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Web Mining for business intelligence

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5. Ma Cho Zin Thet


Introduction to Business Intelligence

Web Mining

Type of Web Mining

Web Mining applications in Business Intelligence

Benefits of Web Mining for Business Intelligence




The Information and Communication Technologies revolution brought a digital
world with huge amounts of data available.

Enterprises use mining technologies to search vast amounts of data for vital
insight and knowledge.

Mining tools are automated software tools used to achieve business intelligence by
finding hidden relations, and predicting future events from vast amounts of data.

This uncovered knowledge helps in gaining completive advantages, better
customers’ relationships, and even fraud detection.

In this survey, we’ll describe how these techniques work, how they are

Mining information from raw data is an extremely vital and tedious process in
today’s information driven world.

Enterprises today rely on a set of automated tools for knowledge discovery to gain
business insight and intelligence.

Many branches of knowledge discovery tools were developed to help today’s
competitive business markets thrive in the age of information.

Data Mining (DM) is defined as the process of analysing large databases, usually
data warehouses or internet, to discover new information, hidden patterns and

To collect information about the user navigation patterns

To discover useful patterns, trends, and knowledge from web data

To extract valuable insights from online data sources, enhancing business
intelligence and decision-making processes

To extract valuable insights from online data sources, enhancing business
intelligence and decision-making processes

To identify potential risks, predict future risks, and develop strategies to minimize
their impact on business operations

To optimize business processes, resource allocation, pricing strategies, and supply
chain management to enhance operational efficiency and maximize profits
Type of Web Mining

Web Mining

Web Content Web Usage
Mining Mining

In conclusion, data mining for business intelligence serves as a powerful tool for
uncovering valuable insights hidden within large datasets.

By leveraging techniques such as pattern discovery, predictive modeling, customer
segmentation, and anomaly detection, businesses can make informed decisions,
optimize processes, and mitigate risks.

The ultimate goal is to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer
satisfaction, and drive competitive advantage in the marketplace.

With the right approach to data mining, businesses can unlock a wealth of
opportunities to thrive and succeed in today's dynamic business environment.

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