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Introduction to Blockchain


Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed ledger system that

securely records transactions across multiple computers. It offers transparency,
security, and efficiency.

by Eren Yeager ff
What is a Cryptocurrency?
1 Digital Currency 2 Decentralized
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual They operate independently of a central
currencies that use cryptography for bank and use blockchain technology to
secure and anonymous transactions. maintain integrity.

3 Highly Volatile
Cryptocurrency values can fluctuate dramatically, presenting both investment opportunities
and risks.
How Does Blockchain Work?
Decentralization Consensus Protocol Immutability

Blockchain stores data across a Nodes within the network must Once data is recorded on the
network of computers, reducing agree on the validity of blockchain, it cannot be altered
the risk of centralized control transactions before they are or deleted, providing a high level
and single point of failure. recorded, ensuring trust and of data integrity.
Benefits of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Transparency Financial Inclusion Cost Savings

Blockchain offers transparent, Cryptocurrencies enable access Blockchain eliminates
tamper-proof records of to financial services for intermediaries, reducing
transactions and cryptocurrency individuals and businesses transaction fees and operational
balances. worldwide, including the costs for various industries.
Use Cases of Blockchain Technology
Supply Chain Smart Contracts Identity Verification
Automates and secures Blockchain-based identity
Blockchain enhances contract execution, reducing solutions offer secure and
traceability and transparency reliance on intermediaries and tamper-proof digital identity
in supply chains, reducing enhancing trust and verification.
fraud and ensuring product efficiency.
Challenges and Limitations of
1 Scalability 2 Regulatory Uncertainty
Blockchain faces challenges in handling Legal and regulatory landscapes may
a large number of transactions, often impact the adoption and use of
resulting in slower processing times. blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

3 Energy Consumption
Proof-of-Work consensus mechanisms used in some blockchains require significant energy
Future Trends in Blockchain and
1 Scalable Solutions
New consensus algorithms and layer 2 solutions aim to address scalability and
enhance transaction throughput.

2 Interoperability
Efforts to enhance communication and data exchange between different blockchains
are gaining traction.

3 Regulatory Clarity
Increased regulatory frameworks and guidance are anticipated to bring more certainty
to the industry.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

3 24/7 $300B
Decentralization Global Accessibility Market Capitalization
Blockchain's decentralized nature Cryptocurrencies provide Cryptocurrency market cap
challenges traditional centralized unrestricted access to financial continues to grow, signaling
systems. services and investments. increasing adoption and
investment interest.

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