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Year 11 History

The Normans: Part One - Invasion

Early Norman Kings
Key Question : Were William’s sons worthy to follow him as King?
If William was ‘THE CONQUEROR’, what titles would you give his sons?

When William the Conqueror died,

he left three sons.
Can you name them?
Were William’s sons worthy to follow him as King?
If William was ‘THE CONQUEROR’, what titles would you give his sons?

William was not impressed with his

oldest son, Robert Curthose. According
to Orderic Vitalis, he said:

“I granted the dukedom of Normandy to

my son Robert, because he was the
If William was ‘THE
eldest. The grant thus made and ratified
I cannot annul. But I know for certain
that the country which is subject to his
title would you give
dominion will be truly wretched. He is
proud and silly.”
his eldest son Robert
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LookingCurthose? Why?
at the quote above, what leads us to
infer that William did not respect his oldest son?
Were William’s sons worthy to follow him as King?
If William was ‘THE CONQUEROR’, what titles would you give his sons?
Instead, William left the throne of England to his second son,
William Rufus, who was crowned King on 26 September 1087.
What can we infer from this about the relationship between
the two Williams?

If William was ‘THE

In 1088, Bishop Odo of Bayeux plotted a rebellion. He was supported by
six of the top ten Norman barons, who did not want two different rulers
CONQUEROR’, what title
for their lands in England and Normandy.
When William II heard about this, he divided the rebel barons with false
would you give his second
promises and a reminder of their oath of loyalty. By the end of the
son William Rufus? Why?
summer, Odo had surrendered.
In 1091, William went to Normandy and made a deal with his older
brother Robert. The two brothers agreed to preserve William’s
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Did William II live up to his father’s expectations?
Were William’s sons worthy to follow him as King?
If William was ‘THE CONQUEROR’, what titles would you give his sons?
In 1100. William Rufus
was shot with an arrow in
If William was ‘THE
the New Forest. Walter
CONQUEROR’, what title
Tirel fired the arrow but
William’s younger brother
would you give his third son
Henry may well have
planned the murder.
This just shows
Henry?–Why? Henry was suspiciously
quick to claim the throne

you should
Think... never
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In 1101, Henry and Robert agreed that they would rule

Who was the better King, William Rufus or Henry?
trust a younger their separate domains. However, in 1105 Henry
From what you know of William, by which one’s career
attacked Normandy. He defeated Robert at the Battle
of Tinchebrai in 1106. By 1107, Henry I ruled BOTH
do you think he would have been more impressed?
Normandy and England, just like his father had done.
Were William’s sons worthy to follow him as King?

From what you have heard, what were the main challenges facing
the heirs of William I? How well did they handle them?

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