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Lesson 3

a n d a s e l e c ti o n fr o m
Ca n o n i z e d W o r k s
P h ili p p in e L it e r a tu r e
e a r n i n g
en t i al L
o s t Ess es
M t en ci

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify:

a. the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary

history from pre-colonial to the contemporary
b. representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral history
research with focus on key personalities from the students’
an ce when a parti cu lar lit er ar y wor k is cano ni zed?
What is the signific

When a work is entered into the canon, thus canonized, it gains status and
an official inclusion into a group of literary works that are widely studied and

Who de cide s to ca no nize a partic ul ar w or k?

Those who decide whether a work will be canonized include

influential literary critics, scholars, teachers, and anyone whose
opinions and judgements regarding a literary work are also widely
am pl es of ca noni ze d wor ks ar e the following:
Some ex

Essay of Salvador P. Lopez, “Literature and Society”

Short Story of Manuel Arguilla, “How my Brother Leon Brought Home a


Poem of R. Zulueta da Costa, “Like the Molave” Novel of Juan C. Laya, “His

Native Soil”
ACTIVITY 1 and 2:

1. Draw a picture of a CHIMERA.

2. Briefly explain why the selection you read
is titled “Chimera”? Write your explanation
in not less than three paragraphs with 5
sentences each paragraph.
Activity 3

Number the following sentences based on the chronological arrangement of scenes in the selection you
have just read. Write your answer on the space provided.

____ I opened my eyes and realized I was back.

____ I entered the shop and a new face greeted me.
____ I woke up and realized that I fell asleep on Red’s lap.
____ We talked for hours. I didn’t mention that I was from the future.
____ I trooped down the stairs and approached my dad.
____ I went out of the room and slammed the door behind me.
____ He removed the necklace from his neck and handed it to me.
____ My family went to the States a year after that dream.
____ I bought it without thinking twice.
____ He held my hand and took the key from it.

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