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Need, Want, Would Like & Like

You know I like to

visit my parents once a
month. I want to go see I would like to go with
them next weekend. you, but I need to
work next weekend.
Would like, like, want and need have
similarities and differences in meaning.
You know I like to
visit my parents once a
month. I want to go
see them next I would like to go
weekend. with you, but I need to
work next weekend.

Need and want both indicate the desire for

I want to take a vacation.

I want to visit my father.

I have a great computer, but I want a new one.

Need and want both indicate the desire for
something. Need implies that the thing
desired is very important or required.

I want to take a vacation.

We need money for a vacation.
I want to visit my father.
My father is sick. I need to visit him.
I have a great computer, but I want a new one.
My computer broke, so I need a new one.
She broke her leg. She needs to go to the hospital.
Need and want can both be used
with a noun or an infinitive.

I want to take a vacation.

We need money for a vacation.
I want to visit my father.
My father is sick. I need to visit him.
I have a great computer but I want a new one.
My computer broke, so I need a new one.
She broke her leg. She needs to go to the hospital.
Would like has the same meaning as want.
Would like is more polite than want but
want is commonly used.
We have a problem
here. I would like you
to do something about I would like to do
it. something. What do
you want me to do?

Please can be added to the end of either a want or
a would like request to make it more polite.

I want you to call

a meeting,

Please cannot be added to the beginning
of either a want or a would like request.

Please, I want you

to call a meeting.

Would like and like have different meanings.
Like means that someone always or usually enjoys

I like big, friendly dogs.

She likes vacations in sunny places.

We like to buy a new computer every two years.

Would like means that someone wants
something now or in the future.

I like big, friendly dogs.

I would like to have a big friendly dog some day.
She likes vacations in sunny places.
They would like to take a vacation this winter.
We like to buy a new computer every two years.
Jack would like to buy a new computer.

Need, Like, Would Like & Like

Click on the sentences that mean

Mary enjoys travelling.

Mary says, “I want to travel.” incorrect

Mary says, “I like travelling.” correct

Mary says, “I like to travel.” correct

Need, Like, Would Like & Like

Click on the most polite sentence.

Mary says, “I want to buy a

train ticket.”

Mary says, “I want to buy a polite, but not the

train ticket, please.” most polite

Mary says, “I would like to buy

a train ticket, please.”

Need, Like, Would Like & Like

Click on the best choice to complete the sentence.

He lost his only pair of shoes.

He ______ new shoes to wear to school.
needs wants would like likes

Wearing shoes to school is necessary.

Need, Like, Would Like & Like

Click on the best choice to complete the statement.

He owns more pairs of shoes than he needs.

He really ______ shoes.

needs wants would like likes

He doesn’t need more shoes.

He only likes shoes a lot.

Need, Like, Would Like & Like

Click on the correct choice to complete the sentence.

He sees a pair of shoes that he likes.

He ________ to have these shoes.

needs would like likes

Need, Want, Would Like & Like

The End

Created by Laurette Poulos Simmons


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