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Noun (Noun) was everything we see or we can talk about and show
people, objects, places, plants, animals, moon, profession and so on. For
example: pens, December, Sunday, Jogjakarta, reading, cats, and others. In
one sentence, a noun can be used as the subject of the sentence, the object
of the verb, and object preposition or preposition.

Kinds of Nouns
Nouns are divided into two groups, namely:

1. Concrete nouns
2. Abstract nouns
Concrete Nouns (kata benda berwujud)
Concrete nouns are names of people, places, or objects, and so on that can be captured
by the five senses, the objects that kongkret.
 Concrete Nouns are divided into five groups , namely:
a). Common Nouns
That is a noun that indicates the type, class of objects, places and so on
a) bridge =jembatan
b) plane =pesawat terbang
b). Proper Nouns
Is names of people, places and so special to him alone. Proper nouns always begin with a
capital letter.
a) Jakarta ,Bandung ,Bengkulu
b) Amerika ,Jepang ,Belanda
c). Collective Nouns
In the form of a human (people), animals (animals) and an object (things). Some
specific words usually or always used to make collective nouns.
a) group =kelompok
b) bird =burung
d). Material Nouns
That is the name that indicates the name of the object that occurs by itself and not man-
a) sun =matahari
b) gold =emas
e). Compound Nouns
Which is a combination of two or more words. example:
a) Mother-in-law
b) Board of members
c) Court-martial
Abstract Nouns (kata benda tak berwujud)
Abstract nouns are nouns that can not be touched with the five senses. Abstract Nouns can
be formed from verbs, adjectives and other words. Absract Nouns formed from the verb
by adding "ment" in behind the verb.
a) To adjust (mengatur) => adjustment (pengatur)
b) To agree (menyetujui) => agreement (persatuan)
Abstract nouns derived from adjectives by adding the suffix ness on adjectives.
a) Good (baik) => goodness (kebaikan)
b) Polite (sopan) => politeness (kesopanan)
Nouns In the Form Singular and Plural
 The noun in the singular if it becomes plural by adding s or ice on a singular noun.
Example: Singular Plural
Pen ( Pena ) Pens ( Pena-pena )
Dog ( Anjing ) Dogs ( Anjing-anjing )

 If the noun ends in the letter s, sh, x, ch, and o, then behind the noun
: Singular Plural
plus es letters.
Example Bus (bis) Buses (bis-bis)
Brush (sikat) Brushes (sikat-sikat)

 When the noun ends the letter o, preceded by the letters off, then the
plural plus es. Singular Plural

Example Buffalo (kerbau) Buffaloes (kerbau-kerbau)

Negro (orang negro) Negroes (orang-orang negro)
 If the noun that ends in y preceded letter consonant (consonants), then y is
changed to i, then newly added es
Singular Plural
Army (tentara) Armies (tentara-tentara)
City(kota) Cities(kota-kota)
Lady (wanita) Ladies(wanita-wanita)
 When the noun ends of the Y that preceded the plural vowel plus s only just
and y unchanged.
Singular Plural
Boy (anak laki-laki) Boys (anak-anak laki-laki)
Day (hari) Days (hari-hari)
 When a noun ending in the letters f and fe, the plural f and fe converted into
Example Singular Plural
Thief (pencuri) Thieves (pencuri-pencuri)
Wife (istri) Wives (istri-istri)
 nouns that have the same shape between singular and plural.
singular Plural Artinya
Deer Deer Rusa
Sheep Sheep Biri-biri
 Some nouns that only changed the letter only in the plural (the exception)
Singular Plural
Child (anak) Children (anak-anak)
Foot (kaki) Feet (kaki-kaki)
Nouns are always in the singular form
singular Plural Artinya
News News surat kabar
Politics Politics Ilmu politik
By adding the adjective suffix ess.
 Busy (sibuk)  business (kesibukan)
 Weak (lemah)  weakness (kelemahan)
By adding the adjective suffix ty
 Active (giat)  activity (kegiatan)
 Possible (mungkin) possibility (kemungkinan)
By adding the adjective suffix th
 Dead (mati)  death (kematian)
 Long (panjang)  length (panjangnya)
By adding the adjective suffix ance
 Dilligen (rajin)  dilligence (kerajinan)
 Patient (sabar)  patience (kesabaran By adding the adjective suffix cy.
 Fluent (lancar)  fluency(kelancaran)
 Priminant (mulia)  priminancy (kemuliaan)
By adding suffixes on nouns ship.
 Friend(teman)  frienship (persahabatan)
Leader (pemimpin)  leadership (kepemimpinan)
By adding the suffix ist nouns.
Flower (bunga)  flowerist(pedagang bunga)
By adding a suffix to the verb age.
Advance (maju)  advantage (faedah)
 Use (menggunakan)  useage (kegunaan)

By adding the suffix or the verb.

 Collect (mengumpulkan)  collector (pengumpulan)

By adding a suffix to the verb ure.

 Fail (gagal)  failure (kegagalan)
 Seize (menyita)  seizure (penyitaan)
Countable Nouns
easily recognizable countable nouns, ie nouns that can be calculated, for
example: pen. We can calculate the pen. We may have one, two, three or more
 dog, cat, animal, man, person
 bottle, box, litre
 coin, note, dollar
Countable nouns dapat berupa singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak):
 My cat is playing .(tunggal)
 My cats are hungry. (jamak)
Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are nouns that can not be calculated, such as 'milk'.
We can not calculate 'milk'. We can calculate the 'bottles of milk' or
'liters of milk', but we can not count the 'milk' itself.
 Music, art, love, happiness
 Advice, information, news

Countable Uncountable
dollar money

song music

suitcase luggage

table furniture
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Th a n u m …
’a la i k
l a m u
Ass a

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