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- Refers to the quality of being able and

suitable to do a certain task or demand.
- Referred as the state of holistic well-
being and not merely the absence of
Three Dimensions of Health

Mental Emotional Physical

The capacity of a person to The capacity of a person The ability of a person to
analyze critically, think and control temper, stress and perform tasks that involves
reason out logically. being optimistic. his/her body.
Physical Wellness – refers to the health and/or state of your body.
Emotional Wellness – psychological and emotional perspective.
Intellectual Wellness – refers to open-mindedness and intelligence.
Social Wellness – refers to the interaction with others.
Career Wellness – refers to the satisfaction from a career or job.
Environmental Wellness – a responsibility to take care environment.
Spiritual Wellness – refers to the effects of belief to your well-being.
Types of Exercises for fitness.

Aerobic Exercises

These type of exercise helps to develop

cardiorespiratory endurance. It strengthens
your heart and lungs.
Types of Exercises for fitness.
Anaerobic Exercises

These type of exercise is considered as a

high intensity training which athletes do
commonly. It helps increasing muscular
Aerobic Exercise vs. Anaerobic Exercise

Basic Exercise Rigid Exercise

Cardio-respiration Muscle Strengthening

Short (5-15 mins.) Long (1-2 hrs.)

Ex: Jogging Ex: Sprint

Three Types of Muscle

Cardiac Muscle – specialized muscle responsible for

pumping blood.
Skeletal Muscle – muscle that are attached to the
Smooth/Visceral Muscle – commonly located inside the
body. (e.g: Intestine, Stomach, Esophagus, etc.)
Add Up: Optimization of Energy

y o u
Did ? • Carbohydrates serves as fuel of the body.
k no w
• Fats serves as the insulator of the body to
prevent heat loss.
• Protein serves as a building blocks of the
muscle in repairing and growth.
My F.I.T.T Principle
• How often do you have to engage in dancing
as a form of exercise in a week?
• Does it have to be complicated steps to make it more
• Does it have to be a two-hour dance to consider it as a
healthy exercise?
• What could be your reason or purpose in engaging in dance
as a form of exercise?

Overload Principle – refers to the increase in amount of

the workload.
Progression Principle – states that the body should have
a gradual increase from the workload.
Specificity Principle – refers to adaptation of the body to
specific workload it experienced.

Reversibility Principle – refers to the counter-product of

the training from stopping.
Rest & Sleep Principle – emphasizes the importance of
resting particularly in the process of adaptation.
Individuality Principle – refers to difference of one
person to another specifically his/her adaptation to load.
Motivation and Stress Management

Stress may result to:

1. Alarm – initial reaction to any potential harmful
demand; preparing for an action.
2. Resistance – body adapts to stressor; it defenses
may have become weaker on this level.
3. Exhaustion – body is subjected to stress over a long
period of time continues mascular tension.
Long-term or Chronic Stress

1. Depression – “chemical imbalance”

2. General Anxiety Disorder –“visible symptoms”
3. Sleep Disorders– “lack of regular sleep”
4. Substance Abuse– “alcohol/illegal drugs”
5. Chronic Muscle Pain– “aches and pains”
Coping with Stress

1. Be Honest to yourself. 6. Be positive & optimistic.

2. Take a deep breath. 7. Maintain your SMILE.
3. Manage your time. 8. Accept FACTS.
4. Develop healthy habits. 9. Focus on Pleasant Aspects
5. Keep a diary. 10. Do not procrastinate.

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