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Shogun Japan

Shintoism in Japan

The roots of Japan’s traditional Shinto religion (meaning ‘the way of the gods”) were
laid down thousands of years ago. Shintoism is a religion that is still practiced today.

Followers believe that the gods are sacred spirits known as kami. Like many other
ancient peoples, the early Japanese believed that all natural things were alive. The
kami took the form of things and concepts important to life, such as the sun, hills,
lakes, mountains, rivers, trees and fertility. The Sun goddess Amaterasu was
considered Shinto’s most important kami. People are also believed to become kami
after they die and are worshipped by their families.
Shinto beliefs and rituals

Shintoism is a belief system that has a positive, uplifting view of life on Earth. People
are considered to be basically good. Evil spirits are seen to be responsible for the bad
things that happen. Consequently, many Shinto rituals are aimed at warding off evil
spirits through purification, prayers and offerings to the kami. Shrines for
worshipping kami are found throughout Japan, even in homes, where small family
altars hold offerings of sake (rice wine) and food.
A Japanese creation myth

According to a Shinto creation myth, in the beginning there were two gods called
Izanagi and Izanami (his wife). They placed a spear into the ocean and as they
brought it out, water drops falling from the spear formed into the islands of Japan.

Izanami had many children, but died while giving birth to Kagu-Tsuchi, the god of fire.
Izanagi followed her into Yomi, the Land of the Dead, to bring her back. By doing so,
he brought back impurities with him that affected the Earth. These impurities cause
human wrongdoing. He washed himself and the water drops that fell from his body
became other gods. These included Susanowo, the storm god, and Amaterasu, the Sun
goddess. Amaterasu’s grandson, Jimmu, was said to be the ancestors of the emperors
of Japan.
Shintoism – Shogun Japan ★ Check your learning

What does Shinto


Who were the kami?

Why were they

Briefly discuss Shinto

rituals and beliefs. What
do they believe about
good and evil?

Who were Izanagi and

Izanami? What did they

Who were Amaterasu

and Jimmu, and why
were they important?

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