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Environmental studies.


3 BCOM - E
Collab Team : 04
Names: Nithin Choudhary – 22bcr00187
Rishita Jalan – 22bcr00299
Farhan Ahmed – 22bcr00678
Riya k – 22bcr00809
Saswat Kumar Mohanty – 22bcr00906
• Achieve improved nutrional food.
• Promote sustainable growth .

“ To ensure that sufficient food is

available, that supplies are relatively
stable and that those in need can
achieve food security. ”

Food security is the availability of food in a country or geography and the

ability of individuals within that country or geography to access, afford,
and source adequate foodstuffs.
“ Is as a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have
physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food
that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
healthy life. ”

Food insecurity—the condition assessed in

the food security survey and represented in
USDA food security reports—is a
household-level economic and social
condition of limited or uncertain access to
adequate food. Hunger is an individual-level
physiological condition that may result from
food insecurity.
Why is global HUNGER a national security
issue ?
Nearly a decade ago, high food prices sparked dozens of riots across the
world, toppling governments and prompting world leaders to increase
investments in foreign aid programs that address hunger, poverty, and
malnutrition. Although food prices are more stable today, the combination
of ongoing conflicts, climate volatility, and weak governance has created
what the United Nations has called “the world’s humanitarian largest
crisis since 1945.”
Why is Food Security important?

Food is a fundamental human right. And yet one in nine people around the world
(805 million) go hungry every day (FAO, IFAD and WFP 2014). While this is still
805 million too many, we are making progress towards eliminating hunger.
hunger caused by deficiencies in micronutrients such as iron, Vitamin A and Zinc
affects two billion people. For the individual the effects of micronutrient
deficiencies can be devastating. If a child does not receive sufficient nutrition in
the first 1,000 days of life they are at risk of mental impairment, poor health, low
productivity and even death.The economic costs of micronutrient deficiencies are
also considerable, reducing gross domestic product (GDP) by 0.7-2% in most
developing countries.
Statistical data :
. Global losses in economic productivity due to macronutrient and
micronutrient deficiencies reach more than 2-3% of GDP (Global Hunger
Indexo feed the world in 2050 we need to increase total global food
production by 70% (FAO 2009). This will be increasingly challenging a
changing climate. By 2030 crop and pasture yields are likely to decline in
many places. In parts of Brazil, rice and wheat yields are likely to decline
by 14%. By 2050, widespread impacts on food and farming are highly
likely with 8% average decline in yields for eight major food crops across
Africa and South Asia (CCAFS 2014).
Primary causes of hunger :

Hunger may cause poverty and diseases, although not all

people living below the poverty line experience food
insecurity because those living above the poverty line
could also experience food insecurity.
1. Extreme poverty
2. Climate change
3. Gender inequality
4. Covid 19
Ways to avoid hunger :
1. Embrace Climate Smart Agriculture
2.Respond to the refugee crisis
3.Advocate for gender equality
4. Reduce food waste
5.Invest in disaster risk reduction
6.Support hygiene and sanitation
7. Control infestations and crop infections
8. Enhance crops with bio fortification
9. Improving Food Storage Systems
Ways to attain food security :
1. Reducing food waste and food loss: Food loss is caused, among other things, by crop
failures and incorrect storage of food. We can reduce food loss by improving storage and
packaging. Packaging that indicates whether or not food has gone off already exists.
2. Improving infrastructure: Sufficient people or machines must be available for sowing
and harvesting, the crops must be protected against weeds, diseases and pests, storage must
be in order, and good transport to markets or end users must be available.
3. Promoting fair trading practices: It is not just large commercial companies that need
access to food markets; small farmers must also be paid a fair price for their products.
Farmers working together in cooperatives have greater leverage to negotiate their
purchase and sales prices, and thus make a better living from their produce.
Ways to attain food security :
4. Paying attention to diversification :Focusing on a single type of crop
(monoculture) can exhaust the soil and make the crop more vulnerable to
diseases and pests. Farmers have a big problem if their crop fails and they
have no alternatives. Moreover, this can reduce the nutritional value of
products. Diversification is important to guarantee food security.
5. Reducing the yield gap :Inefficient production methods mean that
agricultural land yields are far less than should be possible in some places.
Crop rotation and the use of sustainable production methods and new
techniques increase production on these farmlands.
Ways to attrain food security :
6. Combating climate change :Droughts and floods are major causes of
crop failure and in many cases are consequences of global climate change.
Combating climate change will reduce crop failures.
7. Addressing the indirect causes of food insecurity :Food insecurity is
also caused by an imbalance between imports and exports. As not every
country will be able to grow all the food it needs there must be sufficient
capital available to import food. Healthy food must also be financially
available to all population groups.
Measures to be taken :

1. Invest in rural infrastructure: Develop and improve

rural infrastructure, such as roads, storage facilities,
and market access, to facilitate the movement of food
from rural areas to urban centers. This will reduce post-
harvest losses and improve food distribution.
2. Promote sustainable farming practices: Encourage
sustainable agricultural practices that minimize the use
of chemical inputs, protect the environment, and
preserve natural resources. This includes promoting
organic farming, agroforestry, and soil conservation
Measures to be taken :
3. Enhance access to credit and finance: Provide
smallholder farmers and rural communities with access
to credit and financial services to invest in farming
inputs, machinery, and technology. This will enable
them to improve their productivity and income levels.
4. Strengthen social protection programs: Implement
social protection programs, such as cash transfers, food
subsidies, and school feeding programs, to provide
immediate relief to vulnerable populations. This will
ensure that they have access to nutritious food and
improve their food security.
Pillars of food security
Four pillars of food security were defined at the
World Summit on Food Security in 2009:
1. Availability : The availability of food depends on
its production and distribution. To ensure food
security, there must be enough places to grow food.
2. Access :Access to food consists of two different
aspects. Direct access refers to the ability to grow
and harvest food for yourself. Economic access
refers to the ability to buy food.
Pillars of food security

3. Utilization :The fact that food is available does not provide a

complete picture of the quantity and quality involved. The food
must also be safe. How food is stored and prepared plays a role
in this, with health and hygiene being important.

4. Stability :Finally, the stability of access to healthy food also

plays an important role in food security. This stability can be
jeopardized by natural phenomena. However, wars,
unemployment and inequality can also lead to food insecurity
if they result in young men not being available as laborers or
women not being allowed to work in the fields.
Hunger affects everyone who has not eaten, irrespective of color, race, gender, or religion.
Hunger of food must be eradicated from its roots so as to create a healthy society.
Food security exists when all people at all times have physical and economic access to
sufficient, nutritious and safe food for an active and healthy life and are not at undue risk
of losing such access.
Achieving food security and ending hunger requires sustained efforts, long- term
investments, and collaboration at local, national, and international levels. It is a complex
challenge, but with a comprehensive approach and commitment from all stakeholders,
significant progress can be made toward this important goal.

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