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The Fox and The Grapes

Tell you something
about me first :))
I’m Judy.
I studied at an university in the United Kingdom.
I have lived in the United Kingdom for 3 years.
I love doing sports and playing
I love dogs.
The Fox and The Grapes
One fine and sunny day a fox was strolling along
minding his own foxy business.

He thought he might sit down under a shady tree and

have some lunch, as he was a bit thirsty and hungry.

Then he realised he’d left his lovely packed lunch at


"Oh, you foolish fox!” he said to himself.

But just then he looked up and what should he see

but the most delicious-looking bunch of purple
grapes he’d ever seen in his whole foxy life.
They were just sitting there; hanging from a grapevine that ran
along the branches of a tree.

The grapes looked like they were about to burst with the
tastiest juice and the fox’s mouth began to water.

“Oh, I’ve got to have these, just got to!” he muttered to

himself, “I shall fill my foxy face with them!”

The bunch of grapes hung from a very high branch so the fox
jumped up to reach it. He hadn’t jumped high enough and
missed it by a long way.

So he walked back a little way and took a running leap. Up he

went but not high enough and his paw missed the grapes.

He kept jumping and jumping but every single time he missed.

Now he was hot and tired and thirsty and hungry and cross. He
sat down under the tree and looked up at the grapes in disgust
"What a foxy fool I am," he muttered.

"What am I doing wearing myself out jumping up and down on

a hot day like this just to get hold of a bunch of horrible old
sour grapes?"

So, he got up, made a cross face and off he went.

And the moral of the story is that sometimes people pretend to
dislike things they can’t have. Oh, and did you know that this
is where the phrase ‘sour grapes’ comes from?

The End

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