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Clark Neil B. Fundan
Probability and statistics

What is statistics ?
"Statistics is the study of data. It involves collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting information to make informed
decisions. It uses math and probability to summarize data,
draw conclusions, and make predictions. Statistics helps us
understand patterns, test hypotheses, and quantify
uncertainty. It plays a vital role in research, decision-
making, and various fields of study."
Probability and statistics

In this study, statistical methods are employed to address and resolve an
issue. By following established procedures and formulas, the situation
is analyzed and quantitatively assessed. Key steps include computing
Measures of Central Tendency (such as mean, median, and mode) and
Measures of Dispersion (like standard deviation or range). Through
these calculations and analyses, valuable insights can be obtained
regarding the “Challenges being in the Ministry of the Members of
CBBC San Pablo”.( TOPIC )
Probability and statistics

Probability and statistics

Challenges being in the Ministry of
the Members of CBBC San Pablo.
Probability and statistics

Problem statement
"The aim of this study is to identify and
understand the challenges experienced by the
members of the CBBC San Pablo ministry. By
examining and analyzing these challenges, we
seek to gain insights that will assist in
improving the functioning and effectiveness of
the ministry, ultimately enhancing its ability to
serve its members and fulfill its mission.".
Probability and statistics

Questions of the study

2.Have you experiencing
01 02
1.Are you involved in the
Ministry? Difficulty as a member of
the Ministry?

4.Do you agree that you

03 3.For the time being, what

Ministry are you in? 04 need to be religious or
spiritual when you are in the
Probability and statistics

Questions of the study

6.Do you agree that there
05 06
5.Do you agree that reading
your King James Bible will are still some who will
help you grow in the oppose or persecute you in
Ministry? serving God?

7.Do you agree on viewing 8.Do you agree that the

Ministry as a building ministry is an obstacle for to
07 block for your aspirations if
you are a parent’s student
08 save money or buy what
you want?
or still a student?
Probability and statistics

Questions of the study

9.Do you agree that
09 Ministry will stabilize you,
the Church, and God?

10.Do you agree that other
priorities should come first,
followed by your Ministry?
Probability and statistics

the study
Probability and statistics

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the

members, frontliners, fulltime, and those
that winning souls in Christian Bible
Baptist Church in San Pablo City, Laguna
Probability and statistics

Data Collection Process

1 2 3
Define research objectives. Determine data Plan the data collection
requirements. process.( by distributing
survey or interviewing the
target respondents)

4 5 6
Organize and store the data. Perform data cleaning. Prepare data for analysis.
Probability and statistics

Analyzation of the study (intro)

In this study/research we have a
goal to know who ( in the population;
the members/ frontliners of CBBC
San Pablo) experience difficulty in
serving God.
Probability and statistics

Analyzation of the study

First we need to know what is the response
of the population in the survey:

Based on the computation of the central

tendency based on the survey, 44% of the
population strongly agreed that you can
experience difficulties…
Probability and statistics

Analyzation of the study (intro)

…15 % Agreed , 10 % answers the neutral, some or 7%
disagreed, but 25% percent of the study strongly
disagrees. Mean, median, and mode are measures used to
analyze data. The mean provides the average value and
indicates the center of the dataset, while the median
represents the middle value and is less influenced by
extreme values. The mode identifies the most frequently
occurring value. Together, these measures offer insights
into the central tendency, typical center value, and
common values in a dataset.
Probability and statistics


We see that many people will
experience that serving or being
in the ministry is difficult which
is as the Bible said :
“Yea, and all that will live godly in
Christ Jesus shall suffer
persecution.” – 2 Timothy 3:12

This verse also reminds us that
as believers who seek to live
godly lives in Christ Jesus, we
may face challenges and
persecution. However, it also
encourages us to remain
steadfast in our faith and
commitment to God, even in the
face of hardships.

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