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Issues with the Second

Done by: Ahmed Alaseef
0 The Second Amendment
The Second Amendment

• The second amendment guarantees citizens the freedom to keep and bear
arms in order to defend themselves. It has been the subject of much
discussion during the last 200 years.

• When the second amendment to the bill of rights was introduced in 1791,
the United States lacked a well-organized army.

• As a result, the second amendment was added to the Bill of Rights: "A well-
regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of
the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed," the Constitution
The Second Amendment

The second amendment encourages citizens to arm themselves, which

is unusual in other nations, and because many people are irresponsible
and lack the necessary competencies to be armed, the second
amendment is clearly defective.
0 Rights
• The right to own a gun is one of the rights Americans have, and have fought
to keep for over 200 years, this is a right that won’t easily be given up if the
government tries to take it away or change it.

• Many of the US’s citizens believe they merit the right to bear arms.

• many others believe that this amendment is abused, so they think it should
be taken away.

• Many argue that just because a few people abuse guns does not mean that
the whole nation should not be allowed to own a gun.
0 Politics
• The Second Amendment has been the subject of recent political and social

• The Supreme Court has consistently refused to grant certiorari since the end
of the eighteenth century.

• The Supreme Court ruled by a narrow majority in District of Columbia v.

Heller that the second Amendment protects a person's right to keep and bear
weapons outside of military duty.
The second amendment encourages citizens to arm themselves, which is
unusual in other nations, and because many people are irresponsible and
lack the necessary competencies to be armed, the second amendment is
unquestionably defective.
0 Research
● During my investigation, I discovered that many individuals favor the
second amendment, while others do not.

● Suicide and murder rates in the United States have grown since the right to
bear arms was granted.

● In 2002, there were roughly 400 homicides in Tennessee, with weapons

being used in 66% of them.
● In Tennessee, over 300 people were murdered by guns in 2002.

● The population was 5.8 million in 2003.

● As a result, if every citizen in the state had been slain in 2003, weapons
would have killed 3.8 million people.
0 Conclusion
● My second amendment research project begins by identifying and
discussing its characteristics.

● Following the identification and expansion of the term, the strategy will
move on to shed attention on the several issues it poses to the world.

● The goal of this study is to assess the second amendment, as well as its
flaws and misinterpretations.
● The second amendment provides citizens the right to keep and carry guns in

● The right to keep and bear arms is one of the rights that Americans have
fought to keep for almost 200 years; it is a right that will not be easily
surrendered if the government seeks to take it away or restrict it.
● Unfortunately, it has become evident that many people support the second
amendment but do not use it rationally.

● Many people are unaware of the repercussions of the second amendment,

which is what sparked my interest in the first place.

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