 6.4 0.3 0.9 NOT OK
9. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0 1.5 2.26 1.5 0 NOT OK
10. Sahar-Daha Marga 2 1.5 0 0.9 3.62 1.5 0 0.45 NOT OK
11. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 5 1.5 0.9 0.9 OK
12. Sahar-Dahar Marga 2 1.5 0 0.9 1.5 2.57 0 0.9 OK
13. Sahar-Dahar Marga 2 1.5 0.9 0.9 0 1.5 0.9 0.9 NOT OK
14. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 8.57 18.29 0.9 0.9 OK
15. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 7.5 6.86 0.9 0.9 OK
16. Sahar-Dahar Marga 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 0 1.5(Source:
0.9 Field
visitNOT OK
Table showing the data of Ground coverage ratio (GCR)

House Road Plinth Land GCR= Remarks

No. Description Area(b) (a/b) *100
Area(a) (m2)

1. Sahar-Dahar Marga 83.61 228.53 36.58 OK

2. Sahar-Dahar Marga 74.9 202.41 37 OK

3. Sahar-Dahar Marga 110.50 377.19 29.29 OK

4. Sahar-Dahar Marga 132.14 594.47 22.22 OK

5. Sahar-Dahar Marga 79.60 146.78 54.23 OK

6. Sahar-Dahar Marga 76.2 113.27 67.28 OK

House Road Plinth Land GCR= Remarks
No. Description Area(b) (a/b) *100
Area(a) (m2Table:3
Table showing the data of Ground coverage ratio (GCR)
(m ) 2

7. Sahar-Dahar Marga 70.54 190.34 37.05 OK

8. Sahar-Dahar Marga 101.87 283.46 35.93 OK

9. Sahar-Dahar Marga 96.45 171.96 56.08 OK

10. Sahar-Daha Marga 74.62 137.04 54.45 OK

11. Sahar-Dahar Marga 109.75 205.50 53.40 OK

12. Sahar-Dahar Marga 92.97 174.14 53.38 OK

13. Sahar-Dahar Marga 66.34 102.98 64.42 Ok

14. Sahar-Dahar Marga 98.06 332.32 29.50 Ok

15. Sahar-Dahar Marga 106.92 265.38 40.28 OK

16. Sahar-Dahar Marga 99.28 200.36 49.55 Ok

(Source: Field visit 2079)

Table showing the data of Floor area ratio (FAR)

House Road Total Ground 1st 2nd Sum of FAR Rem

No. Description Land floor area floor floor all floor =b/a arks
area area area(b)

1. Sahar-Dahar Marga 228.53 83.61 83.61 41.80 209.02 0.91 OK

2. Sahar-Dahar Marga 202.41 74.9 29.96 - 104.86 0.51 OK
3. Sahar-Dahar Marga 377.19 110.50 110.50 67.40 288.4 0.76 OK

4. Sahar-Dahar Marga 594.47 132.14 132.14 46.24 310.52 0.52 OK

5. Sahar-Dahar Marga 146.78 79.60 79.60 - 159.2 1.08 OK

6. Sahar-Dahar Marga 113.27 76.2 76.2 - 152.4 1.34 OK
7. Sahar-Dahar Marga 190.34 70.54 70.54 70.54 211.62 1.11 OK
House Road Total Ground 1st 2nd Sum of FAR Rem arks
No. Description Land floor area floor floor all floor =b/a
area area area(b)
8. Sahar-Dahar Marga 283.46 101.87 101.87 61.12 264.86 0.93 OK

9. Sahar-Dahar Marga 171.96 96.45 - - 96.45 0.56 OK

10. Sahar-Daha Marga 137.04 74.62 74.62 18.65 167.89 1.22 OK
11. Sahar-Dahar Marga 205.50 109.75 109.75 38.41 257.91 1.25 OK

12. Sahar-Dahar Marga 174.14 92.97 92.97 69.72 255.66 1.46 Not OK

13. Sahar-Dahar Marga 102.98 66.34 66.34 - 132.68 1.28 OK

14. Sahar-Dahar Marga 332.32 98.06 98.06 - 196.12 0.59 OK
15. Sahar-Dahar Marga 265.38 106.92 106.92 64.15 278 1.04 OK

16. Sahar-Dahar Marga 200.36 99.28 74.46 - 173.74 0.86 OK

(Source: Field visit 2079)


Right of Way Setback

Not Corrected


Not Corrected Corrected Not Corrected

Fig: Pie chart showing the correct Fig: Pie chart showing correct
and incorrect “Right of way” and incorrect “set back”


Correct Not Correct

Correct Not Correct

Fig: Pie chart showing the correct and incorrect Fig: Pie chart Showing correct and incorrect
“FAR”. “GCR”.
100 100

80 75

60 50 50
0 0

Correct Not Correct

Fig: Histogram showing the status of Right of way,

Set back, GCR, FAR

 Due to time limitations, only few houses were surveyed.

 We could not compare our data and the actual blueprint data of the house.

 From the data observation about 75% of ROW, 50% of setback and 100% of FAR
and GCR were correct hence we can conclude that the result was satisfactory as per

NBC 205
BBM 2072
Support and help from teacher
Model Question

1 Do you know about the Standard right of way and setback?

2. Did you consult with the technical persons while construction of building?

3 Did you consult any consultancy?

4. Did your technical persons regularly supervise your building while Constructing?

5. Do you know whether your building is built under standard right of way or not?

6. Do you know about Ground Coverage ratio and floor area ratio?

(Source: Field visit 2079)

(Source: Google Earth map)

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