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• Refers to any all illegal activities carried
out using technology.
• Cybercriminals, who range from rogue
individuals to organized crime groups to
state-sponsored factions – use techniques
like phishing, social engineering, and all
kinds of malware to pursue their nefarious
plans (Latto, 2020)
• Cybercriminals use their skills to obtain
confidential information from private
individuals, business, and government
sectors. They could also disable a device and
sell information online.

• MALWARE – any code or program written and

distributed to do damage, steal data, extort and
make money for cybercrooks.
• Involves hackers sending malicious attachment
or URLs to users to gain access to their
computer or account or computer.

Example: the users are tricked into emails

claiming they need to change their password or
update their billing information, giving criminal
access to personal information.

• Seek to make machine a network resource

unavailable to its intended users by
temporarily or indefinitely disrupting
services of a host connected a network.
Cyberstalking – involves online harassment
where the user is subjected to a plethora of
online messages and emails.
Identify Theft - occurs when a criminal gains
access users personal information to steal funds
access confidential information or participate in
tax or health insurance fraud.

Social engineering – Cyber crimininals makes

directs contact with you usually by phone or
Cyberespionage – there are cybercrimes that are
state sponsored.

Cyberbullying - refers to all kinds of online

harassment , including stalking sexual
harassment, doxing ( exposing someone personal

Cybersex Trafficking - it is the live streaming of

sexual exploitation viewed over the internet.

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