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Transactional Analysis

How the states interact

o Depending on what state we choose to adopt, a transaction with others could thrive
or whither away to nothing. It could make a difference between building a strong
relationship with another or causing a deep division between people.
o Eric Berne recognised that we experience positive and negative interactions all

through our lives and referred to these as ‘strokes’. A positive stroke makes us feel
good about ourselves, whereas a negative interaction causes the opposite effect.
o How each person you interact with gives and receives these strokes can make a big

difference in how they perceive each other.

o Which of these ego states do you believe achieves the best results in most situations?

o TA concludes that adult to adult communication is the one that elicits the most

helpful results.
Here, we show how the ego states interact:
 Complementary Transaction

 Ulterior Transaction

 Crossed Transaction
How the states interact
In TA, transactions are interactions or exchanges of
communication between individuals. These transactions
can be categorized into three main types:
 Complementary Transactions: These are transactions

where the ego states of both parties match. For example,

an Adult-to-Adult conversation is a complementary
 Crossed Transactions: In these transactions, the ego

states of the interacting parties do not match, leading to

miscommunication and potential conflicts.
 Ulterior Transactions: These transactions involve hidden

or ulterior motives, often stemming from unresolved

issues in the past.

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