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 Starting from the etymology of the word ‘robot‘, which has been in use since 1920, its meanings
are: ‘mechanical person’ or ‘forced worker’ (from czech robotnik).
 Today, these robots can now think and able to interact directly with humans, through sensing
neural and environmental signals, triggering movements in response.
 Rehabilitative robots help humans who lost limbs to move as if they still have their arms or legs.
 There are two sides to this coin:
 robots and AI will take some jobs away from humans but
 they will also create new ones.
 Since 2000, robots and automation systems have slowly phased out many manufacturing jobs 1.7
million of them.
 On the flip side, it’s predicted that AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025.
 In many cases, jobs that used to be done by people are going to be able to be done through
Will Robots Really be Taking Our Jobs
 Yes the answer is a mix of both yes and no. The robots in the world are mostly used in
automotive and electronics assembly lines.
 They can undertake repetitive tasks and are programmed to perform specific functions
including picking, packing and placing components. In contrast to people, robots can
perform such tasks without breaks and with utmost accuracy, leading to higher quantities
and a higher quality of finished goods.
 Furthermore, robots can now handle activities that require a sense of ‘human touch.’ It
happens by making robots more capable of feelings, for example, using force-torque
 Robots are able to handle grinding and polishing of non-uniform objects, a task a skilled
operator would previously have undertaken.
Will Robots Really be Taking Our Jobs…
 In such situations, there is definitely some cause for concern that robots could replace a
human role and robots can take some jobs of humans.
 Food preparation, Cleaning, Driving, were the occupations with the highest mean
probability of automation.
 These are roles that are typically low-skilled enough to be able to create the hardware or
software needed to save the employment cost but high enough paid to justify building the
 “The great labour shortages that have arisen all over the world have incentivized firms to
invest in new processes to allow them to keep meeting higher demand without seeing
costs spiral.”
Will Robots Really be Taking Our Jobs…
 It is true that AI has the potential to automate
many tasks currently performed by human
workers, it is unlikely that it will completely
replace humans in the workforce.
 AI is still limited in its abilities, and many
jobs require a human touch that cannot be
replicated by machines.
 Nowadays, construction production is already
able to replace human activities with
machines, such as drilling or polishing.
However, these simple machines cannot yet
completely replace the work of workers
How is AI changing the nature of work.
 With AI and Machine Learning, Chatbots are becoming smarter by the day and will soon
be able to answer complex search queries through both text and voice, proficiently. Now
you can efficiently focus on contracts, answer telephones, and build customer
relationships while AI automates much of the manual work.
 AI has the potential to increase productivity, create new jobs, and raise living standards.
However, by its very nature of performing “non-routine” tasks formerly thought to be
strictly the domain of humans, AI is likely to disrupt large swaths of jobs and tasks.
 The most suitable example of this is Siri and Alexa. The AI in these devices only
executes the tasks as demanded by the owner. This type of AI is used in those robots who
perform their tasks on their own. They do not need any kind of supervision once they are
programmed to do the task correctly.
What Kind of Jobs will be Taken by Robots
 The study also found a high probability of automation in the service, sales, and
construction sectors. Other sectors that are high on the list of being replaced by machines
are farming, fishing, and forestry and installation, maintenance, and repair.
 Some STEM Careers may also be on the line, as there are things that would greatly
benefit from automation and robotic maneuvers especially where hazardous materials are
 Here are the top ten jobs most likely to be automated by robots:
 Telemarketers
 Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers
What Kind of Jobs will be Taken by Robots…
 Sewers, Hand
 Mathematical Technicians
 Insurance Underwriters, Ware house
 Watch repairers, Customer Service
 Cargo and freight agents
 Tax preparers
 Photographic process workers and processing machine
How Robots can Take OUR JOB
 Robots are machines with programmed movements that allow them to move in certain
directions or sequences.
 Artificial intelligence has enabled robots to process information and to learn; electronic
sensors allow them to receive information about their surroundings and choose actions
based on that information.
 The jobs most susceptible to automation involve repetitive tasks, such as assembling
equipment, sorting information or documents, and performing routine processes like
 AI is and will continue to replace some jobs. Workers in industries ranging from
healthcare to agriculture and industrial sectors can all expect to see disruptions in hiring
due to AI. But demand for workers, especially in robotics and software engineering, are
expected to rise.
How Robots can Take OUR JOB…
 A robot can labor without salary and benefits you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and
is often quicker and makes fewer mistakes than a human.
 Employees can benefit from robots since they can effortlessly perform repetitive, tedious,
or risky tasks while people focus on more exciting tasks.
 Robots are also used in factories to build things like cars, candy bars, and electronics.
 Robots are now used in medicine, for military tactics, for finding objects underwater and
to explore other planets. Robotic technology has helped people who have lost arms or
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Assembly-line and factory workers:
 Robots are a great tool to help mankind. Assembly- line and
industrial robots controlled by computers can assemble cars
and other products, and were in use since the late 1950s.
 Today, almost all large manufacturing jobs use robots to
make millions of different products efficiently and at a low
 Many robots, like the Baxter and Sawyer from
Rethink Robotics, can be programmed by anyone.
 They do not require a skilled technician to program the robot
to perform the tasks it is programmed to perform. As robots
like these become smarter and cheaper,
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Assembly-line and factory workers:
 Robots are a great tool to help mankind. Assembly- line and
industrial robots controlled by computers can assemble cars
and other products, and were in use since the late 1950s.
 Today, almost all large manufacturing jobs use robots to
make millions of different products efficiently and at a low
 Many robots, like the Baxter and Sawyer from
Rethink Robotics, can be programmed by anyone.
 They do not require a skilled technician to program the robot
to perform the tasks it is programmed to perform. As robots
like these become smarter and cheaper,
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Bus drivers, taxi drivers, and truck drivers:
 Safer roads, fewer traffic jams through smart traffic
guidance systems and a reduction in CO2 emissions – those
are only three of the many aspects of driverless road
transport, controlled by Artificial Intelligence. This future
has only just begun.
 Manufacturing and pharmaceutical work:
 In pharmaceutical labs, robots can work together with
scientists providing a much safer environment. Scientists
will no longer be putting their lives less at risk
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Soldiers:
 Military robots are autonomous robots or remote-
controlled devices which designed for military
applications, They can walk through minefields,
deactivate unexploded bombs or clear out hostile
buildings. The United States Military is already using
autonomous drones that conduct surveillance and
attack without the assistance of humans
 Security Guards:
 AI has made substantial advancements in the field of
physical security. For example, Yelp’s security
robot can inspect a building with its high-definition
 Robot has also a directional mic and infrared sensor
that can detect any suspicious activity. There is an
84% chance that AI will fully automate this sector in
the future.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Courier services:
 AI has introduced many social and
economic changes to the delivery
industry. It has streamlined
various logistics and supply chain
 Drones and robots are already taking over
courier services. Aside from the
manufacturing industry, the transport
sectors will be most affected when
robotic automation booms in the future
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Customer service executives:
 They don’t require a high level of social or emotional intelligence to perform. Many
companies now rely on AI to answer FAQs and customer support questions. Chatbots are
not only becoming a significant part of customer interaction. They also support a lot of
internal queries, among others.
 Bookkeeping and data entry:
 There is a chance you may not have heard of bookkeeping as a profession in a long time.
Instead of using humans for data entry and bookkeeping, it makes sense for AI and ML
(Machine Learning) to be introduced in the product cycle.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Receptionists:
 And with auto check-ins in both large and small hotels, there will be a lesser need for
receptionists in the long run. Nowadays, even in fast food joints, people can place orders
through communication screens or tabs. With AI’s introduction, there is a good chance
that robots can handle ordering and other related functions.
 Proofreading
 While editing is a more complex job in terms of tonality, comprehension, and others,
proofreading is much simpler. Detecting grammatical mistakes, sentence construction,
and other errors can easily be automated through different apps. For
example, Grammarly is one of the most famous apps that professionals use for this
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Market research analysts:
 Research analysts are crucial for every organization. They conduct market research to
increase the performance of their business. AI-enabled robots are gaining popularity in
this sector because of the comprehensive data that they provide.
 Retail services:
 Automated services have replaced people who carry out the way sales. From several
merchants focussing on self-ordering and payment options, AI can very quickly be
involved as well.
 Robots are replacing retailer jobs in many shopping conglomerates to
understand customers’ patterns. Moreover, the advanced data analysis of AI machines
shows other products that customers might be interested in in the future.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Bomb squad:
 Bomb disposal robots are actively used by the military and police to examine and, if
found, destroy bombs without endangering human life. These robots are not autonomous
and still require remote controlling by a human, but they're an example of robots assisting
 Chefs and Cooks:
 There are robots that prepare much of the packaged food you find in the store. However,
there are also companies, like Moly Robotics, who're working on creating robotic arms to
act as a personal chef in your home kitchen. These robots could use your recipes or
recipes from professional chefs.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Doctors, Anesthesiologist, and Surgeon robots:
 Robots are assisting highly skilled professions, like doctors and anesthesiologists. In
some cases, robots are replacing humans to perform common surgeries or tasks without
the aid of a human.
 IBM's Watson computer is also used in the medical field to help doctors diagnose and
review medical information and medical history. Watson is even helping in the
development of medical research. As it becomes smarter and faster, it's going to take the
place of many jobs that are handling the same tasks.
 Bartenders:
 There are already companies working on and implementing systems to replace bartenders
that serve alcohol or coffee drinks. Services like Briggo are replacing baristas with robots
to make many popular drinks and learn how to make new drinks.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Cashiers:
 Self-checkout lines are already found in most grocery stores today. Although these
computers are still watched by one human, that one person is doing the job for what used
to require several people.
 Bank tellers and clerks:
 Today, ATMs have replaced human workers as a way for people to deposit and withdraw
money from their bank at any time of the day.
 Banks and the financial industry may soon become even more disrupted as more people
move to a digital currency, like bitcoin, and handle their financial transactions using their
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Journalists and reporters:
 Many news agencies and websites are already employing the help of computer-assisted
writing (e.g., ChatGPT) and information gathering software robots. If you read news
stories on the Internet, you have very likely read a story generated by a computer and not
a human. As software becomes smarter, it's going to replace even more journalist and
reporter jobs.
 Stock traders:
 Today's stock market is full of computers that buy and sell stocks online, replacing many
of the stock trader jobs that used to exist. In the past, there were stock floor traders who
handled all stock trading. Today, most of the trading is controlled by computers.
What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?
 Home and Small Garden:
 Even your home garden is being automated with projects, like Farmbot, to plant produce
of your choice, efficiently water those plants, and remove weeds for you as everything
 Hotel Staff and Room Service:
 There are a few hotels that have started experimenting with replacing hotel staff, such as
receptionists and room service employees, with robots that complete the same tasks. Like
all other technologies, as they become more efficient and more widely accepted, many of
these jobs are being replaced by robots and computers.
Comparison of Humans and robots

 When the human body dies, it will no longer  Robots that can easily be repaired. Although
come back to life robots are said to show complex processes or
 Humans are organic beings
 A robot is a machine.
 Humans are far more complex and superior
 Robots are not Organic
 They are capable of forming relationships, and
generating complex feelings, or emotions  Robots are preferably those who possess a
mechanical limb, can move about, and even do
some changes in its immediate physical

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