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Problem and Solution Essay

English Writing II (I)

Common synonyms and words
• Problem – issues, situation
• Causes – reasons, why
• Solution – deal with, address, tackle, remediate,
improve, measures taken, solved
Language for expressing cause and effect

Outlining a Problem-Solution Paper
• Communicating the Problem

How did this become a problem?

Why is it (still) a problem?

Why is it important / Why does it need to be fixed?

• Communicating the Solution(s)

Cover each potential solution to the problem in its own paragraph, or cover each
step of a multi-step solution with each step having its own paragraph.

Each body paragraph should have a clearly stated claim that is distinct from,
though connected to, the other paragraphs.
• Conclusion: Reiterating Importance
Recap your thesis statement (problem + brief overview of solution)
Close out your paper by emphasizing the importance of solving the problem you
have covered.
Six common errors
• Confusing problem and causes questions
• Having too many ideas
• Not developing your ideas
• Not developing both sides of the argument equality
• Not linking the problems and solutions
• Not being specific enough

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