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Hand Washing

Prepared by: Mr. Intizar Mehdi

Skill Instructor M-23
At the end of session learners will be able to:
Give brief Introduction of hand washing.

Explain the purpose of hand washing.

Identify when to wash hands at clinical side.

Perform the steps of hand washing.

Hand washing or hand hygiene is the act of cleaning ones
hand with or without the use of water or another liquid or
with the use of soap for the purpose of removing soil, dirt
and, or microbes.
Hand hygiene is very important at bedside ,as its an
effective measure to control infection.
WHO recommends 30-60 seconds duration for an effective
hand washing.
Purpose of hand washing
T o remove dirt or soil from hands.
To remove microbes from hands.
To prevent the risk of getting infection.
To prevent nosocomial (Hospital acquired) infection.
Time to wash hands
In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted preset
guidelines known as the "Five Moments for Hand Hygiene.“
1. Before touching or coming into contact with a patient
2. Before performing a clean or aseptic procedure
3. After an exposure risk to bodily fluids and glove removal
4. After contact with a patient and their immediate surroundings
5. After touching an inanimate object in the patient's immediate
surroundings even if no direct patient contact.
Five Moments for Hand Hygiene
Steps of hands washing
There are seven steps of hands washing
1. Rub hands palm to palm in circular motion (palm to palm)
2. Clean the back of each hand with palm of your opposite hand (palm to dorsum)
3. Scrub between your fingers and rub back and forth (Rub with interlaced fingers)
4. Clean back of your fingers by rubbing your interlocked fingers (Rub with
interlocked fingers)
5. Clean around each thumb with your opposite hand ( Thumb to palm)
6. Rub your fingertips on the palm of your opposite hand (fingertips to palm)
7. Wash each wrist with opposite hand (wrist to hand)
Step: 01

Rub hands palm

to palm
in circular
Step: 02
Clean the back
of each hand
with palm of
your opposite
Step: 03

Scrub between
your fingers
and rub back
and forth
Step: 04
Clean back of
your fingers by
rubbing your
Step: 05

Clean around
each thumb
with your
opposite hand
Step: 06

Rub your
fingertips on
the palm of
your opposite
Step: 07

Wash each
wrist with

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