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Chapter 3 of Code on Sanitation of the

Philippines (P.D. 856) - Food
A PowerPoint presentation by Darell Valenciano

Food establishments need to be sanitary to ensure the safety and well-

being of their customers. Maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness
helps prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, viruses, and pathogens that
can cause foodborne illnesses. By following strict sanitation practices,
food establishments reduce the risk of contamination, safeguarding the
health of their patrons and maintaining a positive reputation.
ABOUT P.D. 856

Presidential Decree (P.D.) 856, also known as the "Code on Sanitation of

the Philippines," was issued on December 23, 1975. It covers a wide
range of topics related to public health and sanitation, including
regulations for food establishments, water supply, waste management,
and more. The decree aims to protect and promote the health of the public
by establishing standards and guidelines for various aspects of sanitation.
It's an important piece of legislation that contributes to ensuring the
safety and well-being of the population.

In this pivotal section of Presidential Decree 856, the focus is squarely on

ensuring the highest standards of sanitation and hygiene within food-
related environments. This chapter covers a comprehensive range of
guidelines and regulations aimed at safeguarding public health and
preventing foodborne illnesses. From the licensing and permitting of food
establishments to the proper handling of food by individuals involved in
its preparation and service, Chapter 3 plays a critical role in upholding
the safety of the food supply chain.
Obtaining licenses and permits from local health authorities is a
fundamental requirement for any food establishment. These legal
prerequisites ensure that establishments meet specific hygiene and
sanitation standards before they are allowed to operate. The role of local
health authorities in this process cannot be understated; they play a
crucial part in evaluating the facility's adherence to proper practices and
standards, thereby helping to maintain a safe environment for consumers.
The design and construction of food establishments serve as crucial
pillars in preventing contamination and ensuring public safety. Properly
designed establishments minimize the risk of cross-contamination,
provide optimal ventilation to reduce the growth of harmful
microorganisms, ensure adequate lighting for food preparation areas, and
facilitate efficient drainage systems to prevent waterborne contamination.
The layout of the facility is essential in creating a space that is easy to
clean and maintain, allowing for quick responses to sanitation needs.
Waste disposal and management facilities are also integrated into the
design to minimize health risks associated with improper waste handling.
Proper food handling practices lie at the core of preventing contamination
and ensuring the safety of the food supply. This section of Chapter 3
outlines a comprehensive set of guidelines for food storage, preparation,
cooking, and serving. By adhering to these practices, food handlers
significantly reduce the risk of introducing harmful pathogens into the
food. These guidelines encompass maintaining personal cleanliness,
wearing appropriate protective gear, preventing cross-contamination
through separate utensils and cutting boards, and ensuring proper cooking
temperatures to eliminate potential hazards.
The quality and safety of food products are pivotal to public health.
Within the context of Chapter 3, standards are set to ensure that the food
available to consumers is safe for consumption. Adulterated or
contaminated food items are prohibited from sale, and approved food
additives must be used within established limits. This not only safeguards
the well-being of consumers but also maintains consumer confidence in
the establishments they frequent. By upholding these standards, food
establishments contribute to building a healthy and thriving community.

Proper food display practices are essential for preventing contamination

and maintaining the quality of food products. Glass cases and
refrigeration are commonly used to protect food items from dust, pests,
and temperature variations. Additionally, clear and accurate labeling of
food items helps consumers make informed choices while ensuring the
visibility of important information such as expiry dates and allergen
warnings. By adhering to these guidelines, food establishments create a
transparent and trustworthy environment that reflects their commitment
to food safety and customer satisfaction.

Proper waste disposal practices play a vital role in maintaining a sanitary

environment within food establishments. Having appropriate waste
storage and disposal facilities prevents the attraction of pests, minimizes
the risk of contamination, and contributes to the overall cleanliness of the
premises. By managing waste efficiently, establishments ensure that
potential health hazards are contained and do not compromise the safety
of the food supply or the well-being of customers.

Ensuring the safety and sanitation of food does not end within the
premises of a food establishment. Proper transportation of food items is
equally critical to prevent contamination during transit. Guidelines for
safe transportation include maintaining appropriate temperatures for
perishable items, avoiding cross-contamination between raw and cooked
foods, and using proper packaging to prevent spillage and contact with
harmful microorganisms. Adhering to these guidelines safeguards the
integrity of the food and maintains its quality from the kitchen to the
Health authorities play a crucial role in maintaining the standards
outlined in Chapter 3. They have the authority to inspect food
establishments to ensure compliance with sanitation guidelines. Through
regular inspections, authorities identify potential violations, provide
warnings, and, if necessary, impose fines or suspend operations until
compliance is achieved. This proactive approach helps prevent non-
compliance and encourages establishments to consistently uphold the
highest standards of hygiene, thereby safeguarding public health and
enhancing consumer confidence.

Chapter 3 of Presidential Decree 856 serves as a cornerstone in the

protection of public health by addressing the critical aspects of food
safety and sanitation. From the licensing of establishments to the
transportation of food, each guideline within this chapter is designed to
prevent contamination, reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, and ensure
the safety and well-being of consumers. By understanding and
implementing the regulations laid out in Chapter 3, food establishments
contribute to a healthier and safer community, fostering trust and
confidence among their patrons.


THE PHILIPPINES (P.D. 856) - - Supreme Court E-Library. (n.d.).

Presidential Decree No. 856, s. 1975 | GOVPH. (1975, December 23).

Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.

Chapter 3 of Code on Sanitation of the

Philippines (P.D. 856) - Food
A PowerPoint presentation by Darell Valenciano

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